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Jiminez's avatar

Do you think we find morality sexually attractive?

Asked by Jiminez (1253points) April 7th, 2009
45 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

It would definitely be beneficial evolutionarily-speaking if that were the case.

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Mr_M's avatar

Not me! Give me a “bad girl” ANYDAY!!! And if she has a tramp stamp, even BETTER!!!

tigran's avatar

Hmmm, I don’t think it’s ever sexual

elijah's avatar

I’m definately more sexually attracted to someone who doesn’t sleep around. I want to be with someone who is as picky as me. I want to respect my partner.

qualitycontrol's avatar

I do, I’m attracted to the good girl type who is NOT a whore and easy to get in bed with. I also like honest, hardworking girls.

Jiminez's avatar

@tigran Never? You’re never more physically attracted to someone who does something heroic, for instance?

Jayne's avatar

Do you mean, Are we attracted to moral people? In which case, I doubt that there is any hard-set rule. If you mean, Are the emotions of morality linked to those of sexuality, I would say yes; there are a very limited number of chemicals related to pleasure in the brain, for a start, and on a less scientific level the pleasure of both is related to confidence and pride in oneself.

SuperMouse's avatar

I do find morality sexually attractive. Incredibly sexually frustrating at times, but certainly sexually attractive.

Mr_M's avatar

It seems to me, and I mean this with no disrespect, that if morality were sexually attractive, then nuns and priests would be sex symbols?

SuperMouse's avatar

@Mr_M have you ever read The Thorn Birds or almost anything by Andrew Greeley? lol4rl!

Facade's avatar

When I was first getting to know my babe, finding out what a good man he is made me very attracted to him.

Jiminez's avatar

@Mr_M And it seems to me that if it wasn’t then death row inmates would be sex icons.

Mr_M's avatar

@Jiminez , hey! There are a lot of people who are sexually attracted to prisoners. Scott Peterson gets marriage proposals, etc.

casheroo's avatar

I don’t know if I find it sexually attractive, but I do find it attractive for a man to do the “right” thing. But, what I consider morally correct is not always the same as others…so it’s different for everyone.

elijah's avatar

I’ve been sexually attracted to some men, but when I find out about their sexual history I lose the attraction. It doesn’t mean I don’t find them sexually attractive, but it takes more than being sexy to get into my pants.

tigran's avatar

@jiminez: I might be more inclined to be in a relationship with someone with good morals, but doesn’t attract me sexually. I don’t think there is a direct effect. But I haven’t thought about it too much.

Jiminez's avatar

@Mr_M This is, unfortunately, true. It goes both ways, of course. I was just taking it to the other extreme. Personally, if I sense a good sense of moral clarity in a person, that makes me more attracted to them. I don’t know if you can really call they sexual attraction of not. Then again, I’m not sure what else you could call it.

Mr_M's avatar

@Jiminez, the point I was trying to make was that nuns and priests are NOT sex objects. So, if morality were a sexual turn on, then it makes sense that they WOULD be.

I think morality makes someone a more desirable MATE and that’s getting confused with sexual attraction in this question. It’s like the girl you would take home to mother.

Kelly27's avatar

@Mr_M I think you are wrong in saying that priests and nuns are not seen as sex objects, nun costumes seem to sell fairly well in the sex play department. Everyone may not see them as sex objects but some do.

VzzBzz's avatar

I am more sexually attracted to men who share my own personal morals. Intelligence, social sophistication and physical attractiveness are great but the inner moral compass might as well be a crown, in my eyes.

Mr_M's avatar

@Kelly27 . I think it’s safe to say those are SEXY nun costumes. The average nun doesn’t have fishnet stockings and a mini dress?

qualitycontrol's avatar

but nuns are always old…now if it were a young nun…

Kelly27's avatar

@Mr_M You miss my point, why would people chose a nun costume and make it something sexy? What draws them to doing that?

Jiminez's avatar

@Mr_M Notice I didn’t say the only factor involved in attraction. Would a morally bankrupt supermodel be just as attractive as a very morally-adept supermodel? The answer to that question is the answer to my original question.

Mr_M's avatar

@Kelly27 Why do people choose a witch costume and make it something sexy?

zephyr826's avatar

There’s also a group of us that want to corrupt the people with morals. They see the moral person as someone to conquer, and want them all the more because they don’t easily give in.

@Mr_M, how do you know they don’t wear fishnets? If I were a nun I would.

ShauneP82's avatar

I find numerous thing sexy.

qualitycontrol's avatar

@kelly27 same reason why people want to eat the “forbidden fruit”

tinyfaery's avatar

Wow, what control you all have. I cannot control who I am attracted to, the chemicals in my brain and my hormones do that. If the person turns out to not have my personal morals, then I wouldn’t date them or have a relationship, but I still might sleep with them.

