General Question

Grisaille's avatar

Why are you still awake?

Asked by Grisaille (12048points) May 23rd, 2009
159 responses
“Great Question” (4points)

I’m speaking to everyone, not just those whose clocks read 2 AM (like me).

Boredom? Is there something on your mind you’d like to let out?

Are you lonely?

Why are you “awake”? Why are you speaking to the collective today?

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jrpowell's avatar

Allie is at a party. I want to make sure she gets home OK. And I have beer. 11:18PM here.

Tink's avatar

I like talking to people and it’s 11:18 in my time right now

wildflower's avatar

7:20 AM here, I just got up, had a shower, brewed some coffee – now time for breakfast and fluther, then a bit of work and then out to enjoy the sun (if it’s still around by then)

DrasticDreamer's avatar

It’s only 11:18 PM in my neck of the woods, and I generally stay up pretty late so this is still kind of early for me. I’m in a kind of withdrawal mode regarding certain people I know and I have no friends to talk to at the moment.

I tend to get on Fluther every day, anyway. I’m addicted. I like being around like-minded people.

Tink's avatar

^ Me too

_bob's avatar

Boredom, insomnia, loneliness, and it’s not that late (1:22 AM).

Tink's avatar

@wildflower – What country are you in?

Bluefreedom's avatar

I work from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. so I have no choice but to be awake. The best part is, as long as I can hang out on Fluther with the rest of you while I’m at work, I’ll never be lonely or bored. =)

It’s 11:26 p.m. here in Phoenix and all is well.

Tink's avatar

@bob – Lonlyness is wrong :)

_bob's avatar

@Tink1113 Well, I’d like it if Monica Bellucci were here, but I kinda don’t see it happening :P

Tink's avatar

@wildflower – Oh I’m in America

Tink's avatar

@bob_ – Yeah how sad :)

loser's avatar

It’s 11:30 here and I’m still quite awake. Just hanging out with a brewski and playing with my iPhone. Do I know how to party or what?

knitfroggy's avatar

Because I got home from work around midnight, put in some laundry, Fluthered, and then started reading the new Charlaine Harris novel. I don’t want to go to bed now, but I need to so I can get up in the morning. It’s 1:35am.

tabbycat's avatar

Yes, I’m still awake. I’m trying to unwind from the day, and fluther helps me do that.

I really should go to bed, but I don’t look forward to lying awake, so I’m trying to put off that experience. Eventually I’ll just give in because I’m too tired to type.

Grisaille's avatar


I’m kidding.

AstroChuck's avatar

PDT here. The real time. Way too early to hit the hay.
(unless I could coax my wife to come with me ;D)

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

Insomnia mostly. I don’t take any medications so riding it out means internet games, music, fluther, etc. Also getting off work late at night means I like to check in a putter about.

backinflow's avatar

it’s 8.40 here in the netherlands and it’s sunny. fixing breakfast…

DrasticDreamer's avatar

@AstroChuck No, no… Don’t coax her. Make her want to go. Don’t even make her want to join you – make it impossible for her to resist.

hug_of_war's avatar

Just finished talking to my boyfriend online

SundayKittens's avatar

1:46 in Oklahoma…busy milking cows and roping doggies. Just kidding, I had a nap earlier so I’m not quite sleepy.

MacBean's avatar

Sleep is for the weak.

loser's avatar

MacBean rocks!!!

AstroChuck's avatar

@DrasticDreamer- I read ya. Get her drunk. ;)

SundayKittens's avatar

Maaaan I love the little fluther guy. He’s so cute. And yes, AstroChuck, booze her up!

DrasticDreamer's avatar

@AstroChuck Haha! Well, I suppose that would work, too. God, you crack me up lol.

Darwin's avatar

It is 1:48 am where I am, and I am still awake because my son is still awake. If he isn’t sleeping, nobody’s sleeping! Aaaaarrrrggggghhhhh!!!!!

Two nights in a row.

loser's avatar

@Darwin Damn! So sorry…

augustlan's avatar

It’s just about 3AM here (East Coast time rocks). Apparently, I am a vampire.

I rarely go to sleep before 5AM these days. :(

Grisaille's avatar

@augustlan Neither do I. I hate it.

MacBean's avatar

@augustlan: I’m in the same boat. Blech.

augustlan's avatar

You know, I’d be fine with it if only the rest of the world operated on my hours!

Grisaille's avatar

@augustlan Gah, I’m so irregular these days (REGARDING MY SLEEP CYCLE, PEOPLE) that even if the world was to change it’s schedule to fit my present one, I’d still find a way to be 9 hours behind.

Tink's avatar

Did you guys go to sleep already?

DrasticDreamer's avatar

@Grisaille Are you sure you’re not ahead? ;)

Grisaille's avatar

@DrasticDreamer My sorry ass wouldn’t know any better, regardless.

So maybe.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

Yeah… Me either. But you can just say you’re ahead to sound cool. Or something like that, right? Yeah… I dunno.

Grisaille's avatar

Yeah, I hear the chicks dig it when guys sound cool and have scars and stuff.

