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Milladyret's avatar

Full moon tonight, do you feel any changes?

Asked by Milladyret (1294points) March 10th, 2009
22 responses
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Are you feeling a bit funny tonight? Something strange happened to you?
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Elumas's avatar



ubersiren's avatar

I got the flu today. I’m all achy… like there’s a werewolf inside waiting to bust out!

Bluefreedom's avatar

Let’s see here…..

I’m sprouting a lot more hair than usual all of a sudden (even on my palms), my top 2 incisor teeth are elongated, and I suddenly have the urge to go hunt and eat farm animals such as sheep and chickens. Oh yeah, I have the ability to howl better than I ever have before and I like it.

Lothloriengaladriel's avatar

Not any changes but driving to work this morning around 6am down a long dark road with lots of trees, the moon was so big and full, I wish I could of taken a screenshot

dynamicduo's avatar

Something strange did happen. I had the inclination to go over to my sister’s house to watch Gordon Ramsay’s The F Word, as a billboard informed me that a new season was being aired. But it turned out to be a new episode for Canada which was really Season 4. I got to hang around with my sis and my old cat for a bit, so it wasn’t that bad. See folks, this is what I get when trying to play with TV’s rules… they suck! I much prefer my own personal TV via torrents. Just a few hours ago I bought Season 12 of South Park which was released today. Yet they keep telling us that downloading reduces media consumption… and this is one reason why I don’t listen to what they say :)

@ubersiren – sad to hear you’re sick. My partner, mother, friend, and many others are also sick. My partner has had something like 3 different illnesses throughout this winter, and I’m feeling my throat starting to hurt too! Mild winter here weather-wise but it sucked illnesswise… boo.

mcbealer's avatar

didn’t know till I just saw your question, but yeah—I am revving with energy!

SeventhSense's avatar

changing…..must control….

gailcalled's avatar

I got the flu today also. My eyeballs feel as tho there are thumbs pushing them out. I guess that explains my achy and tired eyes, and not the new iMac keyboard. Second symptom was a sore throat, sorry to say, DD.

casheroo's avatar

now i’ll have to take a look at the moon. i didn’t know.

SeventhSense's avatar

I am always affected by the moon. That probably explains my mood the past few days.

Milladyret's avatar

@SeventhSense : What kind of mood?
I feel a little funny, like something’s about to happen, but it all so quiet here (I’m at work)... Hope nothing happens, tho, since I’m alone :P

SeventhSense's avatar

I’m serious. It’s just a general thing. It’s hard to explain but there’s this tension. And unfortunately I usually find out too late…I think some of us retain water in a particular way. I also get sea sick. Don’t know if there is a connection between the two.

wundayatta's avatar

When the moon is full, the city changes. It’s not always the same kind of change, either, because it also depends on the season.

Usually, there is a dance around the time of the full moon, and people swear that they feel the moon. Usually it’s this visual thing, where they go to the window, and watch, as it rises, gravid and faintly orangey, above the skyscrapers downtown.

The women seem to dance with an extra energy, not an excited energy, but somehow urgent, as if something is supposed to happen. It’s the same thing out on the streets. Crowds of people walking around, looking for…. something. Sometimes they’ll get rowdy and walk right up to your car, as you wait at a red light, and stare in, a strange luminescense coming through their eyes.

It’s pretty creepy. My wife doesn’t go out after dark when the moon is full. I don’t mind. But then, I change, too. Maybe. I feel somehow stronger, and if I go running, I can run for hours, which I normally can’t do. My sense of smell grows more acute, and when I pass by other people, I can tell how they are feeling by the way they smell. Sometimes the women smell…. well, better not go there.

There are a lot of posers about the full moon. They’ll joke and try to scare you. I don’t have to do that. I know the full moon, inside, and out.

tiffyandthewall's avatar

well. i started my homework before midnight tonight. something’s going on.

also, lol4rl @Elumas

Milladyret's avatar

Well, the moon does affect the water in our bodies, so that might be it! Do you feel like you’re retaining water?
I’ve never thought about it, but something feels a bit off tonight… Probably the moon playing tricks on me. But seriously, there’s a tention here, that’s not to comfortable…

chelseababyy's avatar

Yes, I’m so restless. Always this way during full moons.

arnbev959's avatar

The only thing that I can think of is that I’m very awake when I should be very tired.

I wouldn’t mind going outside and howling right now.

SeventhSense's avatar

I think it exacerbates my Libra tendencies too.

kevinhardy's avatar

well I have hair all over me and smell like a dog, i have a big nose and walk on all fours


aprilsimnel's avatar

There’s a bathroom on the right. :)

VS's avatar

My sister got sooo drunk last night…but that can happen during ANY moon – or NO moon.
I am retaining fluid in my ankles – dammit! And I had a real burst of energy this past weekend with cleaning, yard work, etc. Blame that on the moon!

Milladyret's avatar

I’m BAKING today, and that’s NOT part of my routine. Maybe that’s because of the moon?
But me getting tipsy on redwine tonight, THAT’S not the moon, that’s me ;)

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