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Magnus's avatar

Can I ask for refunds in a cinema?

Asked by Magnus (2884points) March 21st, 2009
29 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

I’m watching “Knowing” and it’s the fucking worst piece of modern silverized dogshit I’ve ever seen.

It’s not only the worst idea of any movie I’ve ever seen, the plot and character building is just so poor. Nicholas cage is in it… I’ve always thought Nicholas Cage was the suck because he plays the same character in all his movies. But I’ve respected him as a good actor. This movie though really exhibits Cage’s subpar and ungifted acting.
Hell, even the cgi was total suck.

Give me my $9.50 back dammit.

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marinelife's avatar

Apparently you are not alone. See this thread.

asmonet's avatar

I used to work in one, go to the box office and ask for a refund, some place will tell you they’ll only refund while the movie is still playing, but if you’re firm, they’ll refund regardless. It’s more important to have you come back than to keep your nine dollars and piss you off forever.

But since it looks like you left the premises, they probably won’t refund it at all. I mean, unless you’re on an iPhone, you’re SOL.

gailcalled's avatar

@Magnus; You are asking the wrong group of people. Stand up immediately and head for the ticket booth in the lobby. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Magnus's avatar

I was on an iPhone, it just ended… Worst movie in history.

asmonet's avatar

Get thee to the box office.

Magnus's avatar

Ok I asked. They said that they could give me a giftcard for another movie, but only if I left during. And since I didn’t, it’s oficially the worst waste of $9.50 I’ve ever spent.

And I wasn’t going to argue, there was a long line behind me and I hate being a douche.

asmonet's avatar

They screwed you. Be firm next time. :)
No douche required.

gailcalled's avatar

@Magnus: And you have learned what from this experience?

casheroo's avatar

Yes. I used to work at Regal and AMC, we had people do it quite often.
One mother complained that Lilo & Stitch was too violent. We gave her a refund. Shit happens.

Magnus's avatar


Never see a Nicholas Cage movie again ever.

gimmedat's avatar

I have asked for a refund at a theatre a number of times, for various reasons. I say, go for it. The worst answer you’ll hear is no, in which case you’ll feel better because you asked. It’s amazing to me how accommodating most places will be, just for the asking. Don’t torture yourself, take your money elsewhere.

asmonet's avatar

That’s a fantastic lesson. I learned that at Adaptation.
But I did see Ghost Rider with a friend and it basically turned into one of the most hilarious evenings of my life.

Magnus's avatar

Yes, I’m very glad I at least asked. The female clerk smiled and got the manager who calmly and politely explained the conditions.

I’m happier now.

Magnus's avatar

Well, I might see wickerman because it looks hilariously bad. To the point where youre seriously laughing your balls sore.

asmonet's avatar

Yep, that’s my night with Ghost Rider. Especially every time he screams ‘psychotically’ or laughs ‘maniacally’. It’s laughable.

casheroo's avatar

WeatherMan and Wickerman were probably the two worst movies I’ve ever seen in a theatre

A_Beaverhausen's avatar

lurve for not being a douche :)

MacBean's avatar

Watch the original Wickerman. Both versions are awful, but the original will actually make you LOL at how terrible it is, instead of just making you want to slit your wrists and get your time back.

Also, I hate people who ask for their money back for bad movies or a meal it turns out they don’t like. I don’t mean when something’s undercooked or has a hair in it or there’s mold on your bread. I mean when you try something you’ve never tried before and end up not liking it. That’s a risk you take when you go out for entertainment. Deal with it.

mangeons's avatar

I actually thought that movie looked really good. I’ll probably go and see it anyway, because what some people think is crap, I love. xD

MacBean's avatar

@mangeons Good for you! I’m the same way. If a movie gets a strong reaction, positive OR negative, it makes me want to see it so I can form my own opinion.

shadling21's avatar

Haha! No Cage for Magnus, except Adaptation. I have to insist, though… check out Vampire’s Kiss. What a movie! You could call his acting “bad”, or you could call it “perfect” (for this movie). I choose the latter.

asmonet's avatar

With that kind of recommendation, I doubt I can resist for long. I live for those ‘perfect’ performances.

2late2be's avatar

Oooh! God! I really wanted to see this “knowing” movie! Now I don’t, I love Nicholas Cage but he seem to be making aweful movies lately, I loved “city of angels”, “matchstick men” and “gone in 60 seconds” oh well, I’ll find something else to see…

dynamicduo's avatar

As long as you leave the theatre before the movie is over, you can ask for a refund. Most till peons don’t really give a hoot either way. I’ve never had to fight for a refund, and I’ve left a theatre once because a birthday party of young kids had booked the middle rows and I didn’t want to have THAT movie experience at all.

shadling21's avatar

@asmonet – If you do watch Vampire’s Kiss, let me know what you think. It’s the kind of movie that you either hate or love, and I’m always curious to see what side of the fence people fall on.

asmonet's avatar

Will do!

asmonet's avatar

@2late2be: THANK YOU, I had forgotten completely about Matchstick Men and City of Angels, the two Cage movies I watch repeatedly. Though his ‘style’ works for him in those movies.

Oh, and Face Off. :D

2late2be's avatar

@asmonet I hate “faceoff” movie! You could see all the stunt persons!

asmonet's avatar

@2late2be: Haha, but it’s so silly! My brother and I watch it, it’s for the lols.

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