I outta try that.

bright_eyes00's avatar

I work from 7pm to 7am Pacific standard time. I’m awake, not by choice. MY BED MISSES ME!!! * pout *

whatthefluther's avatar

It is just after midnight (12:35 AM) here in Los Angeles. It is a Saturday night (technically Sunday morning). I had a nap earlier in the day and several cups of coffee since. @sccrowell, who worked today, is still awake. Sleep is not currently on my mind although I hope to be going to bed soon! See ya…wtf

Darwin's avatar

I think he’s asleep! Finally, now that it is 2:36 am. Oh, joy! I can try for 5 1/2 hours of sleep myself before I have to get up and go to church, feed my husband, and dish up barbeque for a fundraiser for my son’s baseball team.

Good night, John-Boy.

rooeytoo's avatar

It’s late Sunday afternoon in Australia, it is almost time to shut down and go home, yeaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Not too many tourists around yet so pretty damned boring
here, thank goodness for Fluther!

Tink's avatar

I agree with you @rooeytoo but not when your parents are yelling at you for using your iPod at 12:43am it’s not!!

augustlan's avatar

@Tink1113 As a Fluther mother… Go to bed! :)

Tink's avatar

@augustlan – I wish I could Fluther is just so damn addictive ;-)

rooeytoo's avatar

@Tink1113 – I agree, if you are young enough to have parents yelling at you, they you are not old enough to be up this late, heeheheh!!!! GO TO SLEEP!

Tink's avatar

@rooeytoo – But it’s Saturday, well Sunday morning though

MacBean's avatar

You guys are no fun!

Stay up, Tink. Stay up until you can’t keep your little eyelids open any longer.

Tink's avatar

@Macbean – Thanks would you be you be my guardian :)

augustlan's avatar

Bad MacBean. Bad, bad.

MacBean's avatar

@Tink1113 —Only if you promise to go to bed on time without a fight on school nights. ;) (How old are you, anyway? Not that it makes a difference. Just curious. My parents still try to badger me to go to bed and I’m in my 20s.)

@augustlan — . >:-D

Tink's avatar

I promise (maybe) I’m 14.

rooeytoo's avatar

This is such a funny place, MacBean, your avatar makes me think of a very suave and debonaire man of the world. But I think you said you are a female and now you say you are in your 20’s. You just never know!

Tink's avatar

I love this place!!!

jrpowell's avatar

Allie isn’t home yet.. Starting to get worried.

Tink's avatar

I think Macbean went to sleep before me :)

Tink's avatar

@johnpowell – How old is she?

jrpowell's avatar

21.. She is all grown up.

Tink's avatar

Oh is she your daughter?

jrpowell's avatar

I think MacBean passed out on the keyboard. Or the cat is taking a nap on it.

augustlan's avatar

Wake up, MacBean!

MacBean's avatar

@Tink1113—Well, a “maybe” promise from a 14-year-old about going to bed without a fight is about as good as anyone can ask for or expect. <3

@rooeytoo—The avatar works, then! Huzzah! I’m female-bodied but I don’t identify as female. I don’t usually really identify as male, either, but it’s definitely a more comfortable label for me. But had I been born male, I’d definitely be kind of swishy. And ever since I got on the internet when I was nine or ten years old, people have consistently guessed that I’m about ten years older than I actually am at any given time. So I picked that avatar because I think it’s a pretty good picture of my personality.

@johnpowell—Was she meant to be back at a certain time? And I didn’t fall asleep! I’m just writing my response in the response box for once, instead of typing it somewhere else and then C&Ping.

Tink's avatar

Sounds like it ;)

jrpowell's avatar

Partner is stupidity might be a better way to describe our relationship. I might give her a call.

Tink's avatar


jrpowell's avatar

She was pretty wasted a few hours ago.

MacBean's avatar

@johnpowell—Tell her all of Fluther is up and worried about her!

jrpowell's avatar

Just got her on AIM.

Tink's avatar

Do you know where she went?

Tink's avatar

@Macbean – Yup sometimes we don’t really mean it

Tink's avatar

To everyone – Good Night

jrpowell's avatar

Goodnight Tink :-)

MacBean's avatar

Okay, Allie has been located, this podcast is done downloading, and my book is calling to me. I can almost hear it. “Beeeeean… Curl up in your nice warm bed and reeeeead meeeee…!” G’night, folks! :D

Tink's avatar

@johnpowell – Goodnight and I hope you find Allie!

jrpowell's avatar

She is found.

Tink's avatar

Oh good then. Did you punish her? ;-)

jrpowell's avatar

She isn’t my wife. I can’t punish her. (that sounds bad)

I was just worried about my Internet buddy.

Tink's avatar

Oh well Goodnight once again :)

augustlan's avatar

Goodnight Fluther, and everyone on it.

Grisaille's avatar

I’m quite proud my question has sparked a positive bonding experience.

Daw, collective.

Good night.

