General Question

Zen's avatar

Smart. Who did you think of?

Asked by Zen (7748points) March 30th, 2009
43 responses
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NaturalMineralWater's avatar

My old boss. Smartest man I’ve ever met. One of those guys that can teach you so much that your head hurts.

Maldadpermanente's avatar

Maxwell, agent 86.

tekn0lust's avatar

My best friend. West Point Grad. Smartest guy I have ever met. I’d take a bullet for him.

allen_o's avatar

George Orwell

Jiminez's avatar


qashqai's avatar

Bernard Madoff.
You have to be really smart to make 50 billion dollars disappear.

veneziana's avatar

My husband. He is a walking encyclopedia.

djmuzk's avatar

Jesus Christ

Bluefreedom's avatar

Marilyn vos Savant – she rose to fame through her listing in the Guinness Book of World Records under “Highest IQ”.

dynamicduo's avatar


asmonet's avatar

Stephen Hawking?
A few of my friends?

I don’t see the point in this.

Zen's avatar

@asmonet Since when does there have to be a point? Look above: I’ve already learned a lot about/from these people.


Lupin's avatar

I’ve got to go with Obama. Now, if you had asked “Dumb”, I could quickly come up with a couple of recent examples.

Zen's avatar

@Lupin I’ll bite. Dumb. Who did you think of?

jonsblond's avatar

My husband and sons.

allen_o's avatar

It’s funny that David beckham gets attacked for being an idiot, nobody attacks Stephen hawking for being shit at football

dynamicduo's avatar

@allen_o – where exactly does this occur, do you have links? I have never seen this occur and am curious as to why you said it here. As far as I see, nobody attacks any of them, nor would I really care if anyone did – such actions speaks volumes about the attacker.

allen_o's avatar

It was a joke, lighten up

Zen's avatar

David Beckham is a dunce.

allen_o's avatar

Hahaha, there you go,
@zen – are you in uk or us?

dynamicduo's avatar

See, the thing about jokes is that they’re often funny…

DragonFace's avatar


TheLoneMonk's avatar

My fucking wife. Smarter than anyone I know sure, she’s a little odd. But smart….whew

allen_o's avatar

@dynamicduo, maybe you’re a bit too old for jokes

rawpixels's avatar

Ron Paul

dynamicduo's avatar

@allen_o – Highly doubtful. I’m also not old enough to forget proper punctuation usage.

allen_o's avatar

Yep, too old

dynamicduo's avatar

Dude, I’m under 30. What are you, like 12?

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

my partner

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

Stephen Hawking
Daniel Tammet
Bill Gates

rawpixels's avatar

Steve Jobs

adreamofautumn's avatar

@rawpixels lurve. :)

A couple of my professors never cease to amaze me with how much they know on so many subjects, not just the ones they teach.
I would also put my Uncle on my list, he’s just brilliant in a way that’s different from most other people I know.

Jeruba's avatar

Maxwell, unfortunately. As in “Get.”

VS's avatar

Probably my old boss, Fred. He was definitely the smartest person I have ever met. I learned much from him before he moved to Prescott, AZ.

VzzBzz's avatar

My ex husband
My ex bf
My Grandfather

DragonFace's avatar

@ dynamicduo
Liking the smell of your farts lately?

dynamicduo's avatar

@DragonFace Why do you choose to act the way you do?
Personal attacks and insults are not condoned on this site. I advise you to cease doing so.

DragonFace's avatar

It was a simple question. If you take it very personal and your farts smell somewhat horrendous then I apologize. To actually be the better man in this situation you should have never responded.

dynamicduo's avatar

I have no interest in being the better man, what with me being a woman and all.

Why are YOU responding then? Do YOU not want to be the better man?

Keep your apology. It means nothing to me, coming from you and your comment.

asmonet's avatar


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