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chelseababyy's avatar

How did/do fluther mods BECOME fluther mods?

Asked by chelseababyy (7939points) March 18th, 2009
39 responses
“Great Question” (4points)

How does it happen?! What’s the process if any?

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steve6's avatar


El_Cadejo's avatar

The gods call them up to the Mount Wannahockaloogie. There people in dark robes speaking in tongues. The new mod to be must pledge their soul to the Fluther gods and sacrifice a jelly to seal the initiation.

steve6's avatar

It sounds like a thankless job to me.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

They were crowned as such by a great octopus from the sea.

gailcalled's avatar

(Jellyfish, please.)

KatawaGrey's avatar

@uberbatman: Don’t they have to go through the ring of fire?

syz's avatar

Yay! Mount Wannahawkaluogie!

syz (35943points)“Great Answer” (6points)
NaturalMineralWater's avatar

I knew someone would call me on it. Fine.. jellyfish. xD

cak's avatar

@uberbatman – lurve for Mt Wannahawkaloogie!

cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (1points)
jlm11f's avatar

Andrew/Ben ask you to sell your soul to them and become a mod. This includes getting countless emails, PMs from people who want you to know what an idiot you were for removing their Q/quip/whatever and then some amazing people who PM you to say thank you for removing some Q/quip/whatever. Basically: if they see you fluthering a lot, being able to approach hot topics in a calm and rational way, then they ask you to become a mod. Doesn’t explain why @richardhenry is a mod though, does it? :)

bythebay's avatar

I heard it was like a Mardi-Gras event, flashing & mooning, with Andrew & Ben up on the float tossing beads. Whoever gets the most beads – they’re the next Mod. I also heard shilolo got the most beads EVER!!

suzyq2463's avatar

I don’t know. Can I apply? I own the t-shirt. Surely that counts for something. And I can spell (most of the time). Oh to be a Fluther God . ... I mean Mod.

AstroChuck's avatar

Just slip the Gods a Benjamin and really kiss some ass and your in.
Good luck!
(Mods make a buttload of $)

richardhenry's avatar

Gawd, I was speaking to Andrew in the chat room a looong time ago, not when I first joined Fluther, but when I came back to Fluther for some reason and then totally got addicted. I think he was asking about whether or not to ban axlefoley; they were really unsure on that and wanted some opinions. Some of you probably remember that ordeal.

I said that if they ever needed some help, that I was cool with that. Week or two later, Andrew sent me an email and I was on the team.

suzyq2463's avatar

@astrochuck Kissy kissy. Paypal or Visa or direct deposit?

richardhenry's avatar

@suzyq2463 Direct deposit please. Into my trousers.

Allie's avatar

^^ and there is how it really happened.

richardhenry's avatar

I have to say, more than anything else it’s been really interesting watching the landscape of Fluther evolve over time. I’m glad I got here reasonably early to see things pan out from the days when everyone knew eachother to now. We’re still small, but we’re going places.

gailcalled's avatar

1) You have to be smart
2) You have to be tactful
3) You have to write clearly and concisely
4) You have to be too busy with career, school, family,or new baby to sleep or eat.
5) You have to be nuts.

AstroChuck's avatar

Edit: you’re in. Dammit!

steve6's avatar

You have to write concisely. Thank you.

chelseababyy's avatar

That’s awesome. Being a fluther moderator must be like, winning an Oscar.

Response moderated
andrew's avatar

[mod says]: Add NSFW before linking to boobs, please.

KatawaGrey's avatar

What does NSFW mean?

jlm11f's avatar

NSFW = Not Safe for Work

asmonet's avatar

lol, I love that someone got modded on this thread.

augustlan's avatar

I got a PM from Andrew asking if I would be interested in joining the mod team. PnL trained me, and the rest is history. :)

There was an exchange of pancakes.

KatawaGrey's avatar

@PnL: Thank you.

richardhenry's avatar

@augustlan Did you use protection?

KatawaGrey's avatar

To protect from the syrup…

asmonet's avatar

Well, you’d expect someone named Dick to be interested in the sex lives of those around him, wouldn’t you? ;)

AstroChuck's avatar

@augustlan- What kind of pancakes?

augustlan's avatar

Fluther pancakes, of course… with ‘O’ syrup.

Allie's avatar

@PnL gets around. She trained me too.

wundayatta's avatar

@AstroChuck: Bad god! Bad, bad god! When will these Gods ever get decent table manners? I mean, there’s no accounting for taste [shudder], but begging pancakes? Fluther pancakes at that? Have you no shame? Some things simply aren’t done.

and him a god, too!

AstroChuck's avatar

Me no god. Ben and Andrew god. Me just disciple.

Blondesjon's avatar

The choice is determined thusly.

i like andrew in a beard…he could lose the long locks though

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