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ubersiren's avatar

Will you help me name my twins?

Asked by ubersiren (15208points) April 2nd, 2009
50 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

I’m not really pregnant, I would just like to know what you would name a girl baby and/or boy baby. What are some of your favorite names or name combos (first and middle)?

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jbfletcherfan's avatar

How about Denise & Denephew???

queenzboulevard's avatar

Juan and Duh-utta-Juan

ubersiren's avatar

Ohhhh, you got me you guys… LOL!11! snort.

poofandmook's avatar

The names I have picked out for future children I may have are Elora Shea for a girl and Ryan undecided for a boy.

I love the name Chyrlindria, but I don’t think I’d ever have the guts to name my girl that.

J0E's avatar

Soda and Cola

J0E (13172points)“Great Answer” (0points)
juniper's avatar

First and middle: Claire Annette.

Seriously, my clarinet instructor gifted his daughter with this name.

jsc3791's avatar

I like Jacob and Joshua (Jake & Josh) for boys.

For girls I like Shannan, Michelle, & Colleen. I know that’s one name too many, but those are my faves.

WifeOfBath's avatar


MissAusten's avatar

Sodom and Gommorah?

Kidding, of course. Boys names I really like are Tanner and Samuel. We have two boys, and my husband didn’t like either of those names. Hated them, in fact!

My favorite girl’s name is Emse (pronounced Em-zee). We aren’t having any more kids (three is certainly my limit), so if I want to use any of those names I’m going to have to get some dogs or cats.

Allie's avatar

Rufus (of course) and something else for the girl.

poofandmook's avatar

Oh, lurve to whoever picks up on the “running theme” in the two girls’ names I mentioned.

MissAusten's avatar

@poofandmook: Oh, that Val Kilmer movie…darn it! WILLOW! Yay me!

poofandmook's avatar

LOL lurve!

poofandmook's avatar

Removed by me. I’m an idiot. lol

And since I don’t have children, I have four Warcraft characters. One is named after Mozart’s wife, Constanze.

The other three are Elora, Chyrlindria, and Bavmordaa (Bavmorda was already taken) LOL

ubersiren's avatar

Hmmmm.. Willow. I like it!

MissAusten's avatar

I worked in a daycare for several years, and knew so many kids with unusual names. Willow was one! Rhys, Cedar, Enya, Fehme, Story, Carson (girl), Kolby (girl), Cadison (boy) made it really hard to name my own kids. I didn’t want to use the name of a kid I knew because that would be strange, and some names I liked but knew bratty kids with the same name.

My favorite was Jathan. Rhymes with Jason. Try saying Jathan out loud right now, and you’ll know why my husband and I cracked up every time we said it.

Oh, I also like the name Rocco. We thought about naming one of our boys Rocco, but we have an Italian last name and thought it might be a bit too much.

poofandmook's avatar

Ohh that reminds me… I switched from Elora Shea to Elora Reese. The other girl’s name I like is Shea Rhiannon. That’s how I changed it. I must have two girls. LOL

syz's avatar

Romulus and Remus?

syz (35958points)“Great Answer” (1points)
essieness's avatar

My girl names are: Stella and Evelyn.
My boy names are: Axton and Sailor.
I don’t know about middle names yet.

giltesque's avatar

Boy-Maximus Hudson ( now our fish’s name since no more boys) and Girl -Alexis Carson

fireside's avatar

Twon and Twun, the Twins

gailcalled's avatar

Pete and Repete.

aisyna's avatar

For twin boys- Jesus and Judus, Ceasar and Brutus, Clark and Lex, Tom and Jerry, Cain and Abel, Romulus and Remus, Hamlet and Cladius

casheroo's avatar

i have issues with sharing my future baby names, i’m crazy protective of them

I don’t mind sharing my future boy names, I have issues sharing my future girl names though lol.

Edward William (that’ll be the name we have for our next boy, twin or not)
if I had my say, which I don’t since I named the first child, our next boy would be named..
Silas Matthew.

robmandu's avatar

Regina and Vagina.

ubersiren's avatar

@MissAusten : Hahaha… that poor kid. Every time he introduces himself for the rest of his life, people are going to think he has a lisp. Parents come up with some truly retarded names for their kids. It’s a good thing they can change them when they’re 18.

miasmom's avatar


Oliver, but my hubby would never go for that.

For awhile he wanted to name a son Bear. I vetoed that quick.

SeventhSense's avatar

Abercrombe & Fitch

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

Salt and Pepper
Tic and Tac
Donahugh and Delilah

SeventhSense's avatar

Could have been your meal ticket

YARNLADY's avatar

The twin boys who lived across the street from me were named Awon and Atu.

SuperMouse's avatar

Felicity and Paul

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

@Yarnlady That’s the best!

ubersiren's avatar

@Yarnlady : Oh, that’s the best one so far!

jsc3791's avatar

@ubersiren I agree about the lisp thing. Poor boy! Why don’t people name their kids classic names anymore? not judging, just asking

MissAusten's avatar

@jsc3791, I think there’s a trend now of both classic names and “unique” names. Robert, Samuel, Nicholas, Olivia, Priscilla, etc. Then there are the really off-the-wall names, like Jathan or Cedar, that are certainly unique but also a little strange. Using surnames as first names also seems to be popular, like Carter, Carson, Jackson…you get the idea.

What I wonder is, why does a kid’s name have to be so “different?” It’s like no one wants their kid to go to school with another kid of the same name. Is that really so bad?

Harrow185's avatar

Please, do me a favor don’t name them rhyming names, it may be cute when their baby’s, but once they hit teen years, its hard for people to tell you apart. And its not something I’m sure they would want. I’m a twin, and my mom was going to name me and my sister Julie, and Julia. thank god she didn’t. this is coming from a identical twin!

casheroo's avatar

i know someone with a Nathan and Norah. I think that’s pretty cute.

gailcalled's avatar

My twin uncles were named Milton and Arthur and called Miltie and Artie. I do not recommend that. My step-son’s twins are John and Roxanne (called Roxie).

DrBill's avatar

Maxwell Cornelius

Megan Ilene

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

Sophia and Isabel
August (I love Auggie) and Henry

elijah's avatar

Emery and Avery it doesn’t matter if it’s boys, girls, or one of each.
For girls- Lennon, James, Brixton, or Natalia

zephyr826's avatar

Our (hypothetical) children are Harrison William (H. W. – my husband saw “There will be Blood” and Magdalena Cara.

jsc3791's avatar

@MissAusten… agreed. I am all for having a “unique” name, but when the spelling makes the parents look illiterate and no one can ever pronounce it the correct way, what is the benefit?

casheroo's avatar

@zephyr826 Harrison is a good, strong name! My friend is having a boy named Harrison Finn soon.

miasmom's avatar

@SeventhSense Bear came from him watching Bear Grylls, I did some research and Bear is not his real name, so I said if the child wants to call himself Bear later on he can, but we won’t force it upon him. :)

Kraken's avatar

Ipsy & Bipsy.

tigran's avatar

lefty and righty

ubersiren's avatar

@Kraken @tigran : You are geniuses!

callie77's avatar

I like Jaymes Layton for the Boy. For a girl Halstyn Kaine. That’s just personally some that I like Uh not however what I’m naming my kids because I don’t want anyone else in the world to have their names. :o) If it’s two boys: Jaymes Layton and Jayson Lain to me is cute so they both have the name int. Girls: Halstyn Kaine Hayden Keight (Kate) I like’em! :o)

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