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Zen's avatar

Are you a good parent?

Asked by Zen (7748points) March 31st, 2009
19 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

Be honest. Maybe we can learn something here. Give examples.

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phoenyx's avatar

I probably won’t know until my kids are all grown up how well I did.

One thing I am proud of: I’ve told my daughter that I love her every day since around the time she was two.

Kraken's avatar

My inner child seems to think so.

Zen's avatar

@phoenyx One of the simplest things to do, yet often overlooked and taken for granted, is to actually tell them how much they are loved. My eldest is 17 and once, when I texted her how much I loved her (which I often do in closing), she text messaged back to me that “I had made her day.” This simple message made me realize that like everyting else in life, timing is very important.

In other words, it is important to tell them we love them, and sometimes the timing of the statement can work wonders.

Zen's avatar

@Kraken You’ll be a great dad one day.

MacBean's avatar

My nieces and nephews think I kick ass, so I’m inclined to think I wouldn’t actually be a good parent. And I don’t care to try, anyway, so that’s all right!

TitsMcGhee's avatar

I’m the best parent I can be; I’m not a parent :)

Kraken's avatar

@Zen I’m just like fine wine—- just getting better.

Jack79's avatar

Most people tend to think so (including my daughter).

I am a very strict parent. But “strict” doesn’t mean beating up your kid for breaking a vase. Strict to me means that “no” means “no” and she cannot have chocolate before lunch, or buy anything she sees in a shop window. But of course I adore her and buy her presents all the time. And above all, spend time with her, explain things, talk a lot, play and eat and explore and anything else she needs to have a healthy and happy life.

You can never give a child “too much” love. And yes phoenyx, it’s a good idea to remind your children how you feel. We all tend to forget sometimes.

augustlan's avatar

You’d have to ask my children. ;)

JellyB's avatar

I’m not one, but i think i would be a good one. :)

Mr_M's avatar

Much better then MY parents were, so I’m happy with that.

Maldadpermanente's avatar

@Mr_M Yes, I feel the same. Unfortunately I didn’t enjoyed the love of my parents.

janbb's avatar

Yes now – but it certainly was a steep learning curve! I particularly regret how angry and impatient I used to get with my oldest son when he was little. It took a while to learn to balance their needs with mine.

Now they’re men and the challenge is to give them the space they need to grow. I’m still learning but getting better at it all the time. Being a parent has the been the hardest and most rewarding challenge of my life.

Mr_M's avatar

@Maldadpermanente , I DID at first, until I realized it wasn’t love at all but something else. I had nothing else to compare it to so I was fooled. Oh well.

wundayatta's avatar

When I tell stories about my kids, people often tell me I’m a good Dad. I have no idea, though. Then again, what is a good parent? My kids are still living. That’s pretty good.

sccrowell's avatar

Well, I’d like to say yes, but I thought you would want the truth! So, I asked my daughter “thetypicalusername” her fluther username. Good and bad. “Moochie? Would you consider me a good mother/parent? Would you also mind giving me an example, please? Thank you!”

She said, ” Yes, I would! You taught me excellent manners and etiquette. You taught me to always respect my elders and to be polite! From you, I learned that emotions are ok.

All of these characteristics are extremely important and I believe that’s the main reason I’m so strong and for the most part level headed=) oh! Did forget get to mention, How you instilled in me the importancy(sp) of my intigrity and that of honesty? Mom? Are you sure you’re okay?”
The above was done through texting!

Jack79's avatar

hey you should have taught her how to spell too! :P

sccrowell's avatar

@Jack79: The integrity typo was mine and this iPhone, not Ashley’s.

cutipi108's avatar

I dont have childen

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