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TROLL's avatar

What are your views on the British MPs expenses scandal?

Asked by TROLL (378points) May 16th, 2009
20 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

In recent weeks it has been uncovered that British MPs have been helping themselves to the coffers at Downing Street.Should these thieves be prosecuted?Will you ever vote again?Do you now have no faith in MPs?

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Myndecho's avatar

It shows poor moral value for the MP’s that they have only stopped this because they’ve gotten caught. MP’s shouldn’t be voting on their own salaries, if anyone had the chance to vote our own salaries many of the generally public wouldn’t have done anything differently.
My own MP has spent 80,000 from 2007–2008 on staff and like many people said why do they get a food allowance they don’t eat twice as much just because they have a second home.

RareDenver's avatar

Those that have been caught with their hand in the till should be fired, just like anyone else would.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Bastards. Thats MY money they’re spending.

Tobotron's avatar

everyone knows if they didn’t get caught then they wouldn’t be paying back this money…the guy claiming £16k or whatever for a mortgage he didn’t have is disgusting. Labour won’t win the election its pretty much certain…or at least I hope it is…people are seeing democracy is hiccuping and the people are demanding changes, hopefully they materialise soon.

Tobotron's avatar

@TROLL I presume you are from outside the UK by the way you word the question? If so what is the international standpoint/view on this? It would be nice to know if anyone can feedback…

TROLL's avatar

@Tobotron English at birth and live in York.@Lightly seared.DITTO.
I think there should be some prosecutions although the guy who claimed for horse manure should be shot at dawn.

PapaLeo's avatar

International view: I’m American living in NL. Let’s wait until the facts are uncovered before the lynching starts.

I remember some years ago a Dutch politician was caught with his “hand in the till,” supposedly being reimbursed for unauthorized declarations. He was hounded out of his political career by the press and public. Later it turns out he did nothing wrong, but by then it was too late. The press was the judge, jury and executioner.

Myndecho's avatar

Who do you want to win the next election, I’ve been reading the polices of the Lib dems and it looks like I’ll be voting for them.

RareDenver's avatar

@TROLL Hey there I’m from York too

Lightlyseared's avatar

@PapaLeo The thing is they haven’t done anything illegal as such. They are allowed to make expence claims in order live. The idea being inorder to attract the best people into government from business you need to pay. The problem is they are claiming for every little thing, twisting the rules to get the absolute maximum from the system. It is the spirit of the thing that is annoying, particularly when some of the MP’s who are claiming the most are not actually turning up for that many debates at parliament.

Tobotron's avatar

@Myndecho I’ld like to vote Lib Dem too although I feel like voting Green to get some morality back in parliament and I’m an idealist at heart lol…but I think the Conservatives will win because Cameron is a face.

OpryLeigh's avatar

@Myndecho I usually vote Lib Dems and I can’t see that changing. Unfortunately I vote for them because they are the best of a bad bunch in my eyes!

In answer to the question, I am getting so bored about hearing about these expense claims and if it wasn’t (as someone else said) the tax payers (ie: mine) money they were stealing I would find it hilarious! These people are running the country and that scares me!

TROLL's avatar

@RareDenver which part?I am in Fulford.

RareDenver's avatar

@TROLL I live in Leeds now :-( want to move back to York. I used to live in Holgate.

TROLL's avatar

@RareDenver Yeah Leeds is a bit grubby,move back it would be good for your wellbeing.Till we meet….

RareDenver's avatar

@TROLL but my commute to work is currently a 40 second walk and I would hate to have to go back to getting that York to Leeds train every morning where everyone is crammed in like sardines and you generally start your day with your face pushed into a fat sweaty guys armpit.

TROLL's avatar

@RareDenver lol yeah those fat fuckers are everywhere you dont want em.
It’s very difficult at present to find alternative employment so sit it out and if things pick up look for a move.
While in York did you have your own place?The reason i ask is that i live in Cambridge through the week and come home on a Thursday night.

RareDenver's avatar

I’ve lived all over York and the surrounding area, at first with my parents, also several places with various girlfriends, a few places by myself and some places I shared with friends.

I really enjoy my job and very much like the company I work for so changing jobs is not an option. We currently live in Leeds city centre but are getting married next Saturday, when we return from hooneymoon we are going to look into moving, need a bigger place. I want to stay central but she would like to move out to somewhere like Horsforth. I guess we’ll just have to see, she’ll probably get her own way.

TROLL's avatar

I am always available for Weddings.Congratulations even if you dont send an invite.

augustlan's avatar

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