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bluedoggiant's avatar

Does everyone use mac on

Asked by bluedoggiant (648points) March 8th, 2009
52 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

I have been noticing a large amount of people using macs on this site. Makes me wonder, is that really the target audience for this site?

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eambos's avatar

Hell no. I hate apple.

augustlan's avatar

Hello, I’m a PC.

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

No, but there are a number of people on fluther who are in creative professions, and Mac is the computer of choice for graphics.

eambos's avatar

Not really.

jtvoar16's avatar

I fully agree with AlfredaPrufrock: I used to use PC, then Vista happened, and I started using Mac, now, I have no reason to go back. Everything runs better on the mac, (oh wait, except my FTP program. That is the only one that doesn’t run on the mac directly. I have to run it in XP.)

But I use it for all my media purposes.

But, as for your question: No, I think most people are on PC, or their iPhones (or at least that is how it used to be.)

iwamoto's avatar

you know, i never do anything ountandingly creative, and still i use a mac, because i think it just suits me better.

@jtvoar16, tried cyberduck yet ?

chelseababyy's avatar

Windows baby, Windows.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I’m on a PC.

jtvoar16's avatar

No, not as of yet. How does it work? Does it support direct P2P? I use giggatribe to send most of my cliental their photos (as most of them are 20meg, to 1gig+)

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

PC, but I’m soon converting.

SeventhSense's avatar

I might follow suit. If I have to reload Window one more time…

arnbev959's avatar

I have a PC.

jtvoar16's avatar

to all those of you thinking of converting to mac but fear the unknown; do as I did in the beginning: Use BootCamp (included with Mac OSX 10.5.x) and an old XP (or Vista, or any other windows OS you want) disk to load both Windows and Mac onto your computer, then use ether VMWare or Parallels to run both at the same time. Allowing you to still use XP, but adventure into the world of Mac. It sounds hard, but it is not, it is just time consuming.
That’s just my two-cents to that. If you don’t mind paying for it, you can even have the “Geniuses” at the mac store do all that for you.

asmonet's avatar

Nope. :)

Judi's avatar

Im PC too.

Foolaholic's avatar

In fact, no. I proudly sport a IBM Thinkpad, T61 widescreen.

cookieman's avatar

me = creative type = mac user

But I think there are more PCs here. Apple folk are just more vocal. There’s also a good amount of iPhone users (which I also use).

Likeradar's avatar

I’m a PC, and I fluther.

casheroo's avatar

PC. I know nothing about computers, I’m the only 22 year old I know that doesn’t get how to do snazzy computer stuff.

DrBill's avatar

I’m old school PC, to the point that I program in DOS. (and seven other languages)

adreamofautumn's avatar

I’m a Mac, i’m pretty sure i’ll always be a Mac. My first laptop was a Powerbook, my latest is a Macbook. If I could worship Steve Jobs as a legitimate deity I probably would. I don’t have any problem with PC users though…it’s all up to them. If asked about what type of PC to buy i’d probably recommend a Mac over a PC, but it’s less that I think everyone should have a Mac and more because in my personal experience my Mac’s have been waaaaaay more rugged. I feel like PC’s are fragile little creatures, and moody. Possibly they just hate me, who knows. :):)

babiturtle36's avatar

Imma PC and iPhone girl. :)

skfinkel's avatar

I have a PC, but was thinking of buying a MAC—why do you dislike them?

btko's avatar

I use both – they both have their place.
Windows is great for games, Mac is great for everything else.

bluedoggiant's avatar

i do not
been using macs ever since the intel switch, i love them

eambos's avatar

Here are my gripes against Macs:
Only usuable on their hardware.
Insane premium.
Very limited hardware upgrades.
Very little tweakablity.
No overclocking.
Every little new upgrade costs money (10.4 to 10.5 vs free service packs)
Ugly UI (IMHO)
Doesn’t let you have as much ability to change things.
No individuality.

That’s most of the list. It’s late, and I can’t think.

lefteh's avatar

I’m a Mac fanboy. For sure.

StellarAirman's avatar

Only usuable on their hardware.
Not true, though it is a hack to get it to run on a PC and a bit of a pain. I would not do this myself. And the fact that you can only use it on their hardware is also one of the main reasons for its stability and ease of use. They don’t have to try to make it work with a million different products like Windows does, they just have to make it work on the hardware they choose to use. I know that’s a turn off for people that like to build PCs and stuff but for “regular users” it’s a benefit in the long run.

Insane premium.
It is more expensive than building your own, but a comparable specced PC computer is usually very close to the same price as a Mac. Especially ones that compete in the same category like laptops and all-in-one desktop machines. Apple does not compete in the bargain-PC market, so there will always be some bottom of the barrel PC that is cheaper.

Very limited hardware upgrades.
True, but it’s just the way they design their machines. Windows-based all-in-one machines have similarly limited upgradeability, as do laptops. I have a Mac Pro though (their big desktop model) and do get frustrated that I can’t easily upgrade the video card to the latest PC model, etc.

