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Zen's avatar

Remember your dreams?

Asked by Zen (7748points) April 1st, 2009
27 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

I rarely do. I think it’s because I don’t sleep very well anyway. But I was reading a post where someone said they often have discussions in their dreams, and remember them. I am envious. Do you record them? Do you give them much thought? Do they help you work out things that are troubling you? I’m sure the topic of dreams has come up from time to time, but perhaps some new people will tell us some interesting stories, too.

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Lothloriengaladriel's avatar

I never remember conversations or hear voice really in dreams..I should buy a dream catcher, I’ve been having lots of nightmares lately..I wonder if dreams really carry any meaning..sorry little rant=\

Zen's avatar

@Lothloriengaladriel Not familiar with that emoticon, dear. Enlighten me, please?

Lothloriengaladriel's avatar

Aw sorry lol but a heart can carry lots of different meanings I guess(: what I meant was I appreciated that! Should of been more specific I suppose..

Zen's avatar

@Lothloriengaladriel oic – is that a kind of heart? Thanks!

Lothloriengaladriel's avatar

Yes it’s a tiny heart captain(:

lillycoyote's avatar

I usually remember my dreams. I have very vivid, detailed, elaborate crazy dreams a lot of the time. Maybe it’s better you don’t remember yours. Sometimes I wake up exhausted from mine! :)

Zen's avatar

@all All the great answer buttons have been switched to bad answer – is this April Fool’s?

aprilsimnel's avatar

Yes, I remember my dreams. Some more than others, although I’ve forgotten the ones I had as a kid. I also write them down sometimes, especially they’re vivid when I’ve awoken.

Zen's avatar

@aprilsimnel Stupid answer.

lillycoyote's avatar

@Zen Must be april fools. This was at the bottom of the page too. funny. “Oh, you think you’re so smart, don’t you. Just give everyone your opinion.”

VS's avatar

Sometimes I can very vividly remember my dreams in excruciating detail. Sometimes I ask for help in remembering my dreams right before I go to sleep at night, and that assistance is usually provided (I’m sure by my subconscious). When I have problems or situations that require deep thought, I like to “sleep on it” and quite often I find the answer will come to me in a dream form.
Dreams are a point of particular interest to me, in that I believe it is one of the greatest unexplored mysteries in life. I mean, we have been to the moon, and been to the deepest parts of all oceans, but we have absolutely no idea where we “go” when we sleep.
Thanks for this interesting question, Zen.

VS's avatar

@Zen – they got me, too!

Jeruba's avatar

Egad, I have been dreaming in fluther pages the past two nights! Dream scenes unfolding in little yellow panels with green and white borders, as I click to open them up—this is true and not a joke. I’ve got to get out more.

Zen's avatar

@VS Your welcome, and thanks for your boring and ridiculous answer. Stay out of my questions in the future.

VzzBzz's avatar

Rarely anymore, probably because I suffer from bouts of insomnia but also because it’s said you remember less and you get older. ahem

Zen's avatar

@Jeruba Yes, and those stamps you’ve been licking and adding to your collection might have something to do with it, too.

aviona's avatar

every damn morning! and they’re really bizarre like, even if I know we were at my cousin’s house it wasn’t really my cousin’s house it was this weird underwater place…blah blah. most of the time they’re completely uninterpretable.

It gets frustrating really…

Ria777's avatar

keep a dream diary for a week and you will begin to remember them. I promise you that this will work.

RedPowerLady's avatar

I have about 5–7 dreams nightly for a week or two a month (at least). I dream so much and remember most of them. I do use my dreams to benefit me. I use them to help work through problems and also some of them have a deeper (perhaps you could say spiritual) meaning to me. I’ve had crazy dreams such as someone telling me I am dreaming and that I am there to learn. I also lucid dream quite often (where you know you are dreaming when you are dreaming). And I have a person who is in many of my dreams, someone I’ve never met in “real” life. As well as have had a few scary dream experiences (not nightmares something else altogether). My dream life is very important to me because as you can see it is quite lively. Oh and sometimes I record my dreams but I have so many that it gets tiring. BTW: I’m not trying to be a braggart, I just really enjoy this part of myself.

I have done some research on dreaming. And I have learned that light sleepers (such as myself) tend to remember more dreams. This is because you are being woken up frequently straight out of your dreams. And thus you remember them. “Normal” sleepers aren’t so frequently woke from their dreams and tend to only remember the last dream of the night/morning. The down side to remembering is that being woken out of a dream means you haven’t reached the stage of sleep where you get the most rest so it also creates that feeling of just not getting enough sleep.

RedPowerLady's avatar

@Lothloriengaladriel I can tell you how to make one, it’s really very easy.

RedPowerLady's avatar

@VS. I agree. There is a good book that touches on that point (dreams needing to be explored more and how we don’t understand much about them). It is called “The Head Trip”. It is really very good, i don’t agree with some of the authors conclusions about his findings but it was enjoyable to read an very informative.

classyfied's avatar

I do remember my dreams sometimes. I don’t record them, they’re usually pretty weird and quirky so I might share them with a couple of friends. What I’d really like to experience is lucid dreaming, though.

aviona's avatar

@classyfied :: Lucid dreaming is a trip, sometimes scary, sometimes just obnoxious.

shadling21's avatar

I am one of the “light sleepers” that @RedPowerLady has mentioned. I frequently remember my dreams and they are definitely a source of inspiration for my art.

Dreaming can be bad when you remember it, though – often I try to go back to sleep to continue the dream or start a new one. It works, but it can take a lot of time out of my busy day. I’ve gone through periods in which it’s as if I’m addicted to sleeping. Not cool.

RedPowerLady's avatar

@shadling21 Me too about wanting to go back to sleep and getting addicted to it, especially during hard times in my life, it is an easy escape.

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