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casheroo's avatar

Is anyone enjoying Fluther's April Fools?

Asked by casheroo (18116points) April 1st, 2009
102 responses
“Great Question” (16points)

Have you caught on?

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SuperMouse's avatar

Oh my! That is some mighty change in my lurve!

dynamicduo's avatar

I was like, what’s that on my screen, a string or something? Now I see it’s a minus sign by the lurve. How cute!

I also like the insulting quips.

I wish I had known, I would have made up some new evil banners! Oh well, maybe next year :)

jrpowell's avatar

“GAMBIT is construing some drivel…”


GAMBIT's avatar

Since everything is in the minus category I think it is funny.

shilolo's avatar

Damn those moderaturds!

dynamicduo's avatar

Oh, I like the text below the answer box: Oh, you think you’re so smart, don’t you. Just give everyone your opinion.

GAMBIT's avatar

@johnpowell – You got that right johnpowell what else could it be. LOL

casheroo's avatar

@dynamicduo i didn’t notice the insulting quips hahaha.

it slowly started showing up for me, and i only saw “bad answer” for two people, so i thought they were pissed at them lol

Les's avatar

“I will cut you if you cook my cat” nice.

Les (10005points)“Great Answer” (7points)
aprilsimnel's avatar

I forgot to put my pants on? Is that why it’s felt so breezy today? Huh.

Dr J looks like he needs an enema.

asmonet's avatar

As I said here

Holy crap! NEGATIVE 11k?! How do you come back from that?!

I made Dr. J angry?

Oh noez.

jrpowell's avatar

Just so everyone knows.. Your points still go up.

Likeradar's avatar

Did it just start? I didn’t notice it this morning. I guess I did forget to put my pants on. Thanks, Dr. J!

forestGeek's avatar

I though my lurve turned negative for this answer!

asmonet's avatar

I feel weird and wrong giving bad answers.

Dog's avatar

I love it! He he He!

Dog (25152points)“Great Answer” (2points)
GAMBIT's avatar

Glad they have a sense of humor around here even if it is all drivel.

RandomMrdan's avatar

haha I like it

RandomMrdan's avatar

now I can finally go back and find all those bad answers and give them the credit they deserve!

cak's avatar

Evidently, Dr J thinks I need to learn how to type! Negative Lurve!! NOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (2points)
casheroo's avatar

i love how it says Evrul +3 for bothering us with..

Zen's avatar

LOLOL @ Oh, you think you’re so smart, don’t you. Just give everyone your opinion.

miasmom's avatar

This is a perfect April Fools for Fluther, I lurve it!

Judi's avatar

drivel, what an interesting word. I will have to find a way to work it into more conversations.

casheroo's avatar

“Oh, you thought that was one of your best quips? Ouch.”

cak's avatar

Ah! I love the -5, for stinking it up!

“And yet, you keep coming back. Go Figure.”

cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (3points)
A_Beaverhausen's avatar

Ervul! hahahahahahahaaaaa!

Zen's avatar

Evrul lolol. What is Evrul? As the collective shows evrul for you, your score decreases. That’s because no one really cares about your silly thoughts. I mean, let’s be honest. You tell people you don’t really care, but you keep refreshing to see your little score change. Don’t you. ANSWER ME.

Here’s how your score decreases:
-1 for joining the collective (great, another lame member)
-1 for being an addict. Seek some help.
-2 for conning someone to call you their “friend”
-3 for each “Bad Question” you ask
-5 for each “Bad Answer” you write (how do you not have a billion of these?)
Your current score is: (781) It’s awful. Awful. Break it down.

Baby don’t hurt me, no more.

asmonet's avatar

There’s a subtle change on the Guidelines page. Been looking around to find more. :)

bobbyb_'s avatar

haha I dig it, it’s clever – a little more clever then some sites that have been doing stuff today!

forestGeek's avatar

@casheroo – I gave you a -1 “Bad Question”, sorry! Oh, wait, that’s a 1+ “Great Question”? Ah shit, I don’t know anymore, good night!

