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punkrockworld's avatar

Have you ever been in love?

Asked by punkrockworld (960points) March 7th, 2009
28 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

Some people say they have never been in love. How do you know for sure you are?

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googlybear's avatar

When I could see myself with the woman I love for the rest of my life and realized that I wanted to spend more time with her than anyone else, that’s when I knew I was in love. That was 20+ years ago and I still feel the same way about her that I did that day…

madcapper's avatar

Did she rock my dome? then nope…

May2689's avatar

Yes, Im in love with a wonderful man that loves me back and he’s incredible in everyway. Sadly, I have misbehaved in the past, but it just made me realize how much I love my man and how important he is in my life. I am very very much in love and I plan on staying that way, even with my shady past.

prasad's avatar

This may be commented by anybody. But, those who have experienced it firsthand know it better.
The greatest of all is the love of God!

augustlan's avatar

I’m of the school of thought that if you aren’t sure if you’re in love, you’re not.

Triiiple's avatar

Love is different for everyone but i feel like i have and no its not God or Jesus’ fairy tale love.

Vincentt's avatar

Nope, I’m one of those people :(

@prasad – love of God is something else than being in love.

Randy's avatar

Well, I’ve thought I was in love before. Turns out, it apparently hasn’t happened to me yet… several times.

SuperMouse's avatar

Yes I have been – am – in love. I have heard love defined as caring more for someone else’s happiness than you do for your own. That is a pretty good place to start as far as I’m concerned. Me? I was able to tell by the smell that this is for real. The best smell in the entire world to me is him. If you don’t find the smell intoxicating, maybe it isn’t love.

wundayatta's avatar

You need to take the epithilomia test. It’s the definitive test for whether you are in love, or not. It was developed by scientists in Disneyland, after it was discovered that Princess movies had a strange side effect of causing girls to swoon in movie theaters. They needed to test the movies to make sure they didn’t pass the love threshhold. (It wasn’t good for business to have all the girls throwing themselves at ushers right in front of their parents).

I’m not sure why it’s the epithilomia test, because it sounds a lot like the epithelioma test, which is something quite different. Anyway, if you think you are in love, you have to go to the Disney labs and get the test. Then you’ll know for sure.

wundayatta's avatar

My apologies, everyone. It’s not the epithilomia test. It’s the eroserrata test. I hope it’s not too late to prevent you from getting the wrong test. The epithilomia test is to see whether you have a fear of public speaking, while nude.

marinelife's avatar

You don’t have to ask.

trumi's avatar

Just the once. She broke up with me a week ago. Didn’t love me back, so the relationship wasn’t healthy. I want her back, but I don’t think it’s gonna happen.

On the one hand I’m glad to know that I could never find somebody as emotionally unavailable, so I won’t have to try nearly so hard to make future relationships work. On the other hand, I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to love someone as much as I love her. Sounds childish, but I still worry. But chances are this is just a stepping stone, I know that.

I’m been a mess. I’m trying to get a grip now. I need to be okay.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I was once. I think he may have been in return, but I never believed anyone like him could care about me at all, I was terrified of being in a relationship and I was so afraid that my issues would affect him, I did my best to push him away. It worked. He tried to stay friends with me after we broke up but I couldn’t handle it and he lives in another country, so we haven’t spoken in years. I hope very deeply that he’s found the woman of his dreams and that he’s happy.

I hope that about the men I wasn’t in love with, too, actually.

Unfortunately, I think I’ve pretty much made it so that in the minds of all the men I’ve dated, I am “that crazy woman” that was their GF one time.


Jack79's avatar

all the time

and yes, you know it when it happens

wundayatta's avatar

@aprilsimnel: how many men have you met who believed they could rescue you? Or saw you as a challenge?

loser's avatar

Yes. It’s wonderful when it’s there are horrible when it’s not.

aprilsimnel's avatar

@daloon – None. No man has seen me as a challenge or tried to rescue me. I put that out there clearly enough that I don’t want to be rescued.

I have felt for many many years that if my major issues aren’t fixed, then I’m not going to be able to have a good relationship. Since I don’t want to dump my stuff on some poor man, I’ve just stayed out of the pool. I’m in therapy. No guy deserves to have to come home to my stuff. I felt bad enough when I realized I was doing it to the last major man. The previous serious relationships were with men who were very, very needy, and I took care of them emotionally, just like I did my guardian as a child. It was a relief not to have to constantly bolster the last guy emotionally. He was rather healthy in that regard.

wundayatta's avatar

@aprilsimnel: well, color me surprised. I would have thought some knight in shining armour would have seen a damsel in distress and believed he could rescue her. But, more power to you for not running with that myth.

I don’t get the reverse myth, though: you taking care of needy guys when you are the one who needs support. I wish you luck, in any case.

cak's avatar

When I knew I was in love with my husband, it wasn’t a struggle. I didn’t question it, I was in love.

Looking back on my first marriage, I think I did struggle, the entire time. I just tried to convince myself that I loved him. I’m not sure he ever loved me, though. He was a safe person for me to be with, I had been through something very traumatic and he was the first person I trusted enough to let into my life.

Looking back at things, I think I’ve only truly been in love, once. I’m still in love with him and it grows stronger every day. I’ve never met anyone like my husband.

cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (0points)
TitsMcGhee's avatar

I’ve been in love, and I know because I still can’t let go, and I still have this nagging feeling that we’re not done yet.

trumi's avatar

@tits God yes. I’m texting her right now. Probably a bad idea =/

augustlan's avatar

@trumi Stop it! Put the phone down. Now.

trumi's avatar

She fell asleep in the middle of our final, breaking up, this is what is best conversation. I guess I’ll get closure… Never….
Thank you August. Really. I’m trying to stay away and get over her.

cak's avatar

@trumi I’m sorry…I wish there was some way to make this easier. :(

cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (0points)
augustlan's avatar


trumi's avatar

Thanks :)

lakersfuture's avatar

Like I responded in one question similar to this one… This is harsh but picture it this way… The person you care about is in a car accident and they are paralized… Would you stay by this persons side through everything that life throws at you? If you say yes it is true love and if you say no then it is probably a fling or you have to build a closer relationship.

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