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adri027's avatar

Is prostitution around a lot?

Asked by adri027 (1415points) March 31st, 2009
34 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

I know in my area (Santa monica) there’s some that walk down the street at night which is kind of weird because you wouldn’t think that goes on. Honestly I never thought prostitution was real until I met really young ones. It broke my heart these poor girls. Are there any in your are? What’s your opinion on it? How can we help?

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asmonet's avatar

Yeah, I live near DC, we got tons of em.
You get used to it..which is insensitive but true. I can spot one easy now, I would think the answer is more education about it and community resources, but prostitution itself isn’t the problem in my opinion. The illegality of it is. These women and girls wouldn’t be abused nearly as much if it were legalized and regulated.

Horus515's avatar

Prostitution is around, a lot. And its funny but even in pretty small towns you will see it. We’ll start seeing it even more if the economy downturns further. Vices proliferate in had times. Did you know you can even order a girl on the telephone? Go in your phonebook and look up escorts. You can call and a girl will come to your front door to “service” you. It’s a mad, mad world.

Horus515's avatar

I meant “hard times”, not “had times”. I’m not from Boston.

ru2bz46's avatar

They’re in my area, too. To help them, I guess we could give them better jobs. If they perform well, give them an education for an even better job in the company.

asmonet's avatar

Not all prostitutes are uneducated or incapable of finding a better job…

dynamicduo's avatar

The best way to help prostitution would be to legalize it. Legalizing it would allow it to be regulated and monitored, it would be taken from the street corners and dark alleys and put under the lights for all appropriate people to see. Women could register as independents, join an agency, contribute payroll taxes, etc. There would be less abuse and shady dealings, less abusive (as the woman could report the abuse), less chances of disease (agencies could promote themselves as being “disease free”, employing women who pass an STD test and having rules to prohibit condom-less sex), et cetera.

The most common argument against such action is that it would cause society to collapse with no morals. This is provably false, and is nothing more than baseless claims. The second most common argument is that more women would become prostitutes, and again this is provably false.

Here is one article describing the sex trade in New Zealand, where it is legal. It offers a lot of value into showing the effects of legalization.

ru2bz46's avatar

@asmonet Since the subquestion was asking how to help them, I think adri027 has perceived that they are, in some way, in need of help. Accepting that premise, educating them and offering them better jobs is a way to help. If they do not want/need education or better jobs, then they have apparently made a choice to be prostitutes, instead of another profession. In that case, just wish them well.

adri027's avatar

@asmonet I’m totally with you on that. I met some that were amazing girls being sober and off the streets.

Mr_M's avatar

In Westchester there seems to be a glut of massage parlors that turn out to be something else. The police close one and another opens.

johnny0313x's avatar

I was just watching Monster last night ha, its a good movie but very sad Its all about a prostitute for those who don’t know it was an award winning movie, its rather good but depressing and based on true events.

Dog's avatar

There are all degrees of prostitute in all walks of life.

Dog (25152points)“Great Answer” (1points)
casheroo's avatar

I’m sure there are some, but I’ve honestly never seen any in Philly. I’ve seen them all over Atlantic City though.

asmonet's avatar

@ru2bz46: Just because she’s not fully aware of the variety of individuals who choose or are forced into the sex industry doesn’t mean we should limit our discussion of the topic to suit her current understanding of things. She can learn, just as we can.

aisyna's avatar

i agree with dynamicduo, legalize it, tax it, regulate it (i think the same should apply to marijuana)

ru2bz46's avatar

@asmonet Point taken. I see it much as I do the homeless situation. Most are there because they don’t see themselves as having any alternatives; some are there to escape the rat race.

sandystrachan's avatar

Aberdeen is full of them.