SeventhSense's avatar

I evrul them. The Flutherite overlords have begun the commmencement of sealing all exits to the matrix.
IT’S A SIGN! Resistance is futile.
Pray for Neo.

cak's avatar

My favorite! “Get lost on your way to Yahoo Answers?”


cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (6points)
GAMBIT's avatar

Even the fluther mascot is looking a little weird today on the home page.

mattbrowne's avatar

I love a good sense of humor!

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

I have enjoyed construing drivel and stinking up threads this morning; I think I’m going to like being a jelly after all.

miasmom's avatar

It says “Ask Your Silly Question”, that’s great!

Zen's avatar

@mattbrowne That’s cause you don’t have one.

augustlan's avatar

You gotta’ love this place! :D

aprilsimnel's avatar

Weren’t you going to start working out?

Heeyyy… now that’s just… OK, yes. Yes, I was. But I got sidetracked by a Law and Order SVU marathon on USA; look, whaddya want from me? Sheesh.

jonsblond's avatar

I leave to do the dishes and this is what I come back too! I’m going to!

cak's avatar

“Don’t you have anything better to do?”

…uh…nope! Not today! I’m goofing off. I finished my work, for the day. Sorry Dr J, you’re stuck with me for a little while longer!

cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (3points)
asmonet's avatar

@augustlan: I definitle evol it. :)

augustlan's avatar

“No, no one has added you to their Fluther. Again.”

Dog's avatar

Ha ha ha ha !

Dog (25152points)“Great Answer” (1points)
VS's avatar

My hair looks really, REALLY greasy today? BITE ME!! :D

jonsblond's avatar

So I really look like a chupacabra? Really? Hey bendrew, put the bong down!

jsc3791's avatar

OMG They totally got me! I was so confused…

cak's avatar

Oh…wow! “Don’t you have any “real” friends?

If I had real friends, when would I have enough time to stalk bendrew? and to plot world domination?

cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (5points)
jrpowell's avatar

“Here, 1 point for visiting two days in a row. Now here’s another 2 for leaving.”


cak's avatar

I just noticed this one…about the list of questions:

“Questions asked by every rag-tag person. By the way, you smell.”

I do not! I showered…and I used soap!

cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (7points)
augustlan's avatar

I ruin their pancakes? <cries>

cak's avatar

@augustlan oh….lan….that’s just bad. And wrong.

cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (2points)
robmandu's avatar

When you select to browse either All, Your Fluther, or Just For You, they’re respectively explained as:

- Questions asked by every rag-tag person. By the way, you smell.
– Questions asked by the people you idolize. Get over it.
– Questions we think your tiny brain can handle.

BTW, if anyone’s wondering why their pet feature requests haven’t made it into Fluther yet… well, now you know why.

cak's avatar

@augustlan crap. I just ruined them, too!

cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (2points)
andrew's avatar


Judi's avatar

I think I just spotted that trouble maker up there

Judi's avatar

Hey, He got to keep his “great answer!!”

forestGeek's avatar

The top sibling question to the right is “Who here is fond of Astrochuck?” that’s just a downright sick and uncalled for April Fools joke!!!

Allie's avatar

I like Dr. J’s angry eyes.

MissAusten's avatar

I’m so relieved! For a while there, I thought someone at fluther was spying on me. My hair IS greasy and I AM too eager! Whew!
kidding about the greasy hair!

PupnTaco's avatar


omfgTALIjustIMDu's avatar

“Your brother is hot. So, what happened to you?”
“You again?”
“Don’t you have any “real” friends?”

wundayatta's avatar

Where are the Mods when you need them?

SpatzieLover's avatar

I’m lame and a fake friend ;( Evrul to you FLUTHER! ;(

<I thought it was a pretty funny joke, myself! Thanks for thinking it up Fluther Gods!>

eponymoushipster's avatar

how many of the bizzaro comments up top came from our “what new comments should we have thread” way back when?

bizzaro fluther.

VzzBzz's avatar

The best yet is the homepage Jelly with “angry brows” above it’s glasses

eponymoushipster's avatar

@VzzBzz the quality of the brows really is what does it. It’s got MS Paint vibes all through it.

Lothloriengaladriel's avatar

its cute lol (: the only fool I have done to me all day…

sdeutsch's avatar

“Is your frizzer running? You better go catch it!” Hee hee!

