General Question

Harrow185's avatar

Whats the right age for sex?

Asked by Harrow185 (298points) March 12th, 2009
97 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

Is there a right age for sex? My friends had sex for the first time when they were fourteen.I stayed a virgin till I knew I loved someone true. When your about fourteen most people stay together and move on.The first time you have sex won’t you want to have it with someone you will remember. Just a question of thought be open minded!

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sandystrachan's avatar

the right age for sex depends on the people involved.some people are sexually mature before others ,some people feel pressured into it . doesnt answer the question but its what i could think of

wundayatta's avatar

22 years, five months, six days, 18 hours, 32 minutes, and 12.23 seconds. If you miss it, you’re screwed for the rest of your life! so to speak

ShauneP82's avatar

When ever you think you are married.

Lightlyseared's avatar

About 50, maybe 55…

adreamofautumn's avatar

I think it depends on who you are, where you are in your life, how you feel about it. I don’t really think there’s a “right age”. I do think there’s a “too young” age though.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

I think it mainly depends on what’s in your head, not age in years. Some are more ready than others. I was 17. But some may be ready at 16, others at 19. It depends on the person, I think.

SpatzieLover's avatar

Whenever you think you’re ready to be responsible for an infant’s life, as sex is the leading cause of pregnancy.

girlofscience's avatar

@SpatzieLover: Oh come on, if you needed to be ready to be responsible to for an infant’s life to have sex, I’d need to be a virgin until I was 35. And that’s ridiculous.

That’s why we have this, and when that fails, this. :)

Lightlyseared's avatar

@SpatzieLover well if you’re likely to get pregnant you’re also likely to get a load of incredibly nasty sexually transmitted diseases (actually more likely).

sandystrachan's avatar

sex doesnt lead to babies not everyone who has sex gets pregnant
sex doesnt have to be about babies sex should be fun .

Jack79's avatar

you should never ever have sex before you at least make love a few times

and you’re not ready to make love yet

so wait a while

asmonet's avatar

Whatever is right, just is.
You gotta know yourself.

I don’t think @SpatzieLover‘s point came across well, or maybe I’m more lenient…but I believe when you’re ready to deal with the consequences of sex, the potential human life involved, and any decisions following that outcome is when you’re ready.

That’s how I chose to read it.

sandystrachan's avatar

i was 15 when i had sex for the 1st time.tho it could have been earlier but always something got in the way so it just was not my time my partner was 19 when she lost hers

Les's avatar

What doctor is going to prescribe BC to a 14 year old? 14 is too young. I think people should at least wait until they can take the proper precautions. Why do people want to have sex so young anyway? Jeez. Be a kid. It is the best time of your life. Sometimes our current culture scares me.

Les (10005points)“Great Answer” (7points)
marinelife's avatar

In my opinion, 14 is far too young to have sex. Neither girls nor boys are ready to handle the responsibilities of sexual relationships. Virtually no relationships begun as a 14-year-old go on into adulthood.

There is a lot of growing up still to do. Sex only complicates that process.

madcapper's avatar

@girlofscience oh snap you busted out the “A” word! be careful you don;t get killed for that shit… :)

SpatzieLover's avatar

@asmonet, yes!

@ girlofscience, and others~I know plenty of mom’s and dad’s that utilized DOUBLE protection methods and have had babies #1, #2 and SURPRISE, baby #3 or that all too familiar menopause baby surprise special.

Unless you’re ready for the consequences of intercourse, you should not be part of the act. I don’t care what age you are.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

SEX MAKES BABIES?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Le sigh. People are ready when they are ready; in my opinion, if you can correctly use birth control, and you are comfortable, have at it.There are certainly ages I think are “too young,” but, in the end, it’s not my goddamn choice. I’m no one’s parent, and I’m not going to tell anyone what to do or berate or judge them for it either. It’s simply not my place. I also don’t think that people bemoaning that “that’s just too young!” is going to change anything either – if teens want to have sex, they’ll figure out a way to do it no matter what you say.

@Les: Actually, there are plenty of doctors who will. The role of those doctors is not to judge, it’s to provide a physical screening and take a medical history to ensure that it isn’t dangerous for a girl to be given birth control. And anyone can buy condoms in any convenience store.

