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jpear's avatar

Anyone know a SURE way to get rid of a golpher that is tearing up my yard?

Asked by jpear (9points) April 4th, 2009
36 responses
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Flooding with hose and using ‘gassers’ from Home depot didn’t work.

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Dog's avatar

Point him to the nearest golf course.

Dog (25152points)“Great Answer” (9points)
squirbel's avatar

It’s time to pull out the traps. I know it’s messy, and murderous, but it is effective.


koldblue's avatar

Having the same problem, I’ve been told to try chewing gum. Just a stick in each hole. Have yet to try it.

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

dynamite… lots of dynamite….

jpear's avatar

I going to buy traps today. Hope they are cheap as I will throw away trap and all IF I’m able to catch anything!

boettiger's avatar

Buy him a set of golph clubs and pay for him to play at the nearest course.

Garebo's avatar

A cat can do wonders. My cats hunt them rather successfully; while I was working in garden, my one cat caught two13-striped ground squirrels in my garden in about an hour.

If that is not an option, then rat traps, really extra large mouse traps baited with peanut butter or cheese gets them.

casheroo's avatar

i’m not sure of gopher’s and ground hogs are the same thing, but my parents have giant holes in their yard from ground hogs. apparently putting fox urine near the holes will make them go away

Mamradpivo's avatar

If you start killing all the golfers, they’re going to lock you up and throw away the key.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

If you put in flower beds, the golfers will give up and go to a REAL golf course…oh, you said gophers, sorry, my mistake. Well, mole poison in the holes sometimes works. They are probably after the grubs under your sod. Get rid of the grubs, the gophers usually go away. The chewing gum thing doesn’t work. That’s another urban legend/old wives tale that sounds humane, but has no basis in fact.

chyna's avatar

@koldblue Chewing gum? Already chewed or just stick a stick in the gopher hole?

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

ok people, we get the OP made a typo… the golf jokes can stop.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

unchewed. Supposedly they eat it, it swells in their gut, they can’t defecate, and die of intestinal impaction. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work. It’s a waste of good chewing gum.

Poison or traps are the only SURE way to rid your yard of these disgusting little disease carrying rodents. Trap and kill, of course; releasing them means they’ll just come back, or make a nuisance in someone else’s yard.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@ABoyNamedBoobs03 hey, I was just having a little fun. I answered the question seriously after the slight bit of humor.

Facade's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra lol…that’s so horrible

casheroo's avatar

:( i don’t see why you have to kill them.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@Facade yeah, I know, everybody hates my jokes. They just ain’t funny.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@casheroo So we’ll live trap and send them all over to live in your yard, sound like a good idea?

casheroo's avatar

fine with me. i don’t think animals should die unless you’re going to eat them. are you cooking up gopher?

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@casheroo do you eat the roaches and other insects that you kill? Insects are animals, too.

casheroo's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra that’s not the same. there is no “meat” to the insects.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

insects do have meat, ask anyone who eats insects on a regular basis. Three pounds of ants is probably twice the protein of three pounds of gopher meat. Now you’re just splitting hairs. I’m done here.

Lupin's avatar

How much space do you have? This works!
If you are ordering, get 2 so we can save on shipping!
@evelyns_pet_zebra I’m with you all the way!

upholstry's avatar


The question is so much more interesting if you interpret it as ‘golfers’ :)

Judi's avatar

Visions of caddyshack dance through my head.

Judi's avatar

@Lupin ; Is that for real or a joke? lol4rl!

Lupin's avatar

@Judi It is absolutely real. You can find dozens of crazy guys (It’s always guys!) using and abusing the equipment. The device is called Rodenator. It uses 3% propane with air to blow the critters to kingdom come. Costs about $2000 with a remote control ignition device “for safety”!
I don’t have one. Sure would be fun to try next July 4th.

jpear's avatar

I read all the posts and decided to call a pro rodent service! They said they use strictnyne AND tablets that release gasses in the golphers burrows. They only charge $175 and it’s worth it NOT to have to deal with those traps.
Thanks everyone for your feedback.

chyna's avatar

he said golpher again, hehe

steve6's avatar

Teach him to replace his divots.

steve6's avatar

Put sticks of Doublemint chewing gum in the holes (old wive’s tale).

arthistorian's avatar

Get a beagle or some kind of hound. They hunt instinctively (meaning no training) and love to do their job. I have two 3 year old beagle mixes, was visiting my parents and came outside to find a dead groundhog in the yard, and my female hound looking very guilty….

squirbel's avatar

You can adopt my Jack Russell, she’s 12 months old and loves to hunt little things.

Garebo's avatar

Gopher on a stick is delicious -Clarisse.

DREW_R's avatar

A .22 and a chair works well. ;)

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