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amoreno06's avatar

Should i go to University or Work?

Asked by amoreno06 (363points) May 12th, 2009
15 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

Should i move out from the suburbs and live in chicago to go to a university i’ve already been accepted to and try and make it on my own, paying rent and such with probably a low paying job
OR… stay at my decent paying job and live with my parents while going to community college? my dad got laid off and i could help my mom out with bills but i’d be stuck in suburbia living under their rules still and still going to community college.
my job pays pretty well and i just got a raise. i have to decide within two months. i have no idea what to do. i want to help my mom out, but i also have to decide what’s best for me. idk if leaving a decent job is a wise decision in an economy such as this.

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asmonet's avatar

Do what I’m doing, CC for two years while you live at home and stockpile as much money as you can, then GTFO to University.

Dog's avatar

I agree with @asmonet

Dog (25152points)“Great Answer” (1points)
Les's avatar

Living in Chicago would be quite expensive (I’m thinking you are talking about DePaul or something like that). Unless you live in a dorm, you should expect to pay quite a bit for rent. However, if what you want is a university degree, then I’d say to take advantage of it while you can.

Les (10005points)“Great Answer” (1points)
Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

You have to do what’s best for all of you – I’d stay to support my parents but communicate to them I want none of their crap any more as I had a choice to leave

amoreno06's avatar

i forgot to mention that i went to community college for two years already and got my associate’s in general studies…idk if that changes how you could respond to my original question.

Dog's avatar

Unless the job you are in is one you would want to spend the rest of your life doing and has a lot of room for advancement for a person without a University degree do NOT stop attending classes.

Dog (25152points)“Great Answer” (2points)
cwilbur's avatar

Can you get qualified for the sort of job you want by going to that community college?

What you’re asking, in essence, is, “I have a certain amount of money (and time) to invest. Is it better to spend some of it living comfortably now, and get a lesser return in the end, or to invest all of it now, and get a better return in the long run?”

A community college degree is not the equivalent of a four-year university degree. Community colleges have a different mission than state colleges and universities do, and they provide very valuable resources. But they’re not the same. So you need to decide whether your goals need a four-year degree or not.

Also, you need to take the long view on this. In the absence of any goals, it is foolish to give up a decent job in this economy. But it’s foolish to give up a decent job in any economy, and in this case especially you need to take the long view: if you want to be a lawyer, or a teacher, or a registered nurse, or anything else that requires a four-year degree, you’re going to have to get that four-year degree. And the earnings you make after you get the degree, over the course of your lifetime, will probably dwarf anything you might have lost by giving up the job you currently have.

wundayatta's avatar

Ask your parents what they want for you. You don’t have to read their minds. If they want you to go to university, they will find a way to care for themselves. You just have to make sure they tell you if things are getting really tight.

The best thing you can do for your future life, and for the future life of your family is get as much education as you can. Every degree you get means several thousand dollars more per year in income, and that quickly outpaces the income you’re making now, especially if you’re spending it all. A little sacrifice now means a lot of gain later.

amoreno06's avatar

@daloon my mom tells me not to move out and not to go to school but instead to help her out because of my dad’s situation. i don’t think she’s asking much. just to delay college for a year. she’s been stressing out because of my dad’s medical stuff and now because of his being laid off.

wundayatta's avatar

Well, then, if you haven’t already done so, see if you can defer entry for a year. They will probably be understanding, especially under the circumstances.

amoreno06's avatar

@daloon i hadn’t thought of that. i’ll talk to the school. thank you so much.

RedPowerLady's avatar

I think staying and supporting your parents while stockpiling the money you save going to a Community College is a great idea. My caveat is that I would pay rent to my parents to help them out AND more importantly so I wouldn’t have to obey their rules. You deserve some independence.

YARNLADY's avatar

First, sit down by yourself, take a piece of paper, and draw a line down the middle. Then write pros and cons at the top. On one side, write all the pros and cons of staying, on the other side of the paper, write the pros and cons of going.

Now sit down with the parents and discuss with them.

If you are going to stay, get them to agree that you are an adult now, and you will live as a roomer in the house, with fewer rules and more responsibilities.

ccbatx's avatar

University. After that, you’ll have your whole life to work. It’s a win-win situation=)

l2l2's avatar

Right now the best thing to do is to go to college because if you dont than you wont find a good go to university and trust me after that you will find a job that fix ur college scheduale.

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