General Question

PeanutBrother's avatar

Is it a compliment to tell a girl you've had intercourse with her in three separate dreams?

Asked by PeanutBrother (16points) March 25th, 2009
30 responses
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i think she ought to know

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casheroo's avatar

No, no, no. Do not tell her that. Unless you are dating, or married or whatever…don’t be a skeeze. How would you even approach such a thing? I can’t imagine.

willbrawn's avatar

Are you dating her? Or thinking about dating her.

I do know that I did tell a girl that in a particular circumstance one time. It was a time where we were both attracted to each other; We were making out, then ended up dating for awhile.

cwilbur's avatar

It depends on the girl, but in most cases I’d bet that revealing something like that to her would result in an extremely unpleasant and uncomfortable situation.

wundayatta's avatar

Once I had a dream about a girl four nights in a row! We were screwing in every way imaginable in the dreams. After the last day, I figured it was a sign, and so I went up to her in school that day, and I told her, “Jesus, you are so hot! You screw like a rabbit! Let’s get it on, baby!”

When I got home, I had to tell my mother that I had accidentally fallen down the stairs. She was kinda wondering where that shiner came from. Also, I had to transfer to another school.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Not a good idea right now. Ask her out first. Develop a relationship. If it works out, then you can tell her you dreamed about her. BUT NOT BEFORE THEN!

wundayatta's avatar

Awwww, @aprilsimnel, you’re taking all the fun out of it!

Mr_M's avatar

Not if it’s your SISTER.

aprilsimnel's avatar

@daloon – Well… if one’s a masochist and enjoys a sock in the jaw, or gets off on shocked and dismayed reactions, hey, then go for it!

PupnTaco's avatar

How old are you, kid?

Likeradar's avatar

She “ought to know”? Are you freaking kidding me? Grow a pair, gain some maturity and insight, and if you’re interested in her, ask her out like a normal person.

wundayatta's avatar

@aprilsimnel: good point. And, as everyone knows, I am a masochist par excellence!~

bobbyb_'s avatar

Probably not the best idea to tell her that you’ve been having dreams like that. It will most likely end in a bad way. She’ll probably be freaked out a little, if not scared for her life! And this doesn’t just apply to you, it applies to all guys! Girls don’t wanna hear that kind of stuff from us!

wundayatta's avatar

@bobbyb_ Not even meeee? Surely the girls won’t be able to resist me! [daloon demonstrates by batting his eyelashes in a most affecting way]

bobbyb_'s avatar

@daloon Ehh, you know what, maybe you can use your charm to woo the lady and she won’t be pissed after all! hahaha

KatawaGrey's avatar

@daloon: I certainly wouldn’t be able to resist you. Tee hee.

Glad you’re daloon again, instead of daloonagain. :)

elijah's avatar

If she has already shown a clear interest in you, and you have already begun developing a flirtatious relationship, then she might like to know about your dreams.
Otherwise you’re just being creepy.

wundayatta's avatar

@KatawaGrey: My, my! You just made my face go a very bright shade of red!

yeah, I’m glad to be daloon again, too

Mr_M's avatar

Are you sure that isn’t hemorrhoids?

wundayatta's avatar

@Mr_M: Pshaw! You do say the most naughty things!

EmpressPixie's avatar

No… she’s going to think that’s creepy and strange. Unless you are dating her and have been for a while. Then she might be amused.

lukiarobecheck's avatar

If you two are both flirting back and forth. just tell her casually you had a dream about her, and see where she takes it. I know guys are different and usually will entertain the subject more than girls. A girl I went to school with told me she had a dream about me. We were flirting at the time, so I entertained the idea, and found out what her dream was about. And it lead to a very interesting place. But, I would say, you both have to show an interest. And then, like I said, casually mention that you had a dream about her. If she is interested in you, physically, she will go further. If she blows off the comment, then you will know not to peruse it any further.

hug_of_war's avatar

Even if my boyfriend told me this, it would mean nothing more to me than that he’s horny. If some guy I was interessted in but not dating told me this, it would probably creep me out.

qashqai's avatar

Yes it is a compliment.
Go and tell her, then come back and delight us with her answer.

lc's avatar

if you’ve never spoken to the girl, then telling her is a giant, creepy no-no.
BUT! if you already have an open dialogue with her and you feel comfortable speaking to each other, then I would go ahead and tell her you’ve have a few dreams about her. Obviously, she will ask what they were about, and at that point, if she doesn’t seem freaked out, and she seems interested, then I think it’s fine to tell her they were a bit naughty. Just don’t use the word intercourse. For some reason, that word comes off as creepy if you haven’t actually slept with the person yet.
As well, the way you approach this will be different depending on the age of the girl. How old is she? If she’s older than 20, than telling her you had a naughty dream shouldn’t be that big of a deal, younger than 20, maybe keep it a bit more PG-13 when trying to explain it…
And yes, please, let us know how and if it goes!

galileogirl's avatar

What would your reaction be if some random girl or even your girlriend came up to you and said “I’ve been dreaming about our wedding”?

cak's avatar

@galileogirl heehee! Perfect!

cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (1points)
essieness's avatar

That’s weird and gross. Unless you’re already involved somehow. And please don’t use the word “intercourse”... for the love of God.

adreamofautumn's avatar

Oh please don’t. It’s so incredibly creepy. It’s not a “compliment”, it’s a restraining order waiting to happen.

qashqai's avatar

I was ironic, obviously. And a bit curious, as well.

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