@SpatzieLover: I hate to quote a second rate, throw away rom com, but in the words of “He’s Just Not that Into You,” “They are the exception! [Everyone else] is the rule.” Just because you know someone (or know someone who knows someone) who got pregnant using birth control doesn’t mean it happens all the time. It should also be taken into account that a good percentage of people don’t know how to use the birth control methods they have correctly. Incorrect usage of birth control raises the rate of unintended pregnancy. I think it’s silly to try to scare people out of sex by using the “I know someone who got pregnant using twelve methods of BC!” story.

Les's avatar

@TitsMcGhee : Ok then. If your homework still involves writing thesis sentences, 4 page papers (how long!), and solving for x in this equation: 8=2x+4, then you are too young to have sex.

Les (10005points)“Great Answer” (2points)
SpatzieLover's avatar

@Tits, 3 SIL’s and MANY of the mom’s I know firsthand…including my MIL. These are NOT exceptions to the rule.

cak's avatar

I see SpatzieLover’s point. My daughter is in High School. So far, she has told me about 4 pregnancies in her grade, she knows one of the girls. She just (the pregnant girl) turned 15. Abortion, in her mind, has been ruled out. Now, there will be a 15yr old mother that will have all the odds stacked against her. She, the girl, talked about how ready she was. She had BC, she would use it…she knew the possibility of pregnancy or STDs, without protection; however, they didn’t use the protection. Now, her mother is hitting the roof because she is fully aware of who is really going to shoulder the financial responsibility for the child.

That is all too common, these days. And…to me, it’s proof there is way too young!

When a person is truly emotionally ready to handle all the consequences of sex, including STDs and unplanned pregnancies. As a mom, I am dying to say when said person is not living in my house! I think, they also need to be ready for the possibility of finding out that someone just wanted the sexual side, but not really a relationship. That can be hard to deal with.

cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (3points)
nikipedia's avatar

@SpatzieLover: Then you seem to know a lot of people who are using birth control incorrectly, or who are using unreliable methods. Things like the pill have been tested again and again in scientific settings. Used correctly, the failure rate approaches zero. “Exceptions” to that rule are failing to follow the instructions. It’s as simple as that.

SpatzieLover's avatar

I know 40 year old’s…including MIL that are medically trained that used condoms, spermicide, and religiously took the pill. If you’re a fertile murtle, anything is possible.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

@SpatzieLover: Not everyone gets pregnant, that’s just the bottom line fact! I’ve been having sex for years, using a double method of BC every time (and using it correctly), and I have never been pregnant. Ta-da. Not everyone gets pregnant, and I’m not going to let the fear of getting pregnant keep me from having sex, because I know I’m being perfectly cautious.

@cak: So she knew, but didn’t use it. That point right there means she wasn’t ready. I had sex as a teen, but I had birth control of two varieties – the hormonal pill, whose instructions I follow to a t, and spermicidal condoms – and I didn’t end up pregnant. I was mentally, physically, and protectionally equipped and ready, and I won’t have anyone tell me I was too young.

@nikipedia: THANK YOU.

emt333's avatar

my rule is tried and true: if there’s grass on the field play ball!

asmonet's avatar

Okay, you’re all right. Can we move on?

For the record, I came through a condom, a diaphragm the rhythm and mucous method. I’m a complete fucking accident. All three of us were. It does happen. Often enough for it to be a concern. Move on.

cak's avatar

@nikipedia – if, though, you factor in a horny teenager…that thinks they are ready…sometimes, things just don’t go according to the plan.

@spatzielover…fertile murtle…that always cracks me up!

cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (1points)
cak's avatar

@asmonet determined little thing, weren’t you? ;)

cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (1points)
asmonet's avatar

I like to say I’m just ambitious. :D
The world is better for knowing me, at least that’s what I tell myself.


cak's avatar

@asmonetof course it is! If someone doesn’t believe you…send ‘em my way!

cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (1points)
Harrow185's avatar

Thankyou all! there great anwsers. titsmcghee I compleatly understand.@les I love your anwser and fully agree.and last but not least spatzielover what the hell, is that a serious anwser??

charliecompany34's avatar

right age for sex is once you are married.

nikipedia's avatar

@charliecompany34: So people who never get married never get to have sex?

asmonet's avatar

That’s a bunch of crap. :D
@cak: Will do. ;)

cak's avatar

@Harrow185 – what is wrong with Spatzie’s answer. It’s an opinion question – she voiced her opinion. I don’t see what is so wrong with her question. maybe it’s time for me to log out for the night!

cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (2points)
bristolbaby's avatar

“Then you seem to know a lot of people who are using birth control incorrectly, or who are using unreliable methods. Things like the pill have been tested again and again in scientific settings. Used correctly, the failure rate approaches zero. “Exceptions” to that rule are failing to follow the instructions. It’s as simple as that.”

