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sandystrachan's avatar

Why do females shave/wax there certain areas ?

Asked by sandystrachan (4417points) April 16th, 2009
110 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

Is there any need for it ?
And has the life of porn really made people think its a good thing?
Your pubic hair is what attracts people to you ( well the smell/odor )

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Darwin's avatar

Because some of them think guys want them to, and some of them have SOs that ask them to. I would suspect that anyone you are interested in wouldn’t do it.

Mr_M's avatar

No. The smell and odor of your pubic hair is what attracts DOGS to you. Not men.

sandystrachan's avatar

@Mr_M The pubic hair releases your natural smell and has the right amount of pheromones to attract people to you .

sandystrachan's avatar

My wife waxes but she does it for herself not for me . She doesn’t even know why she does it .

Darwin's avatar

@sandystrachan – Well, if you don’t like it, ask her to stop. After all it will save her time and money if she doesn’t do it.

Mr_M's avatar

@sandystrachan, in that case, people should go around with their pants off. I will from now on!

qualitycontrol's avatar

Yeah but sometimes that smell can be yucky so it’s better to keep it fresh and clean if you know what I mean. I’m a guy and I shave and prefer the girl to shave as well.

eponymoushipster's avatar

no one likes pushing the parsley to the side when they eat.

Mr_M's avatar

Besides that, when I close my eyes I’d rather not think about Smokey the Bear.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@Mr_M really? so you’re not the bear then?

Mr_M's avatar

Do you even KNOW how many times I got up to put out a forest fire?

sandystrachan's avatar

Loads of people like it with pubic hair , But for some reason ( mainly because of porn ) everyone thinks its sexy to wax/shave . What ever happened to the natural woman

eponymoushipster's avatar

@sandystrachan she lives in france.

btko's avatar

At least a trim is in order.

sandystrachan's avatar

Trimming is fine . But to have it all off to make it look like a child again is rather bad i think .

ShauneP82's avatar

I don’t know sounds pretty painful to me. lol.

FrankHebusSmith's avatar

I like it shaved personally. But I’m not opposed to it NOT being shaved (so long as it’s not like a jungle or something). But really it’s just personal opinion, both to whether or not the guy likes it like that OR if the girl likes it like that.

eponymoushipster's avatar

we’re talking about armpits, right?

jrpowell's avatar

So that is why eponymoushipster is still without a child. I’m not surprised.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@johnpowell it also explains why my uglies smell like Secret.

jonsblond's avatar

I don’t think that porn has anything to do with it. At least it doesn’t for me. I find it more comfortable when I am “bald” down there. I also don’t like having stray hairs sticking out of my bathing suit during the summer months.

ratboy's avatar

Three of every five dirty old men prefer little Lolitas.

aprilsimnel's avatar

@jonsblond – Yup, bathing suit issues.

Last year, I was at a family reunion in FL. At the beach, there was a woman who seemingly hadn’t done any pruning and she had dark hair out from the sides of her suit bottom and on her thighs. Yuck! I know her hair was what Mother Nature gave her, but that was a hot mess.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

Personally, I don’t like a bush of any kind. A close trim for me. It feels clean & looks neat. But shaving? NO! I’m not 10!

lukiarobecheck's avatar

I seen it both ways, and they are both sexy. That is just a sexy area all around.

casheroo's avatar

I used to get waxed every six weeks, and I loved it. I started doing it to save time from shaving, and I liked how smooth it was. I don’t really care enough to keep up with it anymore. I’m married lady, duh.

Seriously though, my husband seems to like it when I have hair down there. I do the bikini line, but that’s about it. I shave it all off every few months. Just because I hate using a trimmer because of how pointy the hairs get lol. I have short hair down there, so it’s not a jungle muff. haha

eponymoushipster's avatar

homina homina homina

Mr_M's avatar

“Jungle muff”?? What’s wrong with THAT? :)

Dr_C's avatar

@sandystrachan whether or not people think it’s sexy is not something i’l debate since it is personal preference (i love shaved but that’s just me). I will however argue the merits of shaving for hygiene.

Pubic hair (no matter how well groomed and how thoroughly cleaned) provides an ideal environment for breeding bacteria. a combination of sweat, dead skin cells, the natural oils from the hair itself and on occasion trace amounts of urine (unless the woman in question happens to carry a bidet in her purse) provide more than ample sustenance for bacterial growth… and in fact will attract bacteria to the spot. This is true of yeasts also.

