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Dansedescygnes's avatar

What are some of your least favorite stereotypes?

Asked by Dansedescygnes (2881points) March 30th, 2009
51 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

My absolute least-favorite is probably “blondes are stupid”. That one is so STUPID. Hair color has nothing to do with intelligence. It might bother me extra because I am blond, but still, it’s very annoying.

I also hate the “gay guys are attracted to every guy they see”. No, they’re not.

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gailcalled's avatar

MIlo here: “All cats are grey in the dark.”

Loofa's avatar

All people who wear glasses are geeks.
All Mexicans are lazy.
All gay guys are promiscuous and have AIDS.

rooeytoo's avatar

I hate all stereotypes! I have never fit into anyone’s stereotype. I resent being lumped into one. There is no such thing as a typical anything when it is referring to human beings or most of nature.

jonsblond's avatar

<<<<<dumb blonde

Facade's avatar

I hate all of em.

berocky1's avatar

@loofa hahahaah! Have you actually heard “mexicans are lazy”? Please tell me in what situation that was in! Hahaha

FGS's avatar

All Soldiers joined the Army because they were poor
All Germans are Nazis
All people that believe in God believe in creation

fireside's avatar

“Religious People”

Facade's avatar

@fireside i forgot about that one

Dansedescygnes's avatar

Even worse are Catholic stereotypes.

Catholics worship idols and Mary.
Catholics are boy-touchers.
Catholic priests molest at a much higher rate than any other profession. (No one ever actually says that one, but it’s implied, and totally false).

cak's avatar

opposite of @Loofa – my mom’s neighbor will only hire Mexicans to do his lawn – why? Because it’s their calling, of course! (The exact words from his mouth. Good gravy!)

All homeless people are either dangerous or mentally ill.

cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (1points)
Facade's avatar

@Dansedescygnes the first one isn’t true?

Dansedescygnes's avatar


No, it’s not. All Mary and the Saints can do is pray for you to God.

As for idols, what kind of idols are you thinking of?

Facade's avatar

@Dansedescygnes all the little statues
..don’t Catholics pray to Mary, or am I completely off track?

Dansedescygnes's avatar


Statues don’t do anything. They’re completely symbolic and mainly decoration. As for Mary, a person can ask Mary to pray to God for them—that’s about it. Mary is venerated and because she is the Mother of God, she is very important and sometimes seen as more important than other saints, but we don’t worship her as a goddess or demigod or something. All she can do is pray to God for us.

Facade's avatar

@Dansedescygnes mm, ok. Thanks for clearing it up.

kenmc's avatar

That all white people from rural areas are racist.

That’s the one that has affected me the most.

cak's avatar

@boots – you reminded me of something! Also – great answer. :)

People from the south are dumb. It’s the whole southern accent – there have been studies that show that people do think they aren’t as intelligent – due to the southern accent. I beg to differ!

cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (1points)
Dansedescygnes's avatar


What about an upper class Louisiana “southern belle” accent? That always sounded sophisticated to me…

By the way, I don’t think someone is dumb for that accent, I’m just sayin’...

Facade's avatar

@cak I kinda feel that way..I can’t help it!

cak's avatar

@Dansedescygnes – There are a lot of variances to the southern accent – the one you reference is one that is quite easier on the ear! There is a twangy version that can be harsh to hear, but again, it doesn’t show the level of one’s intelligence.

@Facade – No harm, no foul – to me, but there are those that really take it to heart. I’m comfortable with the person I am.

There are stereotypes, no matter how much we don’t like them, New Yorkers are rude. funny, every time I’ve been to NY, they are very kind and helpful. People (some) in the south will tell someone they think are from the North – “Oh, I can tell you are from the north!” They get that from either an action or an accent. It happens, it stinks, but it’s part of everyday life.

cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (0points)
Blondesjon's avatar

Fat, bald, middle-aged guys are unattractive.

Dansedescygnes's avatar


Well, I don’t find that attractive, but I don’t assume other people don’t.

Blondesjon's avatar


Dansedescygnes's avatar


Well, I mean, it’s just a preference and there are some preferences that are more common than others. Also, I’m 17, it’d be kind of odd if I found that attractive…

Blondesjon's avatar

And only slightly more uncomfortable than this thread has become.

cak's avatar

@Blondesjon – I’m watching this and cringing! I’m also keeping in mind that jonsblond is very attracted to you – I’d say you are a winner!

cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (1points)
Facade's avatar


Dansedescygnes's avatar


I only commented because it didn’t seem like it was a stereotype, but just a commonly held preference. It’s not like people say “I’m going to avoid fat, bald, middle-aged men because I assume they’re unattractive” it’s more “I don’t find fat, bald, middle-aged men attractive” and that’s not a stereotype, that’s a preference.

Ivan's avatar

@Dansedescygnes Pretty sure he was joking.

elijah's avatar

I dont like any stereotypes, but the ones i have personally dealt with- All pretty girls are slutty dumb bitches and all the poor nerdy girls are innocent and picked on for no reason.
All young mothers are bad mothers and live off welfare.
Caring about how you look is shallow.
You are a bad person if you don’t believe in god.

Dansedescygnes's avatar


Yeah, maybe…lol

Bluefreedom's avatar

- All men ever think about is sex
– Women are worse drivers than men
– Every muslim person is a terrorist

May2689's avatar

Mexicans have burros and giant sombreros

Staalesen's avatar

-All Americans are fat and stupid
-Every European is a sex crazed liberal hippie.

gailcalled's avatar

@Dansedescygnes: This isn’t a supplication to Mary to pray for the sinner who is saying the “Hail Mary”?

“Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Blondesjon's avatar

@Bluefreedomwe’re supposed to be listing stereotypes…

cwilbur's avatar

@gailcalled: that is asking Mary to pray for us, but it’s along the same lines as you asking me to pray for a sick friend. It’s not necessarily the same as worship—although the distinction is rather fine, I’ll admit.

Dansedescygnes's avatar


Yeah, that’s the point. Mary prays to God for you.

Facade's avatar

@Dansedescygnes Why not just pray to God yourself?

Dansedescygnes's avatar


It’s just a way of having multiple entities praying for you. It’s like asking a friend to pray for you, but in this case you’re having a very important saint doing it. I think this site explains it pretty well:

Facade's avatar

@Dansedescygnes I wouldn’t call her a saint, or anyone for that matter.

SeventhSense's avatar

<—-Big fan of dumb blondes, brunettes, redheads…females.

Dutchess12's avatar

That good a lookin’ women with a nice body is also stupid. humph!

SeventhSense's avatar

Call me a chauvinist but there’s just something about a helpless woman who needs a big strong man that gets my motor going. It’s OK if they’re smart and just pretend to be dumb in the bedroom too. :)

gailcalled's avatar

Why would anyone, man or woman, pretend to be dumb in the bedroom. And what would that entail? Putting the pillows at the foot of the bed?

Dutchess12's avatar

@gailcalled Good question! I played the dumb blond on the pool table because it made that much easier to wax their arrogant, egotistical, macho butts!! By the time they realized they’d been had, I was taking their money!

elijah's avatar

Hmmm, nothin’ like a dumb blonde on a pool table!

Dutchess12's avatar

@elijahsuicide it makes it really, really hard to get the balls in the pockets when you have dumb blonds ON the table!! I just hate it when they do that. LOL!!

Berserker's avatar

That all Canadians eat raw onions for breakfast and then spend the rest of the day cutting down trees with their fists.

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