General Question

mangeons's avatar

Are you surprised that neither Ben nor Andrew have gotten into the 10k club yet?

Asked by mangeons (12288points) March 19th, 2009
29 responses
“Great Question” (4points)

I would’ve thought they would’ve gotten the most lurve. Anyone else surprised? Just imagine THEM bringing the donuts to meetings

P.S.- Andrew is in the lead. ;)

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richardhenry's avatar

They’re too busy building Fluther, which is unfortunately a lurveless task. I suggest that Ben and Andrew reply to this thread immediately so that we may lurve them to death.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

I have definitely wondered about that. I guess because they spend more time maintaining the site than they do participating? (Not that their participation is anything less that stellar or that we don’t all appreciate site maintenance to the fullest extent.)

mangeons's avatar

Hehe. ^^

By the way, Andrew is currently in more Fluthers than Ben, I was wrong on my question! ^^

casheroo's avatar

Yeah, that is surprising. I’ll lurve on them if I see a GA from them ;)

DeanV's avatar

They should get unlimited lurve for building fluther.

chyna's avatar

I just added both to my fluther so they could get more lurve.

jrpowell's avatar

If they cared they could play with the database. Remember when sferik gave the guy negative 1000000 lurve?

mangeons's avatar

@johnpowell Seriously?? That’s priceless. But Andrew and ben aren’t cheaters! ;)

DeanV's avatar

@johnpowell: Please, enlighten me on this subject. It sounds quite amusing.

SeventhSense's avatar

You really think they are not doing this to make money, either now or in the future?

mangeons's avatar

Um, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t call me monkeygirl. If I wanted to be called that I would’ve made it my username. Got that? Kay, thanks, bye.

SeventhSense's avatar

Ok so the consensus is that someone builds, maintains a web site like this to Social network? Please.

mangeons's avatar

Not everything is about money, thank you very much. A lot of the best things in life are free. They don’t do it just for the money. Did you ever think maybe they enjoyed doing the site?

SeventhSense's avatar

It cost money to run and maintain.

jrpowell's avatar

Someone (i forgot who) was using multiple accounts to give them self lots of lurve. They got caught. So sferik gave them negative lurve. It actually worked. -1000000 would become -999995. After a while it was set back to zero.

mangeons's avatar

I am very well aware, that doesn’t mean they do the whole site for money. Sheesh.

SeventhSense's avatar

Everything is about money. Don’t be silly

mangeons's avatar

…except NOT.

SeventhSense's avatar

What Ever

mangeons's avatar

um… ok.

Allie's avatar

[mod says:] ...aaaand end. Thanks.

SeventhSense's avatar

Hmmmmmm….So in answer, I guess they have other things to do.

trumi's avatar

Aww, I miss middle school!

TitsMcGhee's avatar

@trumi: lol4rl. My thoughts exactly.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

Wow, just wow. I have both Ben and Andrew in my fluther, and only the moderators that DON’T have a restraining order against me. just kidding about the restraining order, this thread needed some hilarity after that.

AstroChuck's avatar

If Ben or Andrew gave a damn about lurve I’m sure it’s within their power to give themselves 1000000000000000 points.

mangeons's avatar

@AstroChuck but Ben and Andrew aren’t cheaters! They just lurve makeup. :)

tiffyandthewall's avatar

like @SeventhSense said, Everything is about money. Don’t be silly

i mean, well that’s obvious. hell, why would we all be on fluther in the first place, if we weren’t getting paid to fluther?

wait what.

to answer the original question, only fools fall in lurve.

chyna's avatar

We’re getting paid to fluther? Where’s my check?

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