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juniper's avatar

For those of you who have non-flip cell phones, how do you avoid accidently pressing buttons?

Asked by juniper (1910points) March 15th, 2009
15 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

I’ve always had a flip phone, but recently I’ve been thinking about getting a “candybar” style phone. I like the flip because there are no accidental calls. I’m aware of the keyboard lock function, but what if you forget to lock it? Does it lock automatically? Is it an annoyance to have to lock it every time?

I just know I’m gonna end up calling my boss late at night or something.

Just in case this makes a difference, the phone I’m considering is the Nokia 6301.

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essieness's avatar

Lock your keypad.

Here’s a user guide for your phone.

Lightlyseared's avatar

A button combination turns off the keypad. On Nokias it’s usually menu followed by star for example.

LouisianaGirl's avatar

Lock your keypad or my step mom gave me the case to her blackberry. I have a walkman and I have never accidentaly called anyone but I do connect to the internet or play my songlist.

asmonet's avatar

I don’t try to embed my phone in my skull when I hold it, works fine for me. Oh and I keep it in it’s own pocket.

juniper's avatar

@asmonet, I’m thinking more about when it’s in my jeans pocket, not when I’m using it (as all phones have the issue, then)

willbrawn's avatar

Have an iPhone and don’t touch it with your finger.

Lightlyseared's avatar

If it’s locked it will still let you answer a call without unlocking and when you hang up it will automatically re lock. If you forget then the keypad is designed so it’s quite hard to push the buttons by mistake.

It’s no more annoying than having to flip and unflip your phone. I wouldn’t worry about it.

juniper's avatar

@lightlyseared, thanks! Good to know.

asmonet's avatar

hehehe, that’s why it has it’s own pockt in my purse, or pants facing out.

fireinthepriory's avatar

Mine locks automatically after maybe 30 seconds of no buttons being pushed, so it hasn’t dialed anyone accidentally yet, and I keep it in my pocket. It’s a Nokia. I actually find it really annoying to unlock it rather than just flipping the phone open (just got off a flip phone, it died a few days ago). But I’ll probably get used to it. :)

aprilsimnel's avatar

I have a case.

augustlan's avatar

I had a non-flip phone for a while, and I hated having to unlock it. The next phone I got was a flip, and I’ve never looked back.

autumn43's avatar

@augustlan – shucks! Why didn’t you tell me that before I got my touch pad, non-flip phone? LOL! I had the flip phone and figured this one was gonna be great. Not. I like my old phone. Waaah! BTW – my new phone has a button on the side which you can press to unlock/lock it. It also has the ‘drag’ to unlock feature. I got used to it. But still like my old phone.

susanc's avatar

I have that shitty Nokia too, and I find that if I keep in in my pocket facing IN, the keypad’s pretty invulnerable.
But I still hate it.

Daethian's avatar

Lock the keypad if you must but on my BlackBerry Pearl I have never had a problem with it accidentally dialing from my pocket or purse.

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