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Rayvin14's avatar

What is a good healthy way to lose weight fast.

Asked by Rayvin14 (351points) April 7th, 2009
33 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

i have banquet in about 5 weeks and i need to lose weight, like over 13 lbs. is it possible?

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kayysamm's avatar

Try eating more throughout the day. Not full meals but something along the lines of little snacks at least six times a day. Add more exercise into your daily routine, such as running for a mile or doing cardio workouts to get your blood pumping.

Also try to relief the stress from your life. Stress just slows down the process.

Believe it or not this worked. I have done this since the first of march and I’ve lost 8 pounds. :D

Rayvin14's avatar

i run everyday, i just eat, and i have though about going vegiterian, but idk, i have been made fun of alot about my weight. i just wnt results fast.

basp's avatar

Eat less, exercise more.

kayysamm's avatar

Doing this wont make you become thin as a model but its gets your in shape and tone. Which is alot healthier then being thin as a nail.

Maybe try adding a little more exercise then running.

3or4monsters's avatar

Lift weights (muscle is metabolically active, the more of it you have the faster your metabolism will be). Burn more than you eat. Do some cardio.

Rayvin14's avatar

well i supose it couldnt hurt to try lol,
and 3or4monsters, i have ALOT of muscle in my legs, and a good amnt in my arms and my stomach is justt, haha, jiggle! lol

kayysamm's avatar

Haha, maybe running with like 5lbs. weights might help too. It will help tone your arms. I run with them and I don’t have bingo arms anymore :)

Rayvin14's avatar

haha, i think im going to try, i just need motivation, lol, well there thisy, so its worth it lol(:

kayysamm's avatar

Do you have a dress your wearing to the banquet?

Normally when I’m losing weight it’s for the summer for the beach. So I get the biniki i want for the summer and hang it on my wall and thats my motivation, basiacally to fit into that and thats all I think of when i work out or get hungry.

Prob. not the best thinking game you can play to lose weight but it works well.

Rayvin14's avatar

yes, i have two, and i like them, but i want a different one because they arent dressy enough, so thats kinda my motivation, lose so i can get a new one. lol.

YARNLADY's avatar

There is no good healthy way to lose weight fast. The best you can hope for is water loss which is very temporary.

Eat more fruits and vegetables, give up all high calorie foods, and walk at least a mile every day, or some other comparable exercise.

The only way to lose weight is to take in fewer calories than you use.

aviona's avatar

Drink more water!

Rayvin14's avatar

thats it, ill go on a water diettt!(: lol, if that doesnt help idkk what will! lol

aviona's avatar

Not a water diet! But truly…drink at least 64 oz of water a day you’ll feel a lot better! Add that to the eating better/less and exercise. Also if you’re exercising you’ll need to drink more water.

electricsky's avatar

Some facts:

If you want to lose belly fat quickly and have a flat stomach, do this: in the morning, eat nothing but fruit, and tons of it. Grapes, apples, bananas, everything. Totally gorge on it. Then when the clock strikes 12 (PM, of course) eat whatever you like. (In moderation, obviously. Don’t go crazy and eat tons of cake or whatever.) and then stop eating at 8 PM, and drink tons of water. The point behind this is that all belly fat is is toxins stored in your stomach. Eating fruit and drinking tons of water, and not eating past 8 will make you lose that fat very, very quickly.

Drink tons of water regardless. You burn more calories if you’re well hydrated.

Jogging on a trampoline and using a jump rope burn the most calories of any other exercise out there.

Go to sleep on an empty stomach, always. You’ll sleep better and lose more weight.

Fasting for a few days on nothing but water and juice can make you drop water weight like crazy.

Just some stuff I learned when I was losing weight. It really helped me. Good luck! :)

aviona's avatar

Thanks @electricsky. I was wondering about the sleeping with an empty stomach thing, myself, I almost asked the group…

For a while there I was not eating much all day because I wasn’t hungry and then I’d brush my teeth before bed, get hungry and eat a lot right before I went to sleep :/ And somewhere in the back of my mind I knew it wasn’t healthy

Rayvin14's avatar

lol(: i will do that(:
electrisky , thanks alott! that is going to help alott!

YARNLADY's avatar

@electricsky that might work, short time, but she did say “healthy”

Rayvin14's avatar

YARNLADY, are you saying you think it will work but only for short time?

YARNLADY's avatar

Yes, you won’t lose acutal healthy weight, but you wil lose up to 10 pounds for a week or so.

electricsky's avatar

@YARNLADY: It’s clearing out toxins, so you are right that if you do that until the fat is gone and then continue eating like before then it will only work for about a week. If afterwards you still maintain a healthy diet then it should continue to work.

YARNLADY's avatar

@electricsky Yes, adopting a healthy diet will keep up the good work, but no one can continue on juice and water over time and remain healthy.

Rayvin14's avatar

electricsky, you think if i stick with it the pounds will conyinue to drop

electricsky's avatar

@YARNLADY: Fasting is a way to cleanse your body of toxins. It’s only recommended to do it very occasionally and not for very long, but it does make it easier to lose weight and it does make you drop water weight for a quick fix.

@Rayvin14: Doing it once every 5 weeks or so for a couple of days will definitely help. But you need to drink a lot of water, or else it won’t be effective at all. Try googling it. You’ll get lots of links to web sites with tons of information about it.

Garebo's avatar

I had a friend whose help was pivotal for me First three days were protein (eggs, poached chicken,etc.) salad greens, ample water. And no, or low salt,chromium picolinate, fish oil, MV’s, then as many chocolate chip cookies I wanted, it was wonderful, but the best was the pronto pups, then I felt enormously great.

aviona's avatar

You also might want to check out a macrobiotic diet.

Judi's avatar

Get the book Deadline Fitness
This is the plan that Hollywood actors and musicians use when they have a project they have to loose weight for fast.

soonerfan255's avatar

I Lost 40 pounds by doing cardio (especially excersise bike because I can sit there and watch tv so the time goes by really fast. I did it at a medium speed until I burned about 700 calories. But you can do any kind of cardio if you a significant amount. It is also very important to eat a lot of fiber because your body cannot digest it. Most americans only eat about 5 to 10 grams of fiber a day. You are actually supposed to eat about 25 grams of fiber a day. But if you are currently not eating very much fiber then you need to gradually increase your fiber intake until he gets 25 grams or a little more. Vegetables and nuts and beans have a lot of fiber. The best thing I found was cereal and poptarts made by “fiber one” or “all bran”. They now make some very tasty serials like frosted mini wheats, Chocolate cheerios, Raisin bran, Strawberry poptarts…etc… you can also go online and search for high fiber foods to find more of them. But make sure that you drink plenty of water for the fiber will build up in your body. The water will absorb the fiber and it will pass through your body and not cause you to gain weight like you didn’t eat much but you will be full because fiber is very filling.

soonerfan255's avatar

Also count your calories you must take in less than you burn

soonerfan255's avatar

But since you are a weightlifter you will need to still take in plenty of protein

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