I respectfully disagree. 50% of all pregnancies are unplanned. the failure rate of birth controls vary. even the pill is not as effective as it is claimed to be.

Lightlyseared's avatar

@bristolbaby 50% of all pregnancies may be unplanned but that doesn’t mean that 50% of all pregnancies are caused by contraception failure.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Also the main reason that the pill is ineffective is because over 50% of people don’t take prescribed medications correctly (not just the pill but, antibiotics, cardiac meds – you know the sort of thing you’d think people would take seriously.

Notice I said the main reason not the only reason

SpatzieLover's avatar

@Harrow, I think before anyone has sex, no matter the age, they should be prepared for the truth. All of the facts of human reproductive health should be understood, and none of the truths hidden. That’s why I wrote you that answer.

Yes. It is serious. Because there are serious consequences to intercourse, even with proper usage of protection.

No where did I say people need to be married to be responsible. Just prepared.

sandystrachan's avatar

i think somepeople are throwing there religious eye into this question.
sex has tto be understood before partaking in it so to those here who have answered and said .
you need to understand the consequences when you first had sex (if you have) did you read up on all the facts.
no to the rest do you know all the facts ?
damn religion

dlm812's avatar

Since my real opinion has already been voiced more than once (There is no single “right” time but there is a “too young” and you should be willing and able to deal with all of the consequences).. I’m just going to throw out my favorite comedic sex-related advice from Mean Girls:

“Don’t have sex, because you will get pregnant and die! Don’t have sex in the missionary position, don’t have sex standing up, just don’t do it, okay, promise? Okay, now everybody take some rubbers.”

miasmom's avatar

I am with @charliecompany34 with this one, right time is when you are married.

nikipedia's avatar

@miasmom: So people who never get married never get to have sex?

girlofscience's avatar

Who the hell is the government/religion to tell you when you should engage in sexual intimacy with the person you love?

I can’t even imagine how lowly I’d think of myself if I allowed some nonsense institution or some arbitrary certificate to dictate when I was going to enjoy myself sexually with my partner.

Have some self respect, people.

krose1223's avatar

see thread

I agree with everyone on here… even though they may contradict each other.

desiree333's avatar

I don’t hink there is really a right age. I am 15 and I know that most of the girls my age are not virgins. Its pretty sad that some of them were sexually active when they were 14, I even knew one girl who had sex when she was 13! (grade 7!). I think you should only have sex if you truly love the person and you know for sure they love you back.

charliecompany34's avatar

@nikipedia good question.

if you are living a wholistic, abstinent life, based on spiritual tenets, marriage is the right time. however, in this day and age, we tend to break the rules a bit. sex should be between a man and a woman who have feelings for each other beyond infatuation. once it happens—and it will—the two should decide “are we F—- buddies” or is this love. since you are experimenting and doing test drives, might as well throw in the love factor.

you will be better off dating and romancing “after marriage” than before. it’s just less complicated. you either love each other or you dont. love comes first, though we as humans get it backwards all the time.

girlofscience's avatar

For me, sex must always come before love.

And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

charliecompany34's avatar

aint mad atchya. i understand. i have to be honest here. i did it too when i was young and thought it was love. hormones rage fer sure. the wisdom just comes with age.

nikipedia's avatar

@charliecompany34: I’m sorry, maybe my brain just broke in half, but I don’t really understand anything you said in your reply.

if you are living a wholistic, abstinent life, based on spiritual tenets, marriage is the right time. however, in this day and age, we tend to break the rules a bit.

What rules are you referring to?

sex should be between a man and a woman who have feelings for each other beyond infatuation.


once it happens—and it will—the two should decide “are we F—- buddies” or is this love.

Once what happens? Sex? Love? Infatuation? I am not clear on your hypothetical sequence of events…

since you are experimenting and doing test drives, might as well throw in the love factor.


you will be better off dating and romancing “after marriage” than before.

