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futurelaker88's avatar

What do you think of this video?

Asked by futurelaker88 (1600points) March 2nd, 2009
29 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

Just want to hear your thoughts on this video…

take notice of his nationality/race

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2060's avatar

I am european, my best friend was born in africa and i do love obama!

futurelaker88's avatar

@2060 – ill repeat the question…

What do you think of this video?

btko's avatar

Which is worse, a radical communist or a radical christian?

aprilsimnel's avatar

IMO, Alan Keyes is a crank. I see how sincerely he believes what he’s saying, but I think he’s wrong. And if Obama has some policy where babies can be born alive but still “aborted,” I want to see proof. If Obama’s mother is either not his mother or not an American citizen, I want to see proof. if he can’t come up with any, then he needs to take his considerable talents and try to actually help people.

But then he’s aligned with Phyllis Schlafly and the Eagle Forum, so I’m not going to expect much from him in the way of actual, tangible help toward his fellow citizens.

Bri_L's avatar

@ 1:28 he proves what I suspected his tainted views were projecting all along. The guy is nuts. He is a natural born citizen. This guy is a joke.

Obama’s Birth Cirtificate

futurelaker88's avatar


“As a state senator in the Illinois legislature, Barack Hussein Obama torpedoed SB.1082 which would have required medical providers to give normal medical attention to infants born alive during an abortion. In other words, without this bill if a mother is trying to abort her pregnancy, but the baby is born alive anyway, the doctor could kill it or not provide it with life sustaining care without the passage of this bill. So, Obama is, indeed, a baby killer. Or at the very least, sees nothing wrong with killing them or letting them die of neglect. His first vote to let these murders take place was when he voted “present” (essentially “no” in the Illinois senate) on SB.1095. But the biggie came on SB.1082.

But, in order to swoon the swelling masses of blinded followers he has amassed, Obama has been lying about the reasons he shot down the Senate bill. According to his original explanation, the federal legislation that had passed unanimously (and which the Illinois version was modeled after), included a clause stating that the bill was not to be construed to protect anything but babies born alive. Obama claimed the Illinois version did not contain that clause, and so he could not vote for it. But it turns out that the Illinois bill did contain the provision, and not only did Obama know it, he voted to put it there. The National Right To Life Committee has been doing some research…”

so there is proof of that. and isnt the fact that he is UNWILLING TO SHOW HIS BIRTH CERTIFICATE horrifying to you guys!?!? how did he even get in!!

SeventhSense's avatar

I think that the extreme right like the extreme left are woefully ignorant of what it takes to steer this country. And as to the radical anti abortionists who are so concerned with the world being underpopulated, please visit a slum in Brazil, Indonesia or Cambodia. If you want to serve life then do it and stop the dogmatic political agenda of the Roman catholic Church and other entrenched pseudo religious bigotries. Yes we take life and preserve other lives. These choices are made every day in hospitals. Of course we need to do it humanely. Obama not signing that bill-SB1082 was to avoid this foot in the door mentality that lawyers on the right would love to have. If they can pass laws like this then they can work off these small victories to whittle away precedent that has been established.
If there were any questions as to his citizenship I am certain that the Limbaughs and O’Reillys would have uncovered that by now. But more importantly, please tell me what the previous administrations did to solve this crisis? They actually caused it. Between 2003–2004 12 billion dollars in cash on palettes was sent to Iraq for rebuilding. To his day they can not account for billions of it and their accounting oversight was laughable. Can you imagine 12 billion dollars in hundreds and twenties entering into a war zone for contractors without oversight? Can you say “HEE HAW!”. In addition to the 100’s of billions spent on that fiasco in the first place. OMG please do not tell me about trickle down economics or bailing out banks anymore or I will move to Norway. And how about the fact that if you get a bailout because you’re too big to fail then as part of the settlement you agree to be subdivided into manageable business models that can fail.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Well, at least your source is up front about their agenda. But that doesn’t make Alan Keyes’ statements correct.

Re: birth certificate:

Petition denied. And this is a court packed with conservatives. Why on earth would they want to help him, unless… he’s a bona fide United States citizen, and so they must follow the law on that matter?

As for post-birth abortion, The state senator who sponsored the bill had this to say:

None of those who voted against SB-1082 favored infanticide. Rather their zeal for pro-choice dogma was clearly the overriding force behind their negative votes rather than concern that my bill would protect babies who are born alive.

In 2005, I joined 116 state representatives and 54 senators in voting for HB-984, which contained the same born-alive definition and neutrality language as Senate Bill 1082, plus some extra language to satisfy the most zealous pro-choice legislators, yet harmless to the bill’s purpose. No one voted against it. We had finally accomplished what we had set out to do—protect a newborn baby’s life.

-Rick Winkel
Former state senator

Now unless there was a gun being held to the man’s head, I’d have to take his word for it that that’s what happened in the Illinois Senate.

dalepetrie's avatar

To paraphrase his short lived TV program “Alan Keyes is Not Making Sense”.

