Meta Question

benseven's avatar

Does @username not work when the user is the question-asker rather than a contributor?

Asked by benseven (3189points) March 17th, 2009
20 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

I just noticed when someone used @bythebay in this question it doesn’t linkify. Is this because bythebay asked the question but hasn’t posted a response?


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dynamicduo's avatar

That is correct!

marinelife's avatar

(Unless the questioner has responded in the thread.)

benseven's avatar

Yeah. It’s weird. I guess it’s become such a convention for responding to someone in the thread that it can even be directed at the person originating the question as well as others replies.

With that said – shouldn’t it linkify regardless, as someone could be pitching an idea in their actual question?

bythebay's avatar

Is linkify a “real” word or a Fluther word, I like it!

Mamradpivo's avatar

It also doesn’t work on Fluther mobile, I’ve noticed. Which is fine.

ben's avatar

This is a bug—we plan to fix it quite soon. :)

benseven's avatar

Yay! Thanks ben.

marinelife's avatar

If there was one thing I wish, it is that you could do multiple ones in a reply and have them be links. I think I have seen people do this, but when I try it, it hasn’t worked.

augustlan's avatar

@Marina You can do this, but you don’t get the ‘drop-down’ menu after the first one. If you type out the whole user name, it will ‘linkify’. It is case-sensitive though, so:

@marina won’t work but
@Marina will.

marinelife's avatar

Mercy buckets, Augustlan, for sharing you insight.

andrew's avatar

@ben: Not a bug. The feature just hasn’t been pushed yet.

andrew's avatar

@Marina: That’s a bug with YUI right now… If you put a space before you type @ (on a new line), you’ll get completion.

marinelife's avatar

@andrew Thank you, too.

augustlan's avatar

@andrew I didn’t know that… thanks for telling us, it’s a big help!

andrew's avatar

[Edit]: I meant to say, it’s been written, just not live yet.

ben's avatar

@andrew to-ma-to, to-mah-to :)

benseven's avatar

Fight Fight Fight Fight!

andrew's avatar

@ben I’m sorry, did you just write a new feature? No? Awwwwwwwww….....snap.

ben's avatar

@andrew you wanna go, fool? Let’s go.

Let’s go get a sandwich. A bug sandwich. I’ll bring the bread, you bring the rest.

andrew's avatar

@ben Oh, I’m sorry, we’re all out of bugs since you’ve put them all our code. I guess we’ll just have to have a rockstar talent sandwish, since I’ve got plenty of that.

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