General Question

Kelly27's avatar

Do you ever go through the express lane at the grocery store and have more than the 10 item limit?

Asked by Kelly27 (1501points) April 5th, 2009
52 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

Does it bug you if others do?

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fundevogel's avatar


casheroo's avatar

I have to separate my stuff, when I go to a regular grocery store. I have a separate transaction for my WIC items, then I might get a couple other things, that aren’t paid for by WIC. I’ve never been told I bothered anyone.

jonsblond's avatar

I’m guilty! If it’s just a few items, who cares? It’s not the end of the world.

YARNLADY's avatar

No, I hate what other people do it, and I never would. Sometimes there might be a question about the count, is each bottle of soda counted separately, or are they “one” item?

cak's avatar

<===== Psycho nut lady that obsessively counts the items! Nope. I will not go over.

My husband, the rebel…he goes over the count. Shameless!

cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (5points)
jonsblond's avatar

I feel the evil stares as we speak!

Kelly27's avatar

@cak I always count it out but if I am only one or two items over I sometimes get in the express lane anyway. I am such a rebel ;)

casheroo's avatar

@YARNLADY if they are connected, then it counts as one item..individual sodas could as one item each! no exceptions! lol

jonsblond's avatar

@Kelly27 That’s what I’m talkin’ about! :)

Kelly27's avatar

@YARNLADY It really does bug you if someone is over by a few items? Have you ever said anything to anyone about it?
I get annoyed if they are obviously way over the limit of express checkout, but if it is just a few items i don’t really mind.

Kelly27's avatar

@casheroo I guess if it is a few different purchases like you describe it isn’t too bad.
If it was lot of items broken into a few different orders I might give you a look though, that is supposed to be the quickie lane!! ;)

cak's avatar

@jonsblond OH! You’re my bad friend, aren’t you? Wait till I tell my husband! He’ll be so happy!

cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (0points)
Kelly27's avatar

@jonsblond evil looks be damned. ;)

cak's avatar

@Casheroo – I think we’re outnumbered!

wait! Edited to add: Yarnlady is with us, too. And fundevogel…ok, feel much better now!

cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (0points)
casheroo's avatar

@cak we can give evil stares, and tap our feet loudly. and possibly let out giant sighs. that’s what i do hahaha

jonsblond's avatar

@cak They always say to look out for those quiet girls!

Facade's avatar

Yea, but no more than 15

SeventhSense's avatar

Oh I’ve done up to 15…once 17….I’m a rebel and that’s just the way I roll.

fullOFuselessINFO's avatar

yes… because im badass…

but i agree with FACADE.. no more than 15
because then people will stop thinking that youre a rebel that disregarded the sign and start thinking that you dont know how to read… or count.
and that cant be good.

cak's avatar

@casheroo – I am a master at the fine art of the eye roll!

@SeventhSense – I got my eye on you!

cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (1points)
ohmyword's avatar

Eek, I think everyone has done this once or twice. Personally, it’s usually a miscount or accident on my part.

Judi's avatar

Why is it that they always put the rookie, slowest cashier on the express lane anyway?

upholstry's avatar

I did this once and I got arrested. I did four years at one of the worst prisons in Southern California before a group of us escaped. But since living on the run, I’m forced into a life of crime, running drugs for a cartel in Sonora and Baja. My only friends are my Bible and my revolver.

jonsblond's avatar

@upholstry I’ve got a safe house for you.

RedPowerLady's avatar

If there is no one behind me in line I could care less. Otherwise I count. If I am at like 12 items I’ll do it. Otherwise not.

And no I don’t care if others have more than 10 items. That is something way too small for me to worry about. And who knows why they are in a hurry.

SeventhSense's avatar

one time 18 :)

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

Once in a while.. if I’ve miscounted and I just so happen to gasp have eleven items.

cak's avatar

@SeventhSenseThere is a twelve step program with your name all over it! I can only help you if you want to help yourself. You still have a good sign, I know it! ;)

cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (0points)
YARNLADY's avatar

A few items, such as 11 or 12 wouldn’t bother me, but there is a reason for the fast lane. I just can’t imagine why a shopper would be so rude as to cheat, just so they can get their ‘full’ basket out ahead of everyone in the regular lanes. As I stated above, I treat others as I would like to be treated, and if everyone did, most of the ills of this world would not exist. Civilized behavior has to start somewhere, and I have decided it starts with me.