Nothing new to add. Everything Keyes said is a far right, lunatic fringe talking point. The birth certificate thing has been debunked thoroughly. You’ve friggin’ SEEN his birth certificate, but I suppose if you want to believe badly enough that’ he’s not a citizen, I suppose you could contrive a scenario under which he could have had both that certificate AND the birth announcement from his hometown paper in Hawaii faked, though I’d like to know where he got the time machine to make the latter happen. Keyes had drunk the Republican Kool Aid about trickle down economics, and refuses to spit it out even after 28 years of looking after businesses first and people never has utterly destroyed out economy. As for the abortion ban, Obama objected to language in the bill which could have, neigh WOULD have been used by abortion foes to push to ban ALL abortions, though he signified his support for the spirit of the bill, and did indeed support it once the problems inherent in it were fixed. Make no mistake about it, this bill in question was designed to define life as beginning at conception by defining any unborn fetus OR embryo as a human, that NEEDED to be fixed or abortion would be banned and we’d be back to the coathanger days.

So what do I think about this video. I think it’s a run of the mill interview of a crazy, irrelevant, out of touch politician who has strong opinions, knows all the talking points, but has zero facts to back up his assertions.

syz's avatar

It’s bunk.

syz (35943points)“Great Answer” (0points)
Bri_L's avatar

@dalepetrie – Amen.

futurelaker88's avatar

@btko – im not quite sure i understand that? if thats supposed to be a statement opposing christianity, then quite frankly im afraid for our country. if youre saying that you would rather have a communist/dictatorship than a christian-based country, im far more afraid if America as a whole holds this view.

Likeradar's avatar

@futurelaker88 Are you implying Obama is a dictator, or intends to be a dictator? If so, what evidence do you have to support this?

Regarding the video- There are people with radical, far-reaching, unsupported, nonfactual, tainted beliefs on both sides of any issue. I think Alan Keys is just one of those people.

Also, when you say in your OP to take note of his race- are you talking about Alan’s race, or the “controversy” of Obama’s nationality?

augustlan's avatar

^^ What dale said. Please.

futurelaker88's avatar

im not implying Obama is a dictator, i was asking if @btko was saying he would prefer a dictator over a Christian. he said “what’s worse a radical communist or a radical Christian? im assuming that was directed at Christians with the connotation that they are worse. and in regards to race, i wanted people to realize that it was a black man (alan keyes) making these remarks. ONLY because i know it would be dismissed as racist remarks if it were a white man sting these things. but i looked at it as stronger because a black man is taking this side.

Bri_L's avatar

I dismiss them because they are incorrect and founded in a belief that wants to paint a black or white view of the issues he is seeing. I don’t care if he is black or white.

futurelaker88's avatar

@bri_l lol that last statement sounded like one of my favorite songs ;)

Likeradar's avatar

Keyes being a black man does not make his arguments any more valid.

Bri_L's avatar

@futurelaker88 – Hehe. Now I am singing the statement to see if it helps me figure it out. hehe

Michael's avatar

I find it interesting that futerlaker88 wrote, “take note of his nationality/race,” in his question. @futurelaker88 are you under the impression nationality and race are the same thing and therefore can be crammed together with only a slash to separate them? Alan Keyes is American (that’s his nationality) and black (that’s his race, as we’ve defined it). Same goes for Obama. And frankly, I’m not sure what either have to do with Keyes’ unhinged remarks.

btko's avatar

No no, I’m not saying radial communists are better than radical christians.. haha I’m just trying to show that radical anything isn’t good. And Alan Keyes sounds like a radical Christian.

And besides what exactly about Obama makes him a communist, and a radical one at that? I don’t see him ripping apart the class system in the United States… I do see him riding around in a $600,000 limo/tank

futurelaker88's avatar

@btko – and i dont see what makes Keyes a “radical Christian” either. I didnt even hear him mention God or Jesus once in the entire video. is it just the fact that he is against killing live babies? or maybe that he doubts the validity of our presidents birth certificate? how do any of these things point to Christianity?

dalepetrie's avatar

@futurelaker88 -

First off it doesn’t seem you understand the difference between advocating for a particular action, and being against that same action but believing that a prescribed course of action to prevent it is structurally flawed. Everything you have posted on this has been produced by people with a clearly stated agenda to end all abortions in this country. What they have done is what right wingers have become experts at doing…they have seized upon a molehill and turned it into a mountain, DELIBERATELY misrepresenting the meaning of the actions of their political foes. Obama’s record is crystal clear, he wants to reduce the number of abortions, but he wants to keep safe legal abortions available for those who choose to have them, up to a certain point of neo-natal development. Essentially, he supported both the federal and Illinois state bans on “partial-birth” abortions, i.e. those abortions where a living fetus was delivered and then had to be killed. He has stated clearly and in no uncertain terms that he is against that, but his political foes want you to think otherwise. Consider that when the bill actually DID pass (and it DID while Obama was a State Senator), Obama voted FOR the ban. You get that, he voted FOR the ban on partial birth abortion. He did so because he does NOT believe in murdering infants who were born alive. All these organizations and political foes who want you to believe otherwise have going for them is the fact that he did NOT vote for it the first time it was introduced. He did NOT vote for it the first time because the first draft of the bill contained language that would have allowed future courts to define life as begining at conception, which is what Keyes and his cohorts WANT. But it’s not what America wants, that is a radical position which comes from religion, which is what btko was talking about. Radicalism…is religious radicalism any worse than social radicalism, or vice versa? That’s the point you missed completely there. Guys like Keyes are religious zealots who believe that life begins at conception and abortion should be illegal because it is not God’s will.

