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TannerRay22's avatar

How do you make a guy like you?

Asked by TannerRay22 (19points) April 6th, 2009
32 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

how do you make the guy think, damn she is beautiful, i wish she would notice me.

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J0E's avatar

notice him and be likeable.

J0E (13172points)“Great Answer” (0points)
Likeradar's avatar

You don’t. You be yourself, be friendly, be interesting, be reasonably put together, stylish, and clean and hope for the best. Different guys like different things. Something that will make one guy swoon will make another laugh.

Try too hard and you’ll look pathetic.

Rayvin14's avatar

hah, i guess i worded that wrong im in the position where i wish he would notice me,

cwilbur's avatar

Be yourself. And consider going over and saying hi to him.

Just because you’re a woman doesn’t mean that you have to sit passively and hope you’re beautiful enough for someone to notice you. It’s 2009; women have been asking men out on dates for years now.

Nicole18's avatar

Be confident in yourself. And like @Likeradar said be yourself.

SeventhSense's avatar

^^See @Likeradar
..or take off…nevermind

TannerRay22's avatar

cwilbur, i guess you are right.
and nicole18 i will

loser's avatar

Love potion?

Nicole18's avatar

@loser are you being serious?

MrGV's avatar

Be yourself don’t do anything different if he notices you hurray and if he doesn’t o well.

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

Put a picture of yourself in his sandwich.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

you can’t just ‘make’ someone like you
but you can first become someone that no one can resist

AstroChuck's avatar

You could never make a guy like me. I’m the only one. After me they broke the mold.

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

@AstroChuck Fortunetly. ;-)

mangeons's avatar

Who knows what the world would be like with two AstroChucks? Turmoil, I tell you! Turmoil!

ninjacolin's avatar

just like making anyone like you i guess.. be a good person to him. find out what he’s interested in, be interested in his interests. and all without seeming needy or obsessive. be sincere, thoughtful and awesome.

DrBill's avatar


wundayatta's avatar

@loser is onto something. Now, as everyone knows, I’m the kind of guy who can have any girl he wants: tall, muscled, brilliant. It’s a good think I’m so religious and I believe in saving myself for marriage.

Long ago, in a land before time…. uh, sorry. The kids TV is getting to me. In any case, when I was in high school, and the star of the football team, the debating team, and the modeling club, I hardly had time for anything else. People wondered why I didn’t have a girlfriend. No one believed I was saving myself for marriage.

Well, if there is a devil, he sure knows a thing about love potions. And if there isn’t, then God has made an amazing thing happen.

I was standing in the hall, leaning on a locker, talking to the guys. We’d won big that weekend, and everyone was loose and happy. For some reason, I turned my head—maybe I saw something out of my peripheral vision—and I nearly fell to the floor. There was this girl—I don’t think I’d ever seen her before. She insisted that she’d been there all the time, but for me, it was if she was someone new, someone blue… no, that’s the wrong way, again. Focus, daloon. Focus.

It was as if there was a sparkling halo around her. A spotlight that followed her as she walked along. Kind of one of those Disney affects when they want to indicate love at first sight? I couldn’t take my eyes off her. She smiled, and then she disappeared.

I must of looked like I’d passed out or something ‘cause the guys were like, “daloon. Are you ok, dude?” I shook my head, and asked, “Did you see that girl?”

“What girl?”
“The one down the end of the hall.”
“No man. You sure you didn’t get a concussion Friday?”

I shook my head. I sure did feel wobbly, but it wasn’t because of any concussion. Later on, after I’d asked her out, and we’d been dating for a while, she admitted that she’d done something to make me notice her. I couldn’t get her to say what. “Women’s secret,” was all she would say. Maybe you could get it out of her if you talked. It could have been a love potion. That would explain how come I’d never noticed her before.

Anyway, she’s a really amazing woman. A mother of two incredible kids, a high powered lawyer in a major firm; I couldn’t have done any better. She’s my wife, now.
the above is pure fiction, in case you didn’t figure that out

mangeons's avatar

Nice one, daloon. What an active imagination you have. xD

ru2bz46's avatar

Say, “Hi”.

SeventhSense's avatar

That was a hell of a lot of effort for that one….and ehh well

Judi's avatar

Have fun. My friend in highschool who was a bit plain but got all the guys said ” smile, they like teeth.”

Rayvin14's avatar

haha, wtf a love potion, lol(: daloon, pshhh, lol.
be yourselff, if he doesnt notice you forget about it, it wasnt meant to be, your too good for him, guys want ass, or they want what they cant have, ..... you know come to think of it, i should listen to my own advice lol.

jenna's avatar

watch ‘tough love’ on vh1. haha

DrBill's avatar

I’m a guy, and I like you…

wundayatta's avatar

@DrBill—Oh, you probably say that to all the ladies!~

DrBill's avatar

Yes, I like the ladies…

aprilsimnel's avatar

You can’t make a guy like you, but try to go past what makes your stomach all jiggly and be interested in him as a person. That is always more attractive than someone just going ga-ga over “chemistry” or looks.

There’s a guy I knew who is so seriously handsome, women can barely talk to him like a human being. Women tend to treat him like an Adonis and not a person. I’m guilty of it myself. He’s single with cats. It’s all I know about him, besides that he’s a good actor.

Was he nice? Dunno. Did he like cheese? Dunno. What belief system does he subscribe to? Beats me. I was too busy staring at him whenever I saw him to give a damn. As you can imagine, he didn’t seem to like me much. I’m embarrassed that I was not interested in his personality or who he was the first. Recently, just in assessing what’s generally been working in my life and what hasn’t, I realized I had done this to him. I put myself in his shoes (as far as I was able, because I’m nowhere near as physically beautiful as he), and it felt icky.

I will try very hard not to do that again.

TannerRay22's avatar

its just this guy, i like him so much, and we flirt and he tells me im one of the prettiest girls and i never look bad, but he just doesnt seem to like me like i like him, and i want to know how to tell him.

tiffyandthewall's avatar

@daloon you are quite the story teller. after being away from fluther for like 4 days, that was a wonderful reminder to me of how much better fluther is than real life awesome fluther is.

imyourbffjess's avatar

So many Girls wonder the same questions DON’T WORRY ABOUT IT you can dress prettier, than you usually do that is. Also, you could act normal around him, maybe try to act like you aren’t interested, but still interested at the same time, Good luck!

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