General Question

essieness's avatar

Is there anything you just don't get (understand)?

Asked by essieness (7698points) March 14th, 2009
59 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

For instance, I don’t get the fascination with ranch dressing; it doesn’t go with everything. I don’t get why non-military people buy Hummers. I don’t get racism. I don’t get emo kids. I don’t get popular rap music (i.e. Lil’ Wayne, etc.).

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Mamradpivo's avatar

Homophobia. I just don’t understand why anyone cares.

Mamradpivo's avatar

Skinny jeans on boys. I mean, really now.

jonsblond's avatar

I don’t understand how some parents let their children drink so much soda.

essieness's avatar

@jonsblond Or why they give it to babies…

jonsblond's avatar

I also don’t understand how a brand new $700 washing machine can break down in a year.

@essieness I know! Terrible.

chyna's avatar

I beg to differ. Ranch dressing DOES go on everything. :)

Blondesjon's avatar

I don’t get why we all can’t just live our own lives.

Dog's avatar

I don’t get organic chemistry

But what I really don’t get is how keeping a budget seems beyond the comprehension of those who run our State and Country

Dog (25152points)“Great Answer” (1points)
Mamradpivo's avatar

I don’t get the appeal of shows like CSI and Law and Order. I’ve tried, but I just don’t get it.

asmonet's avatar

I don’t get widespread idiocy and the capacity for people to not recognize themselves for what they are.

jonsblond's avatar

I don’t understand how Courtney Love got away with killing Kurt Cobain.

asmonet's avatar

Seriously, the lack of honesty with respect to yourself and others is astounding to me. Why lie? Why delude yourself? Ain’t nothing gonna change if you don’t face it.

You = anyone. Felt like I needed to clarify. :P

essieness's avatar

I don’t understand allowing your 2 year old to “choose” what he wants to eat. He’s 2. Of course he’s going to pick french fries and ice cream.

Blondesjon's avatar

I don’t get sick.

alcohol kills germs

critter1982's avatar

Why women wear heels?

jonsblond's avatar

@critter1982 I totally agree with you on that one.

asmonet's avatar

They make your boobs perky and your butt tight.

And they suck ass. I don’t like to wear them, but I can pull out the neat little excuse of being too tall if anyone gives me shit. :D

syz's avatar

I don’t get blind faith.
I (also) don’t get organic chemistry.
I don’t get people who create drama in their lives.
I don’t get people who are ignorant and proud of it.
I don’t get anime.
I don’t get how we as a species can’t understand that natural resources are limited.
I don’t get why someone living in substandard conditions would want to bring a child into that life.
I don’t get why any woman would put up with an abusive relationship.
I don’t get how anyone is foolish enough to think that drinking their own urine is a good thing to do.

syz (35943points)“Great Answer” (3points)
MacBean's avatar

I don’t get being attracted to people according to gender.
I don’t get how anyone can love the west coast.
I don’t get social conservatism.
I don’t get my sister.
I don’t get MMORPGs.

syz's avatar

Aww, can I add that first one to my list, MacBean?

syz (35943points)“Great Answer” (0points)
critter1982's avatar

@MacBean: Do you mean sexual attraction or just attraction to general beauty.

emt333's avatar


essieness's avatar

@emt333 Really? There’s nothing in this world that just makes you go “hmmmmm?”

kelly's avatar


syz's avatar

@essieness Ah, drat, now I’ve got this stuck in my head.

syz (35943points)“Great Answer” (2points)
asmonet's avatar

@syz: Damn it, woman! Now I do too.:’(

syz's avatar


syz (35943points)“Great Answer” (0points)
asmonet's avatar

grumble, grumble.

essieness's avatar

tee hee

MacBean's avatar

@syz—Sure! After all, I got “I don’t get my sister” from your “I don’t get why any woman would put up with an abusive relationship.” :(

@critter1982—Hm… I think I meant… both, maybe. Or possibly neither! Basically, I can’t wrap my head around giving a crap about what’s in a person’s pants.

syz's avatar

@MacBean Sorry to hear that about your sister.

syz (35943points)“Great Answer” (0points)
Mamradpivo's avatar

@MacBean I’m sorry you don’t get the West Coast. I feel exactly the same way about the East Coast.

tinyfaery's avatar

I don’t get why people like mayonnaise.
I don’t get how people listen to Top 40 pop music.
I don’t get why people care if I get married or not.

