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A_Beaverhausen's avatar

Do you stand up for fastfood employees when a customer is treating them unreasonalbly?

Asked by A_Beaverhausen (2443points) March 27th, 2009
11 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

my night was crazy last night, and i unfortunately lost some respect for our german students from my university.

so, last night, i was taking all of my drunk friends to mcdonalds and there was a group of about 10 foreign students eating in the dinning area when we walked in. and one guy was up at the counter being a complete ASSHOLE to the young kid who was at the register. one of the guys i was with stood up for the kid and told him how rude he was being and that this is not how we treat people here in the states. the “dutchy” as we call the germans (dont ask, long story) continued to harrass the staff and my friends and it eventually ended up going outside. the Dutchy was not only talking smack about america, but continued to act like a complete jerk. so after some words were exchanged, my friend ended up punching the Dutchy (in the face, right in the cheeck, i wish you could have seen it! and a fight broke out. then a mcdonalds staff member came out and told my friends to leave because they called the cops.

i do NOT approve of violence, and i acknowledge the fact that it solves nothing. but i could not believe the way that Dutchy was treating that poor kid! he said some really terrible things AND ABOUT AMERICA TOO! im glad they all got their asses kicked. hbu?

and if you went to another country is this how you would treat the locals? ...I thought Americans were supposed to be the nasty ones…

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dynamicduo's avatar

Always have, always will.

I was a fast food worker then manager while in school/first year of university. I learned a lot there, actually, when I look back and think about it. For example, I make my order in the exact desired way, and always tell the cashier the exact amount of money I’m giving them.

I also stand up for customers too. Recently I was at a Wendy’s during the daytime. The customer in front of me and her daughter ordered a drink, sandwich, and side dish seperately, but the cashier entered it in individually instead of making it into a combo. This is one telltale sign of a good cashier, fighting for the customer’s money, knowing what deals are best and giving them to the customer without asking (as a worker/manager, I cared more about the customers than I did about the McBeast). Sure enough, the manager came up while the customer was leaving and told the cashier their mistake, but made no effort to call back the customer to give them their money back. So I did. She got back $2, and I was thanked by her. The fast food company was willing to keep that $2 instead of doing what was right. So disgusting.

jonsblond's avatar

I never confront the customer that is being rude, but I do let the employee know that I witnessed it and that I support them completely. I like to reassure them that not everyone is like that and it always puts a smile on their face.

bythebay's avatar

Yes, I would. I think many people are very inconsiderate to servers, both table side & counter. I for one, wouldn’t be rude to anyone handling my food.

On this flip side, this Q made me think of this

it’s a video clip, so it may be NSFW…

gambitking's avatar

Yes, if the customer was being a jerk, I would have no problem standing up for the poor guy behind the counter. I cannot stand those sorts of things, and sometimes people need to be put in check, rightly so.

@Dynamicduo: Yeah, I witnessed a similar incident at Domino’s. This poor old guy, out-of-towner trying to get some food having no idea where he was… asks to order a small pizza. After being told it would cost him 11 dollars for the small pizza, plus tax, he reluctantly went ahead and ordered a medium one for 13 bucks. I watched as the cashier offered no deal of any kind and took his money. Then I said “you know, you could buy one small pizza for 11 bucks… OR you can get THREE for only 12 bucks. It’s called the 4–4-4 deal.” The guy thanked me but it was clear the cashier didn’t share the sentiment. The customer rightly called into qusetion the truth of my claims. The cashier confirmed it, and the guy felt so deceived he left to patronize another store.

casheroo's avatar

I would most definitely stick up for anyone that was being harassed or treated poorly. I have no issue with confrontation, much to my husbands annoyance lol.
Treating others rudely just shouldn’t be tolerated.

TaoSan's avatar

so you see a direct correlation between a guy being and asshole and his nationality?

Amoebic's avatar

Whenever I can. I think that the abrasive customer sometimes feels that their behavior is somehow justified. Some even seek approval from other customers for the things they say and do to the service workers. Piping in with a “You’re being incredibly rude,” is sometimes enough (obviously not in the OP’s case – that sounds like someone just looking for trouble).

People behind the counter will sometimes do the same thing; whoever it may be, there’s something in me that always feels the urge to stand up for the underdog.

A_Beaverhausen's avatar

no, i think its the rich-ness that made then all uber douche bags

susanc's avatar

@A_Beaverhausen—- um, so we Americans have also “been made” uber douche bags?
Our richness is world-famous (till recently, when we dug our own grave).

A_Beaverhausen's avatar

yea, but it was americans to the rescue this time!

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

It wasn’t at a fast food restaurant, but at the service desk of my favorite grocery store, some disgruntled bitch was giving the clerk lady a rough time, (I listened to her yell abusively for about five minutes) for something the clerk had no control over, and I finally spoke up, telling the rude customer that if she tried being nice instead of being such a c*nt maybe she would get the treatment she felt she deserved. She cussed me out and then left in a huff. The naggy broad wasn’t even a regular customer. She had the cashier in tears, and I was sick of it. Fucking rude people simply need to be brought down a notch now and again.

The cashier apologized for the whole episode once she got her self together, and I told her, “Don’t worry about it, that bitch had it coming. Listen, I’ve been shopping here for years and no one abuses the employees of my favorite store, at least not when I am around.”

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