And where i live has loads ( mainly working for drug dealers ) I see them walking up and down the lane at the rear of my house. One of the more well known girls is mainly used to settle drug deals (unpaid debts) and she is also used for the older gentleman .

asmonet's avatar

@adri027: Yeah, I have a friend who dabbled in prostitution to pay for college, she’s now in med school. She’s not happy about having resorted to that in the past, but she’s pretty excited she was able to not fail out, lose her apartment and end up homeless to boot.

koldblue's avatar

All one has to do is go to Craigslist, so yes they are in every area. It is sad as you are selling more than your body but character and soul as well.

asmonet's avatar

@koldblue: There are arguments to be made about that. It depends on your morality, something that is subjective.

mamabeverley's avatar

I am in “Small Town” TN. In our local paper recently, they were talking about the explosion of prostitutes. Like Last summer when gas got so high, trading gas for sex. Gives Bartering a whole new outlook. As for education, What about the Mayflower Madame? Or Heidi Fleiss? Those girls are not stupid! In NV, where prostitution is legal outside City Limits, some of those girls make better than $100,000.00 a year! Hello, 100K, damn, time to move back to NV!

ru2bz46's avatar

@mamabeverley If you were referring to my comment about education and such, I was only talking about those prostitutes who got into the business because they had (almost) no other choice, e.g. they were uneducated or otherwise unable to find a different type of job to make ends meet. I know there are many very smart and educated women (and men) who choose prostitution as a career for any number of reasons. I don’t necessarily fault them for that. I have a very close female friend. Years ago, she told me that I had something that she thought women might pay for, and she wanted to pimp me out. It sounded pretty good to me, though we never acted on it.

cak's avatar

yes, it is around – very much so.

What we couldn’t believe, while driving through a neighboring town, was some of the signage that was posted by the city. “No prostitute zone!” This is a quiet little town, lots of money – a nice place to live. Evidently, though, there was an area where there was problem. What killed us was there was only a zone – it wasn’t like it was posted for the entire town. After the obvious was brought up during a town council meeting, the signs were removed, a single sign replaced the “zone” signs. No prostitution allowed.

cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (0points)
YARNLADY's avatar

@dynamicduo I heartily agree with you.

ubersiren's avatar

@dynamicduo : Agreed. It’s working beautifully in New Zealand!

Victimless crimes of all sorts should be legal, imho.

Baltimore has lots of transvestitutes in Charles Village.

mamabeverley's avatar

@ru2bz46 Well, educated or not, if my kids were hungry I know what I would be doing. I feel bad for them if they truly have no other choice. But, if it is a life choice like @asmonet friend, to pay for college, who are we to judge. Women sell them selves everyday, it is called marriage. We trade for a house, kids cars whatever, men trade for a cook, maid and childcare! Really, just kidding! This does not apply to me. But, I know women who stay married eventhough they are unhappy so they can keep their Country Club Memberships and Fancy address’s.

jo_with_no_space's avatar

I would imagine so, yes. I generally assume the worst, though it mostly seems hidden from my view around here.

forestGeek's avatar

It’s definitely in the neighborhood I live in, literally only 5 blocks away.

ru2bz46's avatar

@mamabeverley I gave her a house, car, and so on, so how come I never got a cook, maid, etc.? I should have read the fine print…

mamabeverley's avatar

@ru2bz46 You are right. It is all a negotiated deal. We agreed, I would stay home, be a housewife, mom, accountant, maid, therapist, taxi driver, personal shopper,home room mother, etc. It is difficult at times. Tonight I made Spagetti Sauce from scratch! What a bummer, all day job. Now, I get to do all the dishes and be a tutor at the same time. Sometimes you do want to “pitch“it. But at almost 40, my job skills are gone. I have not worked for 15 years. Being a hooker is about what would I would be cut out for! Besides, I do get to shop all I want with no complaints. Sometimes I get yelled at for not shopping enough!...HMMM What was I complaining about??!! Ha

mamabeverley's avatar

@ru2bz46 And if you can’t tell… yes I am 2bz46!!

ru2bz46's avatar

@mamabeverley Well, she did shop, a lot. She was 2bz46 4 everybody but me.

mamabeverley's avatar

@ru2bz46 Dude that totally sucks, I am sorry that things did not work out for you. Marriage is REALLY difficult and most of the time turns into a business agreement. I have been with my hubby for almost 20 yrs. 15 of them married. Keep Trying. The right one is out there!

ru2bz46's avatar

@mamabeverley I can’t afford any more of them. I also just realized I was completely backwards in my statement, but you understood what I meant. Yes, she screwed everybody except me. I was up too late last night.

mamabeverley's avatar

@ru2bz46 Maybe you could find one with a job so YOU could stay home! That is one of our jokes around here. If I could make as much money as my huuby, I would be glad to go to work. Maybe then, someone could use a towel more than once and hang it up instead of putting it in the hamper!

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