To name just a few.

marinelife's avatar

I have to work really hard to grok even the concepts of quantum physics and string theory.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I don’t get the thrill for TV shows like American Idol
I don’t get the enthusiasm for large cities like NYC.
I don’t understand the popularity of rap music. It sounds like noise to me.
I don’t get the general public’s disdain for history or learning in general.
I don’t get the fact that people would rather believe a myth than hear the truth, ie. about spiders or other creepy crawlies.
I don’t get why people are so fascinated with celebrities.
I don’t get the whole wearing baggy pants halfway down your legs with a really long T-shirt.
I don’t get why people hate puns so much.
I don’t get why cannibalism isn’t a more acceptable lifestyle, seeing as how for some people, being food for others is the best thing they could do for their fellow man. okay, this last one is tongue-in-cheek, I’m just ribbing you.

casheroo's avatar

People have listed a lot of mine. I especially agree with @asmonet

kevinhardy's avatar

why people want me to have kids, when i see no fun in having them its just more work

augustlan's avatar

The list is so long! I’ll just name a few.

Why it’s somehow bad to be an ‘intellectual’.
Bigotry and hatred.
Child abuse.
Brussel sprouts.

and how anyone could not like mayonnaise or ranch dressing!

MacBean's avatar

Oh, Lan, you make me sad. I love Brussels sprouts (AND ONE OF MY PET PEEVES IS WHEN PEOPLE LEAVE OFF THE S!) but I’m not a fan of ranch dressing and mayo makes me gag. Alas!

augustlan's avatar

MacB… don’t be sad. I still lurve you! Can you ever forgive me?

MacBean's avatar

For liking mayo and ranch dressing, yes. For leaving the S off of Brussels sprouts… only if you promise never to do it again! P.S. It is quite late. What are you still doing up, young lady?

augustlan's avatar

I googled it and everything! Ah, well. I promise :)
It is late, and I might ask the same of you!

MacBean's avatar


essieness's avatar

Hey, I like ranch dressing, I just think there should be a limit to what you’re allowed to douse in it. Ranch dressing is THE number one condiment of choice around here. The joke in Texas goes like this: “How do you get a Texas girl to suck your d**k? Put some ranch dressing on it.”

asmonet's avatar

Haha, I love how serious MacBean is. lol4rl.

xUNKNOWNx's avatar

The answer to all your questions is simple. That’s life and without it all life would just be one long borin’ routine. Quit worryin’ ‘bout tomorrow’s bills or tomorrow’s problems live today and worry ‘bout what it has in store for you. Live your life one day at a time. The way God intended it to be.

xUNKNOWNx's avatar

Fuck Jeff Goldblum man…

asmonet's avatar

Jeff Goldblum is the shit and you know it.
He has sexy rainbow alien orgasm powers, damn it.

syz's avatar

Ha ha ha, an “Earth Grils are Easy” reference!

syz (35943points)“Great Answer” (1points)
asmonet's avatar

Hell yes. I am old school.

fullOFuselessINFO's avatar

i dont get the ACTUAL reason why math is so hard.
WE (as people) made it up.
we DECIDED that 2+2=4
we DECIDED what the equations were going to be and what they would equal.
what the hell did we do to ourselves?

Blondesjon's avatar

@fullOFuselessINFO…We didn’t “invent” math. We discovered math. All of those equations work for a reason. 2+2=4 for a reason. It was already there, we just came up with a way to express it in a language humans could understand. It is the purist, most beautiful language used by man.

kevinhardy's avatar

why people are complete aholes wth me

Blondesjon's avatar

@kevinhardymaybe because you use the term ahole?

asmonet's avatar


SeventhSense's avatar

I just don’t get the fascination with famous people who don’t really do anything special but are just known. Not like Danica McKellar Winnie Cooper from the Wonder Years who fascinates me because she’s cute and also a brilliant mathematician, but the completely vapid ones who make me question my fellow American’s mentality.

JellyB's avatar

Yes, some people, and the stupid things they can get up to. I can only ask myself WHY, WHY, WHY?!?!?!

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