So it doesn’t matter who you marry; marriage confers some kind of magical power that makes dating and romancing easier…? Really?

it’s just less complicated. you either love each other or you dont.

Isn’t this always the case? You either love someone or you don’t?

love comes first, though we as humans get it backwards all the time.

Love comes before what?

asmonet's avatar

You beat me to it, niki. Word for word.

charliecompany34's avatar


in plain terms, sex before marriage is fornication.

to answer the original fluther question posed, the right time is at marriage.

to answer you, it is up to you to decide when you want to “give it up” or “give it.” the question asked is based on worldly vs religious realms.

in my answer above, i’m saying these two things:

“you did it before marriage—ok, we must be in love.”


“we did it out of lust—are we in love?”

the reason we/you are confused is because you think it is OK to have sex whenever, no matter what age, because society allows these practices of birth control and planned parenthood and adolescent needs that we accept due to lack of parental guidance.

the reason why this answer is intense is because many of us are unaware of the rules of sex and marriage and what is condoned and/or appropriate. sex is for adults who are married.

asmonet's avatar

In plain terms, sex before marriage is an expression of deep affection.

The end.

See how much simpler things are when religion doesn’t dictate your life?

adreamofautumn's avatar

@charliecompany34 and @miasmom I am also curious of the question posed before… does that mean that people that never get married can never have sex? I mean what if i’m 40 years old, have a good career, have a stable life and i’m not married. Am I not ready to have sex?

I’m not arguing whether your view is right, i’m just wondering what your take on that situation is.

charliecompany34's avatar

plain and simple: when we date, we test waters and test-drive and feel it out. during these phases of “testing,” our human side gets deeper and we explore things of the flesh. as we explore “these things,” the original attraction can become cloudy and we end up with somebody that is not all who we thought he or she was.

in other words, your mate should be AND IS designed for you!!!

he or she has already been planned—you just don’t know it. why?

we always look for the perfect person, but we are way under the radar when it comes to HIM or HER because we have an image in our minds that says “this is what i want my man or woman to look like.”

ok, finally THAT he/she comes along. EVERYTHING you could ever hope for. and you have sex with your dream vision of that person, but he/she turns out to be the wrong choice, you find out after time. .

love does not have to be tested. it is understood.

and sorry asmonet, (as much as i love you and your responses) respecting the moral, right thing to do, always wins out in the long term.

sex is good. it feels good. i understand that.

do it before marriage and live a happy married life? good thing.
do it before marriage and fight all the time because you are soul-tied? ok, a problem.
do it before marriage and have a kid and still in high school? hope dude can support the baby.
do it because it feels good? got protection? STDs, AIDS, herpes

my answer to all this is about morality.
sorry to be an old fart on this, but hey—it is what it is.

have sex and enjoy if you want to. it’;s your business.

asmonet's avatar

Actually, I am respecting the moral right thing to do.
We have different moralities where sex is concerned.

There are plenty of people who share my views and will be virgins until they’re older, or married. They are not mutually exclusive.

charliecompany34's avatar

@asmonet thanks boo for understanding

miasmom's avatar

@adreamofautumn I believe sex is designed for a married man and woman, I’m very conservative in my beliefs, so if a person is in their 40s and unmarried, I don’t think they should be having sex.

casheroo's avatar

I don’t know if there’s a right age.

I do know, when I have sex it equals babies. Trust me. I’ve been pregnant three times since I’ve had my son. Even with birth control…used properly, thank you very much.
I actually stopped having sex with my husband, for fear of getting pregnant. I don’t think people realize that birth control is not fail proof, and not everyone wants to have an abortion.
I had sex for the first time at 14, and of course I was in love lol. I wish I had waited, til at least 16 or 18. I’m going to tell my children that it’s best to wait until their 18. But, if they want to have sex, then they HAVE to use protection. I will warn them that condoms don’t protect against HPV and pregnancy. They can make their own decision after knowing the facts.
Oh, and sex may come before love…but it doesn’t have to. Some people do things differently, why all the judgement on both sides? I personally would have to have sex with someone before I fell in love with them. Having sex is part of getting to know someone, in my opinion.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

