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findinganswers's avatar

Is spelt gluten free?

Asked by findinganswers (22points) April 19th, 2009
12 responses
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Is spelt gluten free? I’ve been told that it is in the wheat family, and is NOT gluten free. I’ve got issues with wheat (gluten, though we’re not positive it’s just the gluten,) soy, and corn and am trying to find things to replace these things in my diet.

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Crusader's avatar

Perhaps rice bread is an option…

Crusader's avatar

Their really is such a thing,
Also, corn bread is quite delicious…(made with rice flower..)

findinganswers's avatar

Well, I have tried rice cookies and a type of rice bread, but the taste is pretty grainy. I suppose I could try to mix the rice flour with another flour. Other than the taste…bread needs something (like gluten) to hold it together.

I used to make spelt bread, but I was told it was just like regular wheat bread.

Hmm…the corn bread sounds interesting! I’ll have to try that!

laureth's avatar

Spelt is not gluten-free. It just has less of it than modern wheat.

My spouse was allergic to wheat (but not gluten) and tolerated spelt just fine, though. Your mileage may vary.

adreamofautumn's avatar

No SPELT, especially if it’s Celiac. Tapioaca, rice, quinoa and corn are your best bets. Good luck, i’ve been at this 5 years, I still mess it up sometimes.

sdeutsch's avatar

Definitely no spelt! If you’re looking to replace wheat flour in your baking, there are a few good gluten-free flour mixes out there. Bob’s Red Mill is pretty good, but you’ll need to add a bit of xanthan gum to give it the stretchiness of regular all-purpose flour (there’s directions on the back of the Bob’s AP Flour for how much xanthan gum to add to different kinds of baked goods.)

I haven’t found any store-bought gluten-free bread that I was really happy with – I’ve basically adapted to eating open-faced sandwiches on rice cakes or wheat-free crackers. Also, Trader Joe’s has some excellent frozen waffles that are GF – they make a good replacement for toast or english muffins (although, I do miss my bagels – there’s really no substitute for a good bagel…)

There are a lot of great gluten-free cooking blogs out there too – this one has a great “How to Start Eating Gluten-Free” article that really helped me when I started…

Good luck – I know it seems impossible at first, but it really does get easier with time!

findinganswers's avatar

Well, I wouldn’t say that I’m a “Celiac” my parents are going to take me to an allergist some time soon to find out just what’s up with this stuff.

I have used Bob’s Red Mill. And I know about the xanthan gum, thank you for adding that though! I tend to forget about it a lot…never hurts to have a reminder. :-)

The only issues I have with wheat, is, I get dark circles under my eyes, and get VERY tired. I will “cheat” and eat some every now and then, but I try not to when I can help it. The worst thing about all this is, that I can’t have corn or soy either. Wheat, corn, and spy are in just about EVERYTHING out there! I just get frustrated a lot…

findinganswers's avatar

Wheat, corn and soy…sorry…typo

adreamofautumn's avatar

@sdeutsch I don’t know where you are located but in the northeast (and at various WholeFoods and Wegmans) you can get Against the Grain bread that is absolutely amazing. I had a sandwich for the first time in years the other day and nearly died of happiness in that moment. If you can find it..try it!!

findinganswers's avatar

I’ve actually found that sprouted wheat doesn’t affect me. I’ve been getting Ezekiel bread, (and then got some sprouted wheat tortillas the other day as well,) but it was great having some toast again!

sdeutsch's avatar

@adreamofautumn Oooh, thanks for the tip! I’m in Pittsburgh, and there’s a Whole Foods 5 minutes from my house – I’ll have to go there tomorrow and get some! I’ve tried so many terrible GF breads, I’d sort of given up on finding a good one. The possibility of eating an actual sandwich sounds too good to be true…

@findinganswers I’ve heard that sprouted wheat is much easier for some wheat-intolerant people to digest – but I’m pretty sure it does contain gluten, so if you’re okay with it, it’s likely that’s it’s the wheat and not the gluten that’s giving you problems.

If you have a Whole Foods near you, it is the place to shop for wheat-free and gluten-free (and corn and soy-free) food. Right after I started eating gluten-free, I took myself on a massive Whole Foods shopping spree!

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