Russell_D_SpacePoet's avatar

I try not to. A couple items over isn’t bad, but people who have a basket full in the express make me wonder if they are just rude or can’t count.

rosshill's avatar

Yep, accidentally went there the other day because I knew the girl on the counter – I had like 50 items haha. She didn’t mind :)

Judi's avatar

@rosshill ; Was that you? I wanted to smack you! and then you went on talking and talking….... ~

cak's avatar

@rosshill! No!! That is a major supermarket faux pas!

cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (0points)
SeventhSense's avatar

rosshill has raised the bar..51 :)

Jeruba's avatar

Only occasionally and by mistake. Never on purpose.

JellyB's avatar

LOL! No…...i’d be too embarrassed if they told me to use another lane because of it….

SeventhSense's avatar

The scary thing is I really think you people might actually be serious. If you count 16 do you have anxiety attacks?

3or4monsters's avatar

@upholstry screw the wedding I’m planning right now, will you elope with me to Vegas?

rosshill's avatar

@judi it was almost midnight, there was nobody around.. she loved it ;)

Poser's avatar

I used to work as a cashier. Usually, if someone came to the express lane with a few more than ten items, they did it by mistake. If they realized it while they were putting the items on the belt, they’d usually apologize and try to go to another lane, at which point I’d say, “Nonsense! Why, I’ll be done before you know it!” and then proceed to whisk their items into a bag with all due professional bravado. We’d laugh and they’d be done as quickly as the spirit of the express lane required.

If, however, they were one of the few who was trying to skirt the rules, I’d spurn them. I could always tell. They’d try to be sneaky, but they’d have an entire shopping cart full. “Ma’am, you’re going to have to go to another lane, the people behind you are in a bit of a hurry.”

Then there were the ones who were in between. Maybe only twenty items. Few enough that I couldn’t, in good conscience, turn them away, but enough that I knew they were pulling a fast one (or a slow one, as the case may be). To them, I’d say not a word, only glare at them. But in my head, I was beating them bloody with a french loaf. It was glorious.

lazydaisy's avatar

Yes I will. But not if I have waaaaay over. Maybe just an item or two

YARNLADY's avatar

@SeventhSense So what part of expecting people to follow the rules do you find scary? I think the number of people who delight in not following the rules, and cheating at such a minor thing is scary.

Bluefreedom's avatar

No, I have never done this because it is rude and inconsiderate to other shoppers. Oftentimes, if someone behind me has less items than I do, I will let them go in front of me in line.

YARNLADY's avatar

@Bluefreedom I do that too, we need more considerate people in the world

Bluefreedom's avatar

@YARNLADY. Very true.

cak's avatar

@SeventhSense – I drive my husband crazy, sometimes. I don’t set out to be completely neurotic about this, but sometimes, I just can’t do it! I cannot look the other way. I always have this need to have a true sense of fairness about things, between people. (irrationally) I think, “If I go over it, then other people will break the rules, there we will all be, tons of items over and stuck in a long line.” My sister blames our Catholic School. I wasn’t able to part with that feeling, not in the slightest bit. She can put her items down – over the count, without one second of thought. My husband does it just to thumb his nose at me! (I feel certain about this – and yet, I still am crazy about the man!)

cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (0points)
YARNLADY's avatar

Let’s say I am running late to pick up my child from child care, they charge extra for overtime; but I desperately need milk and fruit. I run in to the store, knowing I can get through the fast lane, only to discover two or three shoppers with full baskets ahead me. It will now cost me $10 or more for every fifteen minutes lost, just because some people think the limit does not apply to them. Is this fair?

Poser's avatar

@YARNLADY Great answer. Lurve to you. However, I view that express lane as a convenience, offered by the grocer for his customers. Not a right. Granted, those shoppers may be inconsiderate, but it isn’t their responsibility to make sure you get to day care on time.

Just to play devil’s advocate.

YARNLADY's avatar

@Poser It is everyone’s responsibility to act in a responsible manner and follow the rules. This is the only way a civilized society can survive. When people believe rules don’t matter, the society is doomed.

Poser's avatar

@YARNLADY Can’t argue with that.

Dutchess12's avatar

I count it and if it hits, say, 12 by the time I’m done, I become…mathematically challenged! On the other hand, when I have a really big order to place at a fast food place, I don’t go through the drive through, as courtesy to the other people in line. It’s all about the courtesy.

jessicar's avatar

NO I dont and I hate when other people do. I know there probably in a hurry but hey we all got place we need to be, dont think your better or more important then the rest of us. If they want to go through express then put some of your shit back.

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