@casheroo: Condoms don’t protect against pregnancy? WHAT? The rubbery bag that keeps semen from staying in the vagina and is often coated in spermicide which KILLS the sperm DOESN’T protect against pregnancy? I understand that there can be issues and they don’t work 100% of the time, but I’m pretty sure that the intended effect is NO BABIES. Just a guess.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@ Tits…condoms are about 95% effective.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

@SpatzieLover: I’m well aware of that fact. The fact that I am sexually active, in my opinion, necessitates the fact that I am extremely well versed and educated in the correct usage and effectiveness of all methods of birth control, from abstinence and the rhythm method through IUDs, male and female condoms, hormonal inserts, hormonal pills, hormonal patches, hormonal shots, and tubal ligation. Please don’t assume that I don’t know what I’m talking about.

ShauneP82's avatar

girlofscience your dead inside aren’t you. Longing for a pulse to return? A real woman wouldn’t put out so easily for love. Love is earned not felt out after your knocked up. How many kids do you have?

wundayatta's avatar

@charliecompany34: Your way of looking at this is so dissociated, I don’t know how to express it. You clearly separate spirit and body. Perhaps this is your greatest loss. You seem to believe it is possible to have sex without being spiritually involved with the other person, and that the only way to engage spirits is in marriage. Marriage confers morality to sex? That’s like saying marriage confers morality to spiritual life!

Now, I will admit that there are a lot of people out there who believe in friends with benefits and fuck buddies and the like. They also attempt to separate pure pleasure from spirit. Personally, I think, whether hedonistic or fundamentalist, you all are missing something crucial, and your lives are sadder for that.

In my experience, we are holistic beings. The mind-body duality is an artificial construction of what it is to be human, and it misleads a lot of people into an unhelpful understanding of human completion. Mind, body, and spirit are connected all the time, and can not exist without each other.

People like to think as if a mind is a separate thing from a body, but without a body, we cannot think. Indeed, without a limb, our thoughts are changed. Much of the nervous system is in the body, and many of our memories are stored within the body. So much so, that when we lose a limb, we can not accept this on a subconscious level, and that is where the “phantom limb” experience comes from.

And of course, without mind and body, there can be no spirit. Spirit is that which unites all that we consider ourselves. It is a metaphor for the essence of personhood. Some believe spirit can survive the death of the body, but I don’t think anyone claims there can be a spirit without there having been a body. The unity of these aspects of personhood is absolutely necessary.

If what I believe is true, then people who think they can separate mind from body are deluding themselves. Sex is an incredible expression of spirit, no matter who you do it with. You are giving an incredible act of creativity, both metaphorically and literally. Even if you use all kinds of birth control, the body doesn’t know that. It behaves in this “spirited” way, dragging mind and spirit with it (because they can not be separated).

Sometimes we experience spirit on our own, but it is easier with a partner, and even easier in a group. Sex is one way of accessing spirit. So even if you don’t believe you love the person, you are loving the person, if you are engaging voluntarily. It might only be a tiny bit of love, but it is there, and people who do it become attached, at least a little bit, again, both literally and metaphorically.

Another thing that you say that doesn’t make sense to me is this romantic idea of soul-mates. Relationships are built. They don’t happen by magic. A lot of people disagree with me about this, I know. The myth of love is very powerful, and is reinforced by Disney and religious folks all the time, but in my experience, there are always problems in relationships, and if you don’t have an excellent problem-solving mechanism, you will be very unhappy, and often the relationship will break apart.

If you enter the relationship with a different attitude—that you have to develop relationship skills, and that you have to be committed to solving problems together instead of believing magical love will get you through, you have a much better chance of success.

While it does matter who you are involved with; it helps if you share experience and outlook on life; that does not mean there is only one person you could have a successful marriage with. There are many people, especially if you have good relationship skills. In most of the world, couples don’t get to choose their own mates; parents do it for them. While not all of these couples have excellent relationship, many do, and love follows partnership. I believe that divorce rates are lower for arranged marriages, although there could be many reasons for this that are not related to the quality of the interaction between the partners.

Dissociation from body, and belief in the magic of soul-mates doesn’t come from nowhere. It comes from one’s personal history, usually a history in which difficulties are a big part. Sometimes a very authoritative parent or other authority figure (usually father). Sometimes privation. Sometimes abuse of some sort. Sometimes just a very difficult time, and exposure to a lot of violence. People develop this world view as a mental defense against the pain they have experienced. Order becomes very important to them, and they see rules and strict adherence to rules as the main way to maintain order. Strict order may work, but it comes at a cost—the cost is a separation of mind and body, which causes, to some extent, a loss of spirit, as well as a loss of creativity.

