General Question

2late2be's avatar

Why do men find attractive, and sensual to watch 2 women kissing, touching and stuff while us women don't feel the same way about 2 men kissing and touching?

Asked by 2late2be (2292points) April 14th, 2009
77 responses
“Great Question” (4points)

At least not me! LOL!! Just wondering…

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Zen's avatar

If I kiss johnpowell, or mattbrowne, wouldn’t that be sensual to you?

2late2be's avatar

@Zen LOL!!! Nope.

Zen's avatar

Dr_C or Taosan?

tnatwo14's avatar

I don’t really know. I know that it does nothing for me, and in some cases that in itself can be considered “gay” of me. Hows that for a double standard!?!

Some men are just so obsessed with women that they can’t really see them as homosexual no matter what. It really doesn’t matter what a woman is doing, some guy somewhere is going to be aroused.

asmonet's avatar

Speak for yourself. ;)

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

I think it has something to do with the fact that female bodies are full of curves and dips and their skin is usually nice and smooth.. whereas the male body is clunky and utilitarian.. not made for putting together with itself…it needs a female’s body to compliment it

Two clunks don’t make a right.

Two curves makes for lurves.

aviona's avatar

Yeah seriously. Who says guy on guy isn’t hot?

I watched a whole documentary based on this topic of why men find girl on girl action so hot. I think this may have been it.

augustlan's avatar

Plenty of women find man on man exciting. I do get your point, though… it’s definitely not as accepted. I’ve always heard something similar to what NaturalMineralWater is saying. Women’s bodies are prettier to look at.

mattbrowne's avatar

@Zen – It wouldn’t be sensual to me either, no offense ;-)

oratio's avatar

I think it is different from person to person. I don’t find it especially sexy.

mattbrowne's avatar

It might have to do with certain evolutionary traits humans have acquired. Of course there are exceptions, but on average:

Men look for women who appear young and fertile able to bear healthy children. Curves are a healthy sign. Men want to pass on their genes. A man can father more than one woman, increasing the chances for surviving genes. If both woman are healthy, maybe the kissing sends a positive signal of the women’s sex drive.

Women look for men who will commit to long-term relationships and ensure the survival of their children. Maybe the two kissing men signal the woman that chances for that are rather low.

qualitycontrol's avatar

Maybe because we know it’s wrong so that makes it more dirty and we like it like that ;)

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@Zen I’d have to pass on that, too!

DrBill's avatar

It is because most men are stimulated visually, and most women are stimulated mentally.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

I’m definitely down with guy on guy. Brokeback Mountain? There was definitely a shiver in my skivvies when I watched that.

janbb's avatar

@TitsMcGhee Lurve for “shiver in my skivvies.”

ShauneP82's avatar

Because two men kissing, touching, and stuff is just plain gross. Now if women do it…that is something beautiful. lol.

Zen's avatar

@mattbrowne @jbfletcherfan It aint happening, no offense taken!


Zen's avatar

@ShauneP82 Pretty much sums it up.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@Zen On yeah, I know, LOL. I’m just raggin’ on you.

2late2be's avatar

@asmonet @aviona @augustlan I know that there must be women that like to watch man-man action, I clearly specified “at least for me is not” there are a wide variety of people for everything. By the way, until this point I was thinking you were AUGUSTIAN and not AUGUSTLAN. LOL!!

janbb's avatar

@2late2be I, too, thought it was Augustian for a long time.

3or4monsters's avatar

You specified “at least for me is not”, BUT your question does say, “us women” so I think the reason @asmonet, @aviona, @augustlan….. and myself… beg to differ, is to disassemble this “us women” statement, to disprove that there’s some kind of universal agreement amongst ALL women that they find man on man making out unattractive.

I think it’s incredibly hot, way way way hotter than when a man and a woman make out.

I’m strait, for what it’s worth.

2late2be's avatar

@3or4monsters You’re right, and for that I apologize, I’m still in the process of learning english and sometimes I have a hard time trying to explain myself, thank you

tinyfaery's avatar

I want to add my name to the “I find guy on guy action totally hot” list.

poofandmook's avatar

Two men together makes me sort of a wreck. Surefire way to get me going every time.

alossforwords's avatar

Concerning the human animal, women have a tendency to be attracted to stronger, protective-looking, self-sustaining men… there is a large degree of femininity associated with homosexual males. For many women, that is a turn off or simply not a turn on.
Men are like bulls: driven by hormones, capable of impregnating a whole herd of females, attracted to symmetrical and healthy looking women, but not limited to any real standard because they can fire off a million attempts without consequence. Two or more women together are visually appealing (psychologically) the same as two or more slices of pizza are appealing… more for your money without the extra work of finding another slice when you’re still hungry.