Very little tweakablity.
If you like to tinker with the innards of computers, switch out fans, try to get the last mhz of performance out of a PC, then it’s true the Mac doesn’t really compare there. But, different strokes for different folks. A lot of people just like to use their computers, not tweak them. I understand both sides though.

No overclocking.
_True. Again different strokes I suppose. _

Every little new upgrade costs money (10.4 to 10.5 vs free service packs)
Going from 10.4 to 10.5 and other upgrades are more like going from XP to Vista, not just minor service pack tweaks. Also an upgrade of Mac OS X is only $129 whereas the slower updates of Windows are more expensive, plus there are only two versions of OS X, normal and server edition. You don’t have to pay $300 for the ultra supreme wow edition just to get all of the features.

Ugly UI (IMHO)
Can’t argue with your opinion, but of course I disagree. :)

Doesn’t let you have as much ability to change things.
I assume you’re talking about the OS here, and I don’t really agree. There are plenty of things you can change. There are skinning apps to change the UI just like there are on Windows, just as many of the normal configuration options as on Windows, etc. If you’re talking about the hardware, then yeah. Already talked about that.

No individuality.
I don’t see how using an OS that 90% of the world uses is being an individual, but OK. Maybe you’re referring to the PC cases that have glowy lights all over the place and look like they have a rave going on inside them. Again that’s just a matter of preference so I can’t argue there. There are plenty of hacks that people do to Mac cases, etc though. And a lot of people that buy an Apple already appreciate the minimal, clean aesthetic so probably don’t feel like it needs to be modded that much. Coming from a plain beige or brown box though, you can definitely be more of an individual with some of the case mods they have out now.

It’s all just a preference and different needs for different users. Some people enjoy building the PC itself, tinkering with it, optimizing it, etc. Others just want to use the computer. Some people like to tinker with their cars, upgrade them, tune them up also, and other people just like to drive them. Both sides appeal to me. I do wish the Mac Pro was more upgradeable. I understand the other models not being as upgradeable because of the small form factor, but the Mac Pro would be really nice to be able to get the latest and greatest PC video cards, etc. I do wish I could just pick out parts and build a computer at times as well. Especially when the newest Mac Pro came out, which I do believe is overpriced. I looked at a few PC build-your-own buying guides and really wanted to build another PC, but Windows is just such a big turn off for me. There are so many apps that I use on the Mac that just aren’t available on Windows that I really miss. I have a little netbook running XP here in Iraq and always feel like something is missing when I don’t have a lot of the apps I use daily on my Mac. I feel crippled somehow.

But I’m a big gamer too, so I really wish Apple would embrace that world more. There is so much they could do to make the Mac a better gaming platform and attract a lot more of that type of user. Of course using Boot Camp to boot into Windows is an easy option, and is probably why they aren’t as worried about it. if I had a gaming PC I would turn it off when I wasn’t using it anyway, so it’s not much longer to reboot my Mac than it would be to boot a PC, but still. So much potential there.

Jeruba's avatar

PC. Windows. No Apples in this house. There are seven to ten computers here (maybe more hiding), no Macs.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

PC all the way. The only apples in my house are the kind that grow on trees.

eambos's avatar

No offence intended at anyone, but just proof to op. See how Stellar’s quip got a lot of lurve and mine zero? Fluther is jam packed with mac.

ckinyc's avatar


StellarAirman's avatar

Maybe mine just got more because it was longer and included italics. People love italics.

Bri_L's avatar

I have 6 machines, 3 macs and 3 pcs. I can do anything on one that I can do on the other and vise versa.

eambos's avatar

When I get home to my PC I will write a new response with loads of italics, bold, and even whispers.

bluedoggiant's avatar


makes it look more professional :P

but you said it Eambos, the majority on here probably uses mac, which is why i asked.

Foolaholic's avatar

By the way, how can you tell if someone is using a mac?

Bri_L's avatar

when they type they are erect. even the women.

eambos's avatar

Only usuable on their hardware.
Not only can you only legally install OSX on machines made by Apple, but there are very few third party upgrade parts (GPUs specifically) available.

Insane premium.
Do not try and give me the story where Macs are “built better, with superior parts.” Since their switch to Intel, the parts are exactly the same. There is truly nothing to justify this premium, especially since I am a custom system builder.

Very limited hardware upgrades.
A little redundant here, see #1. Additionaly, those new Mac Minis, with 2.0ghz Cpu, those have their cpus soldered in. I was going to buy one for a friend and drop in my old 3.33ghz Core2Duo, but no longer can.

Very little tweakablity.
Hardware wise, and even software. I have yet to see a mac with a new UI, or even skins, for that matter.

No overclocking.
I game, and pushing every ounce of power out of my CPU is very important to me. With just a FSB bump and a tiny voltage increase, I can outrun any Mac on the market.

Every little new upgrade costs money (10.4 to 10.5 vs free service packs)
10.4 to 10.5 WOW, STACKS, THAT’S INCREDIBLE! Also, the different versions are no more than $20 more expensive than each other, with Home Premium considered the standard.

Ugly UI (IMHO)
Ugh, I hate the dock, but not nearly as much as the way finder handles windows. When I click maximize, I expect the current window to fill the screen, not just change shape. The taskbar annoys me too. It just doesn’t look nice. Once again, this point is purely opinion.