I’m sorry to have gone on so long. It just takes me a while to work through the things I’m thinking and to figure out how to express those ideas. If you have read all of this, I appreciate it, and if you haven’t, I totally understand.

ShauneP82's avatar

You really think I am going to sit and read all of that. You fail. Stop typing girlofscience .

girlofscience's avatar

@ShauneP82: Excuse me?!

Wow. Let’s start by answering your preposterous questions/statements:

your dead inside aren’t you
My dead? I have dead inside me? Aren’t I what? Huh?

Longing for a pulse to return?
Heart beating ever so nicely.

A real woman wouldn’t put out so easily for love.
“Put out”? To me, this term is insulting. Engaging in sexual intimacy is not about “putting out,” or “giving” myself. It is about sharing myself intimately in a mutually enjoyable way with a partner that I find interesting. I am a real woman – I am a woman who enjoys the pleasures of sex as much, if not more, than men; a woman who feels comfortable enough with herself to sometimes desire to have sex for the sake of enjoying sex, without expecting nor wanting to necessarily develop any feelings beyond the physical pleasures of sex. In the past, I have had fantastic sexual relationships with men to whom I only had a physical attraction. Some of these men developed romantic feelings for me through our sexual experiences, and I did not feel the same in return. In these cases, I was not engaging in sex with them for love. I was engaging in sex with them because I desired physical pleasure with them. Because I’m a real woman who has the courage to acknowledge and enjoy my own sexual desires.

Love is earned not felt out after your knocked up.
Have I ever had sex with a man in the hopes that he would love me? No. Have I ever gotten “knocked up” in the hopes that I would earn love? No. What in the hell…?

How many kids do you have?
Zero. I’m 23. My career is blossoming, and I am in no way ready for the responsibility of a child, as it would severely compromise my career.

ShauneP82, throughout my 8 years of sexual experiences, I have had quite a variety of sexual experiences, each of them significant to me in various ways. As @casheroo mentioned, sex, to me, is part of getting to know a person. With some, I have engaged in sex for the pure sake of sex, never wanting anything more to come from these experiences. With others, I have engaged in sex, and through this intimacy, eventually developed romantic feelings for them, and these feelings have always been reciprocated. I do not “put out for love,” but I, personally, could never feel love for a person until I had experienced him intimately. Sex is part of the complicated path which may or may not eventually lead to love.

I am currently in a 2.5-year romantic relationship with a man who loves me deeply. You can bet he has my heart beating! We started out as friends, and eventually, our relationship became physical. We enjoyed a physical friendship for several months before developing feelings for each other. It was an incredible journey, and we allowed feelings to blossom throughout the intimacy we were experiencing pre-love. Now fully bloomed, our relationship is one of deep commitment, loyalty, and intimacy. The sex I currently enjoy with my partner is certainly much more fulfilling than the sex I have had with men I have not cared about romantically, but that does not diminish the value of the purely physical sexual escapades I have had in the past. There is certainly a difference between sex that involves love and sex that does not, but that does not make the latter worthless. When not in love with a person, physical pleasure is still fantastic!

girlofscience's avatar

Who the F gave ShauneP82 lurve for that effing nonsense?

casheroo's avatar

@TitsMcGhee I’ve gotten pregnant on the pill (ehh, i messed with it, so it was my fault) and I’ve gotten pregnant while using a condom. I blame that one on my husband. I have no clue how it happened. I cried a lot.

@shaunp82 Are you serious? What kind of comment is that? What does having children have to do with GoS’s comment? Not everyone desires to have children…so should they just never have sex?! And “put out”? Seriously? GoS didn’t say she went around sleeping with whomever, she said it’s a part of getting to know someone, you go out on dates…possibly sleep together..things develop into a deeper connection. What’s so wrong with that? But I’d love to know what a “real woman” does, since obviously I’m not a real woman.

girlofscience's avatar

I really want to know what asshole provided positive encouragement toward ShauneP82 for both of those asinine remarks.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

@ShauneP82: Since you don’t want to read all of @girlofscience‘s typing, let me sum it up for you: WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? Stfu and stop making assumptions about shit you know nothing about. What an ignorant, uncalled for load of shit.