The presence of pubic hair can also be attractive but it does provide a higher risk of infections and of course an unpleasant smell.

Just to make sure… NO MATTER HOW THOROUGHLY a woman cleans that area after having gone to the restroom there are still trace amounts left in the pubic hair. The only way to be rid of that is to wash with soap and water… lather, rinse, repeat.

And no moist towelettes won’t work.

Facade's avatar

I do it because it looks/ feels nice. I’m not a big fan of body hair.

casheroo's avatar

@Dr_C woah, did you have to get all technical there? trace amounts of what left in the pubic hair? poop?! what about men? do you shave your butt hair?

aviona's avatar

I do it for me. No one else.
It’s “tidy.”

eeyore200343's avatar

i do it for me and my boyfriend. we both like it hair free!

Dr_C's avatar

@casheroo i personally don’t… but that wasn’t the real question here. I never said that there was any more hygiene involved in what men do or any less for that matter. You’re absolutely right… poop does sometimes get caught in ass hair… it’s gross and it’s dirty.
And if the question had veered towards that i would have answered also.

The thing here is about shaving a woman’s pubic hair.. it was never a comparison.

But you’re right… i’ll ask the missus if she wants me to shave my ass… although i have to tell you we’ve never engaged in ass play so i fail to see the point :P

@casheroo i think i woke up in rant mode this morning… pay no attention to the man behind the curtain

Mr_M's avatar

I’m not sure but I may never have sex again.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@Mr_M LOL…I know you better than that!!!

VS's avatar

For those who DO shave completely, what the hell do you do about razor stubble? I break out the lawn mower in the spring and continue it’s trimmer use until about October, covering all of bathing suit season. I have not had a bald anything since I was about eleven…

essieness's avatar

I don’t think I could ever let it grow back out… keeping everything shaved is just easier to deal with all the way around.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

For you gals who do shave, how do you feel about going for your yearly exam? Has your doctor ever said anything about it?

DREW_R's avatar

So their guy doesn’t hack up a hair ball?

DREW_R's avatar


My wifes OB/GYN gave her a yrs supply of B.C. pills. Does that count. >:)

essieness's avatar

@jbfletcherfan I used to be embarrassed to go all clean shaven and then I realized my OB has probably seen a lot of super disgusting hoo hoos, so my little shaved one probably isn’t too shocking. Therefore, my care factor is at about a -10 on what he/she thinks about it.

3or4monsters's avatar

To be indiscreet—during mensuration, it’s just easier to keep everything clean, tidy, and wiped down without the hair in the way. It has nothing to do with sex, in this household.

This obsession with bald snatches is a recent thing. Have you guys SEEN porn from the 70’s and 80’s? I can assure you people were performing cunnilingus before bald pussies became the accepted norm. I don’t think anybody died from hairballs…...

Dr_C's avatar

@essieness yum yum is back!
btw… hoo hoos?

essieness's avatar

@Dr_C I needed a short hiatus.

Yes, in case you’re not familiar, hoo hoo is a highly technical term for the female genitalia. Also known as vag.

Dr_C's avatar

i always thought it was “vagoo”.... oh well.. what do i know?

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@3or4monsters Yep. Back in the 60’s too, LOL. And before.

3or4monsters's avatar

@jbfletcherfan 3 cheers for retro porn! :)

casheroo's avatar

my vagingo stays quite clean, even when i menstruate. i don’t just let globs of period gather in any pubic hair… lol

Dr_C's avatar

@casheroo eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

essieness's avatar

@casheroo thanks… I was a little hungry… but I’m good now.

DREW_R's avatar

Not died but sure makes a guy gag. ;)

casheroo's avatar


Mr_M's avatar

@Dr_C, I’m not sure but I think vagoo is a spaghetti sauce.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@casheroo Thanks, but TMI!


Dr_C's avatar

@Mr_M so when italian women menstruate they’re on their “Ragoo”?

ru2bz46's avatar

Thanks @casheroo. I think I’ll be eating “in” from now on.

ru2bz46's avatar

My wife has always been with @3or4monsters on this one. No crusties to worry about.

filmfann's avatar

First, I had no idea the hair had anything to do with the scent, which is funny when you think of all the major babes who shave, which would give them a sterile scent.
Second, I don’t ask for shave or unshaved. I’m just happy to be there.
Third, The only thing that I am uncomfortable with is the stubble during the in-between time. Major rug burn.

adreamofautumn's avatar

I just despise body hair in general, women, men, everyone. I know it’s the “natural” order of things (and that guys that shave their legs and wax their chests occasionally get called all sorts of names) but I really just don’t like it. It has nothing to do with sex, or anyone else’s preferences. Just a preference I guess. However, I believe everyone should make their own decisions and I would never tell my S/O to change for me.