casheroo's avatar

I’m in the camp that two men=fucking hot. lol

augustlan's avatar

We are such a bunch of horny pervs! ;)

tinyfaery's avatar

@augustlan Speak for yourself ;)

robmandu's avatar

Just some reinforcement for the premise of the question:

[ ignore the spanish and fast-fwd to the 1:30 mark ]

Zaku's avatar

Men are more aroused by impersonal visuals than women are.

asmonet's avatar

@Zaku: Depends on the individual.

@robmandu: Some reinforcement from my side, youtube has a bunch of gay kissing videos with girls squealing in delight in the background. :)

And yes, we’re all a bunch of pervy people.
But it’s a happy kind of pervy!

robmandu's avatar

still can’t dig up a video of @asmonet and @allie. (sigh)

eponymoushipster's avatar

@robmandu keep working at it.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Women are beautiful and divine. Men are not.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@uberbatman exactly. good naked and bad naked.

asmonet's avatar

Yeah, whatever.
Hot guys doing it qualifies as good naked.

Not hot guys….not so much.

casheroo's avatar

@asmonet exactly.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@asmonet @casheroo well, however great i look, i’m not banging a dude any time soon, so you can just chill out. sorry.

casheroo's avatar

@eponymoushipster :( you know you’d make out with someone like shilolo or tao. lol

eponymoushipster's avatar

@casheroo nah, i’m not classy enough for doctors or guys from vegas. this rock hard piece of studmuffinness is purely for the ladies…

poofandmook's avatar

@epony: There’s only one part of my man I want rock hard. The rest? I like a little mush :)

asmonet's avatar

Dude, you have no say in what my mind does.
Just sayin’.

For all you know, you’re banging some dude right now.

poofandmook's avatar

@asmonet: LURVE!! ABSOLUTELY!!

tiffyandthewall's avatar

i can’t answer this, because guy on guy action is absolutely my favourite kind in the world.

asmonet's avatar

So I guess, it’s kind of obvious that the ladies kind of love the manporns.

casheroo's avatar

omg i lurve this thread

asmonet's avatar

omg me too.

poofandmook's avatar

@asmonet: manporns… lmfao! lurve again.

asmonet's avatar



tiffyandthewall's avatar

meee tooo.

poofandmook's avatar

what is with the making-me-randy-at-work threads these days? sheesh!!

Jude's avatar

gay girl that finds two men doing the drrty hot…

MacBean's avatar

I never knew I was in such good company. Lurve to the manporn lovers.

asmonet's avatar

lurve back at ya.

augustlan's avatar

Manporn party at my house?

poofandmook's avatar

@august: Thanks, but manporn is something that needs to be done alone :) Unless there were some hot females around… then I could live out one of my biggest fantasies…

I’m shutting up now.

tinyfaery's avatar

Damn! Partay at August’s.

asmonet's avatar

I’m down.

poofandmook's avatar

poor 2late2be… I don’t think this is what she was expecting! LOL!

2late2be's avatar

@poofandmook I’m having fun actually…. LOL!!

asmonet's avatar

Join us on the dark side of sexiness.
We have pretty boys.

MacBean's avatar


asmonet's avatar

Peeeeeeeen on peeeeeeeen!

MacBean's avatar

Good conversation to have right before bed. Maybe I’ll have some nice dreams!

asmonet's avatar

Peen peen peen peen peen!!

There, that should do it.

augustlan's avatar

I lurve this thread.

wundayatta's avatar

I just wanted you to know that I am available to provide any…. services you ladies might be needing at your manporn party.

poofandmook's avatar

@daloon: are you aware of what that entails? Are you SURE you want to say that?

wundayatta's avatar

To be honest, @poofandmook, I do think I’m up to the venture. In any case, you can be sure I would give it my best shot, and I’d keep on going until I just couldn’t go any more.

poofandmook's avatar

what do you say, girls? :D LOL

robmandu's avatar

@daloon, to be clear, are you thinking that once you performed long enough to get the girls so good and hot they’d be willing to do anything with you from that point on? Or are you into this just for the masochistic thrill?

[ not judging, just curious ]

wundayatta's avatar

Not masochism. Pleasure!

poofandmook's avatar

I love a good sport!

plethora's avatar

@robmandu Well, now that you put it that way, it is pretty darn hot.

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