Going to hit the reload button again… and again… and again…

Jeruba's avatar

wft iz rONG w u BOZOs. u cant SPELZZZZZZZZZZZ !!!! 8O :z grrr grr i gona FIX U!!!!!!+!

Dog's avatar

Man- Pancakes are getting ruined all over- pity GRIN

Dog (25152points)“Great Answer” (2points)
Bluefreedom's avatar

It’s looking good so far even though my lurve count took a major hit. =)

happy april fool’s day flutherites
happy april fool’s day flutherites

SuperMouse's avatar

My favorite is ”Insert Flutherer’s Name Here is construing some drivel.”

omfgTALIjustIMDu's avatar

“I will cut you if you cook my cat.”

I wonder how Bacio would taste with a hint of Basil….

aprilsimnel's avatar

You’re just like school in the summer time – NO CLASS!

OOOOh, I’ma tell Bill Cosby! I bet y’all stole his Jell-o Pudding Pops, too!

cak's avatar

I am just typing this to argue with the quip below the answer box.

…yes, I just gotta give my opinion!

cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (2points)
YARNLADY's avatar

I’m going to report this question to the mods. Social questions are against the rules.

Jeruba's avatar

EVRUL for Yarnlady!!

eponymoushipster's avatar

Is anybody else a little apprehensive about saying “water”?

oh wait, you can say water during the “opposites”

YARNLADY's avatar

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I hate April Fool’s Day. Some of these fool’s think they’re so D*mn funny, it’s almost enough to make YARNLADY swear. Oh, my God, I almost said the D word.

Jeruba's avatar

Be careful there, @Yarnlady. Did you ever consider the fact that every letter of the alphabet is in some bad word?

YARNLADY's avatar

@Jeruba I’d have to see your evidence before I take your word for it. oooooooh nooooooo

Jeruba's avatar

@Yarnlady, if you see my evidence then you won’t have to take my word for it.

I’m not going to get caught at work with one of those URLs in my history. So I am going to have to Tap the Collective.

Ok, everybody, I need you all together now.

Can everybody think of a bad word with an A in it?

We can!

Ok, can everybody think of a bad word with a B in it?

Yes, yes, we can!

Ok, can everybody think of a bad word with a C in it?

You bet! Wanna hear it?

No, that’s all right. D? E? Shall I continue?

….. ;D….

Ok, is there any letter that anybody can’t think of a bad word for?

<sound of flutherfolks’ minds leafing rapidly through their ample lexicons of objectionable terminology>


YARNLADY's avatar

@Jeruba I’m still waiting for x

casheroo's avatar

@eponymoushipster i don’t get the water thing.

miasmom's avatar

x is x-tra bad and we don’t even think about that one

YARNLADY's avatar

@Jeruba @miasmom OH NO, my private inbox just caught fire.

augustlan's avatar

X-rated, XXX.

Jeruba's avatar

Shh! virguxasm

Bluefreedom's avatar

@augustlan and @Jeruba. Could we invent something called a Fluthergasm? Would that be okay? Pancakes may or may not be optional but I think we should get more input from everyone.

Jeruba's avatar

Invent it? Blue, darlin’, do you mean you haven’t had one yet? Eat more pancakes!

Bluefreedom's avatar

@Jeruba. I’m off to eat some flapjacks! I’ll be most eminently satisfied upon my return. Fluthergasms, here I come!

MissAusten's avatar

Flapjacks?! No, no, no! SLAPjacks are so much more satisfying!

shadling21's avatar

Ohhhhhhhhhhh yes. This is brilliant.

Amoebic's avatar


Nimis's avatar

Had to crawl out of my cave to see what hijinks Fluther was up too.
Too funny/cute/amusing.

shrubbery's avatar

This made my day.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@casheroo you never watched “You Can’t Do That On Television”?! wow

Jeruba's avatar

Well, @Yarnlady, taking up your challenge at home, I’ve just been studying some, um, specialized online dictionaries. In addition to sex I humbly submit climax, asphyxiation, and box. My best offerings are all the slang terms where x stands for cks. If you don’t consider any of those acceptable, let me just point out that even if there is no actual bad word with x in it, you can’t write any of the others using only x.

YARNLADY's avatar

@Jeruba My wait is over. Worthy examples indeed. Not quite the socially unaceptable as “bad”, but close enough for, well, whatever.

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