Short and sweet enough for ya?

TitsMcGhee's avatar

@casheroo: Like I said earlier, the main reason people get pregnant while using birth control methods is because they aren’t using them correctly, case and point. I think instead of trying to scare women from having sex by making them terrified that they will get pregnant, we should educate everyone, men and women, about the proper way to use multiple forms of birth control. For example, I’m betting a lot of people (especially teens who have just started having sex) don’t know that there are certain things you shouldn’t use as lubricant with a latex condom (some for health reasons, like food products, and some because the materials will eat away and the latex, and could cause micro tears that could allow semen to leak, even though it isn’t visible to the eye). I’m a huge advocate of sexual education.

casheroo's avatar

@TitsMcGhee So am I. I want my children to know that sex results in pregnancy…even with proper birth control it CAN happen, as I’m sure you are aware of.

augustlan's avatar

[Mod says] Stop the personal attacks please. I have elected to leave them in place since there have been so many responses, but further personal attacks will be removed.

SpatzieLover's avatar

To sum up: I am not telling anyone they are wrong. I am saying teens should know all of what they are at risk for prior to having sex. Heck, I only brought in physical risk…I never even mentioned the emotional risks or the hormonal attachments females have to their partners once they consummate.

girlofscience's avatar

Ok, I’m genuinely curious. The things ShauneP82 said to me were some of the most ignorant things I’ve seen on Fluther. I have a modern, healthy perspective on sex, and there’s nothing wrong with the way I view it. I am also in a loving, committed relationship, I’m not a cheap whore, and I was very loved as a child.

Now 2 people have supported the things ShauneP82 said to me, and I just find this atrocious. Please explain to me how his/her remarks were worth any lurve whatsoever.

miasmom's avatar

I don’t agree with your behavior @girlofscience (my own personal opinion) but what @ShauneP82 said is totally inappropriate. It could be that @ShauneP82 made two more accounts and supported himself/herself.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@miasmom good assessment, or there’ a fan of his that follows him on the boards, or someone that has just been reading and not posting.

wundayatta's avatar

could also be lurvewhacking, or whatever they call it when you have a second account in order to rack up the lurve

girlofscience's avatar

@miasmom: Thanks for agreeing. Out of curiosity, what behavior of mine do you not agree with?

madcapper's avatar

@girlofscience are you dead inside or some shit? how many kids have your promiscuous ways caused you to abort? im joking… ShauneP82 is a fuckin dolt.

madcapper's avatar

oh and also apparently not on Fluther any longer…

girlofscience's avatar

Hmm… I wonder if he/she got kicked off?

He/she also sent me a number of odd private messages.

adreamofautumn's avatar

@girlofscience that kid is a jackass. I am 100% on your side in the argument that he’s rude and ridiculous. He told me to “stop typing” in another thread too. I flagged him in your defense!

edit then I bothered to click on his profile, apparently he’s gone. Good riddance.

asmonet's avatar

@girlofscience: This quip might give you some insight to miasmom’s views. :)

miasmom's avatar

Thank you @asmonet. I have very conservative beliefs about sex outside of marriage, so @girlofscience I don’t agree with you having sex, but that again, is my own personal belief.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

@girlofscience: He sent me some odd PMs as well, about my username and Edwardsville, IL, for some reason. That kid was off his bleeding rocker.

casheroo's avatar

He may have been weird, but I didn’t see the need to get worked up over the things he was saying. Don’t give what a troll says a second thought.

Blondesjon's avatar

@girlofscience…You really are a woman? I mean this in no way disrespectfully but with your avatar and the questions you post I assumed that you were some dude acting out some fantasy on here. My apologies.

fuck! i owe jonsblond five bucks!

girlofscience's avatar

@Blondsjon: Are you seriously seriously for real?! lol!

SO weird… No, I am definitely really a girl!

Mr_Callahan's avatar

When they are ready to handle the consequences is the only time anyone should have sex with another person.I had plenty of sex all by myself ( and some Playboy magazines ) before I was ready for the real thing. I miss them little bunnies.

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analystguy38's avatar

i think if you’re asking if you’re the right age , you aren’t . Most of the time, whenever you decide to have sex is ok, but you’ll probably regret it anyway.

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