Jiminez's avatar

@tinyfaery Oh trust me, I’ve dated girls that are the exemplification of moral bankruptcy, but that was usually more of a sexual thing turned tragically committed. But a hint of morality is at least an added bonus, though, right?

GAMBIT's avatar

I think a lot of us have been raised with a double standard girls are suppose to be pure and boys are suppose to have sewn their wild oats before they settle down. The question is if the boys are out there sewing their wild oats then they must be doing it with some not so pure girls.

tinyfaery's avatar

My main problem is morality is not an absolute. Someone who agrees with your morality might turn me off.

aviona's avatar

I think it could help make the bond or the connection stronger…I don’t know if I would necessarily want to jump their bones…

DrasticDreamer's avatar

If I come across a man who has morals similar to my own, it is absolutely appealing and has the potential to turn into something more, because I’ll show continued interest in the person. I suppose, depending on how you look at it, it could be labeled as sexually attractive. Because I could not – and wouldn’t ever – sleep with someone who had absolutely no morals (my personal definition of morals) or had morals so different from my own that I couldn’t relate to them. For me, sexual attraction comes down to much more than appearance.

As for people being sexually attracted to nuns and priests: I think it boils down to the fact that a lot of people like the idea of corrupting someone innocent or moral, and has nothing to do with being sexually attracted to them because they are a good person. It’s the same reason a lot of men have the extremely creepy fantasy of sleeping with schoolgirls: they want to corrupt and conquer something which is still deemed as innocent and pure.

hoopman's avatar

Morality is long as she can shift gears when the time is right. Behind closed doors…..morality is no longer needed if you get my drift.

Kelly27's avatar

@Mr_M it could be any number of reasons, most likely because they find the bad girl attractive. You could go on forever with the back and forth but in the end it just means that people are attracted to all sorts of different things, one of which is most likely morality.

Jiminez's avatar

@hoopman No. I really don’t get your drift. Beating the shit our of your “lover” behind closed doors/in the bedroom is no way sexy.

ru2bz46's avatar

The women I’ve been most attracted to (beyond physical beauty) are the ones who have high moral standards (according to my view of high moral standards). I can meet a smokin’ hot woman and want her badly, but after getting to know her and how she views right and wrong, she cools off quickly. On the other hand, if an attractive woman has an agreeable moral view, it’s a total turn-on to me.

wundayatta's avatar

I believe morality helps confer a survival advantage. It allows cooperation, which enhances survivability. So yes, you could say that morality is attractive, although I don’t think you would call it a sexual attraction, Or maybe you could. A man who is considered moral, and that morality conferred status on him, would be a good catch.

resmc's avatar

If it’s my own, weird standards of what morality is… definitely. At the least, i need to respect someone i’m attracted to more than physically (which is a requirement for serious attraction, for some unknown reason)... but looking up to someone, in a sense (so long as it’s not a pedestal deal), to ocasionally be inspired to be a better person – attractive in a way that goes beyond just sexual.

May be some silly quirk, but i seem to need something to contrast good qualities in people against in order to fully appreciate them… for some reason, my head can’t sustain the abstract but visceral knowledge of how uncaring people can be, for instance, in order to find caringness as attractive as it can/should be.

@ru2bz46 Same here! Even mostly physical attractions fizzle if the guy turns out to have lack of respect/sensitivity/kindness to people. And knowing someone’s like that beforehand seems to prevent superficial attractions from even really beginning. May be part of why some people are way more attractive before you know them…

And, sorry to go off like this – but why are people here considering how many people a woman is intimate a major part of her ethics?. It’s one thing, how ethical a potential partner is in their relationship (sexual or otherwise) ... but how the hell does sleeping around or not (with meaningful connections or not, casually or not) determine how good of a person a woman is?

Zen's avatar


Horus515's avatar

I think so definitely. Especially that it seems to be in such short supply these days.

jackfright's avatar

i prefer to shrewd and jaded to the naive on her high horse.
so typically, no. i don’t find them sexually attractive.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

I know I do, if the morals are in line with my own. One of the most loving things ever said to me and also the most heartbreaking was, “you are my values”.

MissA's avatar


Forgive me, but I’m not certain that I understand. Might you explain further? I’ve never even heard the phrase, “You are my values.”

dabbler's avatar

dunno what “morality” means to everyone, but r-e-s-p-e-c-t and trust are very attractive for the kinds of relationships that make a difference for evolution of the species

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