Mr_M's avatar

@Dr_C, I’ll tell you one thing, Italian women don’t shave “it”.

In fact, Do you know how to tell an Italian airline?

By the hair under the wings.

I’m Italian American so I can say that.

3or4monsters's avatar

@casheroo erm.. I can only guess that your flow isn’t heavy enough to be an issue. To prevent that from happening, I’d have to visit the bathroom about once an hour. Or, I could just keep it hairless. It’s all about least amount of effort here! Haha.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

Eek. I like the way it feels to be crotch hairless more than the look of it but shaving causes horrible stubble rash and waxing hurt way too much so I just trim. I am of the opinion men think my hoo ha is unattractive with the close trim but unless they want to pay for the laser hair removal, they have to deal or not get laid at all. I prefer men to be trimmed also but very few bother, go figure. Just another reason to avoid sex for me.

adreamofautumn's avatar

@Mr_M I love when anybody on any topic says “i’m ****** so I can say that” I literally laugh out loud every time.

ru2bz46's avatar

I trim myself for comfort reasons. There’s not much worse than getting a hair or two caught and have them pull at inopportune moments. I trim my ‘pits, too. More comfortable and less odor. Yeah, I know, “but you’re a beaver, Dude!”

Likeradar's avatar

@jbfletcherfan I wax, not shave, and my gyn has never said anything. She sees all sorts of things that wouldn’t even occur to me in a nightmare, the state of my lady garden probably doesn’t even register with her.

I just started following this thread. Lurve to you all!

Dr_C's avatar

@Likeradar lurve for “lady garden”

Mr_M's avatar

Seems to me you shouldn’t worry if she says something – worry if she buys you a dozen roses.

ru2bz46's avatar

@Mr_M…or FDS.

Mr_M's avatar

Or Raid.

ru2bz46's avatar

…or starts melting butter and puts on a bib

filmfann's avatar

melting butter?

Mr_M's avatar

That’s a new one for ME, too. Doesn’t it burn? Either way, I wish I had one of their tables.

filmfann's avatar


Mr_M's avatar

and here I thought it had something to do with Orville Redenbacher

hug_of_war's avatar

I like it clean so much better, I keep a close trim usually. Not for any man, but because it’s how I prefer it. It’s more comfortable for me, and having grossness stuck in my pubic hairs during period time is just icky to me.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@Likeradar Quite a shock for a first time OB/GYN, I’d think. LOL.

Likeradar's avatar

@jbfletcherfan Do you really think that waxing so rare that an ob/gyn would be shocked to see it? I mean, there are waxing salons everywhere, the vast majority of girls in Playboy and Penthouse are bare (not that I think those girls should be the standard of womanhood), Sex in the City even devoted an episode to “going to Brazil” years ago. I kinda thought it was more rare these days to leave a, um, bush un-manicured…

casheroo's avatar

@3or4monsters actually, i do have a very light flow, so i guess that would explain it…i guess i’m so used to what my body does, so it’s never an issue for me.

I know a lot of ladies worry about shaving before their ob/gyn appointments. No one wants to be the girl their doctors talk about lol

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@Likeradar No, I meant the first time a man GYN had to do a pap. I would not want to be a first for him…....

never mind, I was just musing

kenmc's avatar

This thread is gross!

And sexy!

jbfletcherfan's avatar

It’s only gross if you DON’T do some kind of grooming down there, LOL.

lisaj89's avatar

Y’all make it seem like it would be a bad thing to be shaved for the gyno. I’m sure they appreciate the cleanliness/tidiness it provides. Luckily, mine has never said anything about it. If he did, I think I would be mortified and promptly change doctors. Guys, it doesn’t matter what you want, a girl does it for herself. She has to live with it, you only use it every once in a while! The question is, why wouldn’t you want to be shaved/waxed. Also, usually if you have razor burn it’s from a dull blade-it doesn’t happen every time, trust me :).

hearkat's avatar

An ex of mine told me that a former gf of his preferred that he was hairless. It’s a personal preference.

