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VzzBzz's avatar

Would you be uncomfortable telling your sex partner you will not perform oral sex without a dental dam or condom if you're already using them for intercourse? Does it make any sense to do one but not the other?

Asked by VzzBzz (2784points) April 2nd, 2009
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eponymoushipster's avatar

i was told that’s extra.

shouldn’t be weird.

Facade's avatar

I guess it does make sense to use both. Never thought of it though.

oratio's avatar

Well, why would you use it for oral sex?

casheroo's avatar

Well, it’d be weird for me since we only use condoms to protect against pregnancy, not STDs.
If it came to asking my partner for something, it’s never uncomfortable…it shouldn’t be, if you’re sleeping with them. You have to be upfront about things like that.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@casheroo heh heh “up front”

oratio's avatar

I curious, what STD could you possibly get from oral sex?

oratio's avatar

like what?

cak's avatar

@casheroo – excellent link!

cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (0points)
cak's avatar

@oratio – clink on the link that @casheroo posted. the “uhh, quite a few” statement is her link.

cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (0points)
casheroo's avatar

@oratio what @cak said.
but, the site list, Herpes, HIV, Chlamydia, Syphilis, Gonorrhea…

SuperMouse's avatar

If I was intimate enough with this person to want to have oral sex, I would hope I would be comfortable enough to discuss protection. If I am not comfortable enough, we have no business having any kind of sex.

oratio's avatar

Hmm, ok, I guess I’ve learned something. That’s good.

But I have previously looked into HIV, and from what I have gathered then, no case has ever shown that oral sex transmit HIV. But maybe I’ve missed something.

casheroo's avatar

@oratio did you even click on my link? please read it.

Facade's avatar

@oratio I think it’s the whole fluids in the mouth thing…heh

augustlan's avatar

@oratio HIV can definitely be transmitted by oral sex! The mouth is a perfect place to find tiny open sores.

In answer to the question itself: Thank God I’m married.

cak's avatar

I’m in the same camp as @SuperMouse and @casheroo. If you cannot discuss this, then sex should not be happening. I do understand that some people do find these things a bit more difficult to talk about – but let’s face it – on this front, it’s better to get it all out in the open. Make sure both of you are on the same page.

@oratio – I’m glad you learned something from the link!

cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (2points)
cak's avatar

@augustlanno kidding!

cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (1points)
eponymoushipster's avatar

seriously someone didn’t know you can get VD from mouth sex? seriously?

SuperMouse's avatar

@eponymoushipster, maybe they’re from Florida…

oratio's avatar

It doesn’t matter anyway. I haven’t had sex for 3 years, and it doesn’t seem likely any time soon.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@oratio your name rhymes with fellatio. awesome.

casheroo's avatar

@eponymoushipster you are so mean.

Dr_C's avatar

@eponymoushipster don’t you think it’s ironic that someone who’s name rhymes with fellatio didn’t know about STD’s transmitted through oral sex?

Just kidding @oratio it’s always good to learn something new

oratio's avatar

Yes, it does. And it also mean prayer in the same language.

cak's avatar

@eponymoushipsteryou just made me snort!

cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (0points)
avalmez's avatar

um, if a dam or condom is appropriate for oral sex, then a condom is defnitely appropriate for intercourse.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@oratio it’s rude to talk with your mouth full.

oratio's avatar

Why so? You are full of it.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@oratio heh. i think you missed the point.

oratio's avatar

No, you did

Dr_C's avatar

calm down now boys….
Horacio were all just having a little fun… no need to get offended.
I meant no disrespect… My grandfather was named Horacio as well as my uncle and i love them both dearly.

This is all just for kicks with no intention of offending anyone

Dr_C's avatar

I know your screen name is Oratio… i just took creative license and spelled it in spanish rather than italian (or is it latin?)

eponymoushipster's avatar

@oratio yeah, dude, you don’t have to blow me off like that. it’s just a joke.

Dr_C's avatar

@eponymoushipster blow me off.. classic!

rooeytoo's avatar

Now here is the part I don’t get, if you know someone has an STD particularly a serious one, why would you have any kind of sex with them? If they didn’t tell you that before you reached the point of well, uniting, couldn’t be too respectful a person or anyone I would find trustworthy. Are one night stand pick ups in vogue again?

VzzBzz's avatar

@rooeytoo: Now here’s one I don’t get- if you are having sex but not in committed monogamous relationship from the outset then why would you question the usage of condoms or dental dams? How would you know what each of you may carry in your bodies without a lockdown of all sexual activity for a period of time in order to have a barrage of tests? How many people are willing to submit to that before any kind of sexual activity takes place? Very few, that’s who. It usually goes something like this:

You like each other for a few weeks
You go out on some dates
You think you really like each other so you want to have sex and see how that works
You get really serious, break out all the testing so you can go monogamous and “bare”
You get really serious about having sex but not exclusively so you keep wrapped up
You don’t get serious at all and rack up another random sexual encounter, glad you were at least safe

rooeytoo's avatar

Guess it is just a difference in ages and perspective. When I was young and single there were not all of these potentially lethal diseases lurking about, only the ones that could be cleared up with a dose of penecillin. Pregnancy was the primary worry, then came the pill. So the major hangup was the morality issue.

I stand corrected as to the current dating and mating protocol. Life has really become complicated!

jo_with_no_space's avatar

There’s nothing weird about that, especially. For example, if a recent oral/genital piercing has taken place, it’s essential that a barrier is used to prevent the spread of infection into that very delicate wound area.

EmpressPixie's avatar

No and no. If you want protection, you should have protection. It makes no sense to protect yourself one way and not the other unless you’ve been together for 50 years, have had STD screenings every like six months AND require each other to undergo lie detector tests about cheating every two. We all like to think we have the perfect relationship, but protecting yourself is important. And if you do have the perfect relationship, your SO should understand you just want to stay healthy.

dynamicduo's avatar

There’s nothing wrong with using protection for oral sex as well as intercourse. As others have said, there are many STDs you can get from oral sex.

EmpressPixie's avatar

@DynamicDuo: :)

BookReader's avatar

…let’s not forget the apron, the baking mitts, and salad tongs… Bee, how diseased are they? hahahahahahaha

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