No individuality.
Back on the point of changing the appearance of the OS. There are very few options, and, dare I say, every Mac looks identical. My case has a window, adjustable lights (I keep them turned off when not showing off the tower), OLED system monitoring and fan control nobs. Also, My copy of Vista looks nothing like any other. I completely changed the UI, skinning it and tweaking the way explorer works.

I can agree with many points with your final paragraph, and am glad that this was a civil, non OMFG UR SO STUPID! MACS ARE TEH AWESOME argument.

What I agree with most is the fact that Windows PCs and Macs are for different people. If you want something that supposedly “just works,” then a Mac is for you. If you want to fiddle, tweak, mess around with and totally customize, then a self built Windows machine is the way to go. In closing, both Mac and Windows machines each have their own purpose, and their own type of user.

See, i can use formatting too.

bluedoggiant's avatar

uhh…there are themes for mac os x, and custom folder icon sets etc… you clearly havent been living for some time… LOL jk

Bri_L's avatar

my task bar looks like cheese.

My hard drive looks like homer.

And I have a pc that I use for games.

The reason I like macs is I like to work with programs and not tweak stuff. I don’t eve know what over clocking is although I have an idea.

forestGeek's avatar

There’s like no games or software for the Mac, right?

eambos's avatar

I never said that.

bluedoggiant's avatar

there are many software and games on mac as a matter of fact.

Many companies are developing for the mac os, and some developers that develop for both mac and PC, are starting to make Mac the main application, then updated the PC version afterwards.

Game companies like EA are now big time mac developers, they concentrate more on it than PC, particularly because the CEO’s daughters use macbooks.

forestGeek's avatar

@Eambos – sorry, that wasn’t directed at you. Just an age old argument that makes me laugh. BTW, I’m on Macs.

I agree with StellarAirman, it’s just an individual preference. I have personally found no perfect computer or OS yet!

eambos's avatar

@bluedoggiant That is not true. Many game developers have started making games for the mac, but it is still a much, much smaller business than for the PC. EA certainly does not develop more for the mac than the PC. It would be absurd for them to target an audience many times smaller than their current.

bluedoggiant's avatar


In my book of living, I have seen games being made for macs since…ever ;)

Developers used to just “wrap” their games in something called Cider, then release it on the mac platform. Certainly some devs don’t do that, like Valve, makers of Left 4 Dead.

Recently, past year and a half or so, devs are stopping to wrap their games in this Cider engine, and actually develop the game from scratch for the mac, giving a more reliable gaming experience.

I did not say EA develops more for mac, I said they concentrated more on it.

It is now becoming a priority to them, in their little “partnership” with apple they had at WWDC07.

eambos's avatar

I’m sorry. In the way you phrased it, it seemed like you were saying that they concentrated more on mac gaming than PC gaming. Yes, there have been games for Mac since its start, but nowhere near the volume as for PC.

bluedoggiant's avatar

Yes sir, and that is still the case. But with many companies, the Mac version can come out light years later, where as recently, they come out almost immediately, about two weeks or so.

Aspyr has been REALLY on top of getting games out for mac.

StellarAirman's avatar

Well one thing about games on Macs is that every Mac can run Windows now, so it’s very easy to reboot and have all of the advantages of Windows, play games, etc and then go back to the Mac. You can even put a PC-only video card in a Mac Pro and use it to play games in Windows, you just can’t use it in OS X. Sigh.

Shapeshifter is one way to customize the UI, but admittedly it doesn’t work in Leopard. I don’t personally customize my UI a great deal on either OS, as I like the one on OS X and just use the classic interface on Windows to increase performance.

I didn’t say that Macs were built with superior parts, but I said because of their all-in-one design they are not upgradeable, just like a PC laptop is generally not that upgradeable. Also the all-in-one Dell and Sony machines are very close to price to the iMac and similarly limited in upgradeable options. You also have to consider you’re paying for OS X and iLife, other software on the machine, etc. But I won’t argue that there is in general a larger high price tag on a Mac than many PCs, of course to me it is worth it. I bought a $300 netbook to bring to Iraq because I didn’t want to spend $1000+ on a Mac and have it get broken or full of dust or stolen while out here. Ideally I’d like to have the industrial design of a Mac with OS X, with a full selection of parts as in the PC world, and the same games selection natively on OS X as Windows. I think the games may get there one day, but I don’t expect to ever go out and buy an upgraded motherboard for my Mac.

I agree if you are the type that likes to switch out processors and eke a few more megahertz out of a processor, the Mac is not the right choice.

I much prefer the maximize button to simply make the window big enough to hold the current information. I never have anything full screen other than a game. Most things look really dumb maximized full screen on a 24” monitor so I personally prefer the Mac behavior, again just opinion.

Like I said certain things about a Windows system appeal to me, but overall I still prefer the Mac personally.

bluedoggiant's avatar

I was a former Windows user. From 98, to XP media center edition. And vista at my school. For the past two years I switch to mac, and I am so glad I did. Mac is eating up the PC marketshare one step at a time every year

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