Darwin's avatar

You know, I am starting to think that menopause is a really good thing right about now

VS's avatar

@Darwin I’m with you there!!

SeventhSense's avatar

Why do we trim the hedges or cut the lawn?

alive's avatar

it is just a social standard. everyone thinks that these “personal” choices are made personally… but, frankly, i don’t really believe all this talk about “women doing it for themselves”... another way to think about it is what on earth would make you do it if it was socially unacceptable??? (of course cleanliness plays a role, but you do not need to wax or shave to be clean down there)

lets face it people are highly influenced by social standards (like the standards of beauty). we are after all social creatures who enjoy getting laid. – myself included.

notabridesmaid's avatar

@eponymoushipster hahahahahahahahahaha

notabridesmaid's avatar

I think a lot of women do it because generally speaking women don’t like to be hairy (anywhere) its a little gross. The same reason we shave our legs and under our arms. To be neat and clean and well kept.

notabridesmaid's avatar

@sandystrachan and by the way I don’t think it has much to do with porn. It shows that a women has good hygiene and cares about keeping things neat and clean if she has it at least trimmed up down there.

sandystrachan's avatar

@notabridesmaid You can be neat and clean without being bald down below , i think porn had a huge part in it ever watch a porn movie from 70’s 80’s then watch one from 90’s 00’s . People saw it there and decided to get the pornstar look , it’s not the prettiest sight to see a bald baby like vagina .

eponymoushipster's avatar

bald babies don’t like vagina. they love vagina.~

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@sandystrachan This is true, but you don’t have to be bald to do some grooming. Bald to me would just be too much.

sandystrachan's avatar

@jbfletcherfan Nothing wrong with a little trim from time to time , keeps things from spreading out of control . Trimming is a good things total wax is just silly .

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@sandystrachan oh, I agree 100%. Plus the waxing…I can’t imagine how painful that’d be. A close trim IS good. ’-)

notabridesmaid's avatar

@sandystrachan I never said bald. I said neat. = ) And I have to say no I have never watched a porn from the 70’s or 80’s and I don’t think I would care to buy porn from the 90’s and 00’s to compare. I don’t like much hair myself and I don’t watch porn at all, which is why we can’t say this all stems from porn. Some people just don’t like it.

SeventhSense's avatar

If she has a simple throw rug and the carpet matches the drapes it’s all good.
Otherwise a shiny wood floor is fun to slide around on.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@notabridesmaid Geez, I could have said what you just did verbatim. Ditto, ditto. Well said.

sandystrachan's avatar

@notabridesmaid You may not watch porn , but you have been influenced by porn funnily enough . Because its seen as how its ment to be ( shaven / waxed ) and thats how you like it , thats due to people copying porn stars and sharing the experience with others and the mass produced waxing / shaving products for those areas .

notabridesmaid's avatar

@sandystrachan Thats an interesting perspective. So I am influenced by something that I have no exposure to…Hmmmm. Ok.
Let’s all just take a moment and reflect on @Dr_C original comment…What more influence do you need than that? Yuck.

alive's avatar

@notabridesmaid it is not any cleaner to shave than it would be if you didn’t shave.

as for “women” not liking hair. that is not a true statement. i think what you mean is mainstream women in america in this time period.

only since mass production of razors have american women (or other women) even considered shaving every inch of their bodies from the little bit of hair on your toes to eyebrows (...and yes, there are women who shave their eyebrows). and only since globalization has that standard of beauty been shown to other peoples around the globe for them to follow along.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I blame the bikini.

notabridesmaid's avatar

@alive Ok, allow me to re-phrase because I suppose you are right. It is not fair for me to say that “women” don’t like hair because that would be making an assumption about millions of people that I don’t know. Fair enough. However I will answer this question on behalf of my own vagina. Regardless of how “clean” you may want to argue that hair is, I will have to disagree, I think it is a little gross to let a lot of hair grow there. As always…I certainly appreciate the discussion but this is now my 4th post about my pubic hair and I have to move on from this conversation…it’s getting a little akward.

SeventhSense's avatar

There’s nothing hotter than a bald cooter. How would you ladies feel if a man’s entire equipment was covered with hair like a dog…ok maybe it would be fitting but point is men are visual creatures and I for one like to see the goodies. In addition it’s a marked contrast to a man.
I shave em as part of foreplay

eponymoushipster's avatar

@SeventhSense but “em” i hope you mean ladies, and not your own

SeventhSense's avatar

Yes of randy simian.

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