So what they do is they sieze upon the fact that Obama did not just vote yes on this bill the first time, and they ascribed a motive to his actions that did not ever exist. Instead of accepting that his motivation was to make the language in the bill less “spongy” so that a future court could not use it to strike down all abortions (which is clearly not what the people of Illinois who he represented would have wanted to happen), they essentially made up the lie that Obama supports infanticide. But who are you going to believe….the actual Illinois Senate (including the Republicans)? Obama himself now that he actually signed the bill into law essentially shitting all over this argument? Or someone who’s had his ass handed to him in not one, but TWO elections by Obama (first in his run for Senate in 2004 and again in the 2008 Presidential election where Keyes placed 7th)? This is nothing more than sour grapes from someone whose ideas have been rejected in elections not twice, but 6 separate times (3 for Senate runs and 3 for Presidential runs).

So you point out that he’s black, which should somehow mean something. Well, personally if a white person says something I don’t agree with, I don’t automatically take his opinion with more weight than I would if a black person disagreed with me…gee that seems like it would be racism! Other than the color of the pigmentation in their skin, what do Keyes and Obama even have in common? Certainly not political ideology. Certainly not culutral ideology. What would make Keyes’ words ANY more poignant than (or less racist) than those of Philip J. Berg? In case you don’t know, Berg is a white attorney who filed a lawsuit 3 months before Keyes did, alleging the same thing. His case is pending, but he has failed to convince even the most conservative members of the Supreme Court to delay the election or innauguration, his allegations have been called baseless by the court in fact, just like the allegations that he made a few years ago when he sued the Bush administration for orchestrating 9/11. Just like Keyes’, Berg is an opponent of Obama, having been an ardent Hillary Clinton supporter. And just like Keyes, his allegations have no basis in reality…there is simply not evidence, nor any witnesses who can demonstrate that Obama is not a natural born citizen in spite of his birth certificate, which Obama DID produce and DID have on his campaign website for quite some time, even if you don’t realize it.

What this brings up in my opinion is that anyone could claim that I wasn’t a natural born citizen if they wanted to, even though I can prove I am by providing my birth certificate. But if they wanted to, they could claim I was lying, they could claim it was a fake, they could tell the public that I didn’t provide it even if I did, they could cast aspersions, but you know what? It wouldn’t make me not a citizen, just like it doesn’t make Obama not a citizen when someone does this to him. This here is what I call a put up or shut up scenario. You can make any lunatic claim you want, but you have to PROVE IT. I personally think there’s plenty of evidence to say that Bush was not actually elected in 2000, and I personally did not call him President, I called him Resident Bush, but that didn’t make him not be the President now did it? So I say, give Berg and Keyes and any other nutjobs their day in court, let them PROVE their allegations, and when they fail, they’ll be exposed as sour grapes whiny bitches.

Until then, how about this. I’ll go around saying futurelaker88 is gay and likes to murder nuns, and my basis will be that I’ve never seen him kiss a girl or not murder a nun. Holds just about as much water. And if I did that, I would essentially be setting up an impossible task for you…because no matter what you did from here on out, even if you married a woman and had your entire life taped 24/7 so you could demonstrate that NOT ONCE were you filmed with a man (or murdering a nun), how do we know what you did BEFORE the cameras went on? You can’t just ask someone for evidence of something and then refuse the evidence they give you and make up your own evidence.

And one last comment re your last quip, what btko is saying is that that Keyes’ statements were consistent with a radical Christian ideology that says that abortion is wrong. Maybe he’s got other reasons, but those pushing this particular argument are the evangelical Christians, he’s using their arguments, so the statement about radical Christianity is more about the idea than the man. And the point is that radicalism is not what we want, period.

futurelaker88's avatar

again with the name calling from the non-religious “tolerant” folks. lol thanks guys. you never fail to contradict yourselves.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

I thought the crowd in the background was annoying.

SeventhSense's avatar

Some salient points but HOLY LONG THREAD!!

dalepetrie's avatar

trying to figure out who called who a name and what name was used

@SeventhSense – long threads…kinda my calling card, no apologies, I say what I think in a way that makes sense to me.

janbb's avatar

Ah – I miss these good old pre-election threads! :-)

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