Tink's avatar

Goodnight Fluther mother :) I keep saying it but don’t actually do it

Tink's avatar

@Grisaille – Just hope it doesn’t get deleted like mine did :(
(What is your favorite song?) I loved that question I learned about new music there ;(

bright_eyes00's avatar

If Tink1113 goes to sleep i will have no one to talk to! REBEL! Stay up!

bright_eyes00's avatar

Damn…everyone has gone it seems…^sigh^...i am all alone…

La_chica_gomela's avatar

@bright_eyes00: I haven’t gone! I just got here. It’s about 4:45 am here now, and I’m not really sure why I keep staying up this late. I’m exhausted, my eyelids are drooping, and I’m surely sleepy. The only thing I can think of is that I’m just not used to going to bed by myself.

I’m so used to the ritual of Tim and me, of whining that I’m tired and he stays up too late, of brushing our teeth together, lying in bed with the lights off talking instead of sleeping, and drifting off with him holding me. Going through the pre-bedtime ritual by myself just reminds me that he’s not here, so I guess I’m trying to avoid it. But maybe through writing all this out, I can face up to it.

Bluefreedom's avatar

I’m still here too. At work. For another 3 hours and 5 minutes. It’s 2:52 a.m. and time has come to a standstill it seems.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

@Bluefreedom: What do you do?

Bluefreedom's avatar

I’m a Security Policeman (military police) in the Air Force.

rooeytoo's avatar

Where is Tim?

La_chica_gomela's avatar

@rooeytoo: He’s sleeping in our bed at home, right there in the pink sheets and floral comforter by himself. I didn’t meant to make it sound like he’s the one who left, but I guess I did. I’m the one on a trip.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

@Bluefreedom: So, what do you secure? If you don’t mind my asking.

rooeytoo's avatar

@La_chica_gomela – that is good, it sounded as if it were more serious than that. Why are you on a trip, business?

La_chica_gomela's avatar

@rooeytoo: not really. it’s kind of a long story, and a pretty boring one, too. The gist of it is I’m visiting family. So, what’s your excuse for being awake?

rooeytoo's avatar

I live in Australia, it is only early Sunday evening, I am watching the French Open on TV and surfing the net a bit as well.

bright_eyes00's avatar

Sorry…i got distracted by my job…jeez how dare they…

Bluefreedom's avatar

@La_chica_gomela. We’re mainly concerned with protecting about 240 million dollars worth of airplanes.

The secondary things are performing law enforcement duties on the base as well as protecting other Air Force assets and personnel.

Tink's avatar

I’m awake now!!!!!

Tink's avatar

Where did everyone go? I’m sad now everyone left me ;-(
(tear tear sniff sniff tear)

Tink's avatar

Anybody gonna try to keep me awake today?

DrasticDreamer's avatar

I’ll try. I just got done with a really tough philosophy essay and now I just want to Fluther all night long.

Bluefreedom's avatar

I’ll be here at work until 6 a.m. so I’ll try also.

Tink's avatar

Me too my parents went to sleep and won’t tell me to go to sleep :)

Tink's avatar

Ok I’ll talk to anyone

Tink's avatar

So what’s going on in your world guys?

Bluefreedom's avatar

No news is good news and my base isn’t under attack so that’s promising.

Tink's avatar

That sounds good

DrasticDreamer's avatar

Homework, homework and more homework here. As stated above, just got done writing a philosophy essay, which I’m generally pretty good at. But I’ve been more than a little stressed lately so it kicked my ass and I turned it in about five minutes – literally – from the deadline. One day from now I have a four page cultural anthropology essay due, and a day after that I have a four page writing essay due. Yay…


Tink's avatar

Lots of essays

Bluefreedom's avatar

@DrasticDreamer. You are a workaholic scholar smartie pants. =)

DrasticDreamer's avatar

Yeah. I started late, so I figured I’d throw myself into school. I love all of my classes, but when other things are going on in life that stress me out… It becomes pretty difficult, to say the least. I’m still debating on whether or not I should take some time off this summer or just go at it and try to get it done quickly.

Tink's avatar

What is college like? I don’t know if I want to go

DrasticDreamer's avatar

Well, it’s a lot better than middle school and high school, simply because you have much more freedom to choose what you want to learn. That and you typically have a choice of when you want to attend. You can go in the morning, afternoon or evening, so that’s pretty great. Professors are not like the teachers you’re used to. Because you’re an adult, you typically get treated as one, unless you have a particularly narcissistic professor with a PhD (like my current writing teacher).

Depending on what you want to major in, it can vary from moderately easy to moderately difficult. The atmosphere is really laid back and there aren’t… Cliques, I guess you could say, like there are in high school. People act much more like the adults they’re becoming. :)

If you don’t go to college, do you have any ideas of what you’re going to do? I know I sound typical, but it helps a lot, especially with our economy and how things in the US are right now.

Tink's avatar

Well I want to be a marine biologist or graphic designer

Bluefreedom's avatar

@DrasticDreamer. I admire you for pursuing advanced education at whatever current age you are at. Someone bettering themselves is always a good thing. I’m slowly working toward an Associates Degree and it seems like it’s taking me forever to get there but I see the light at the end of the tunnel.

It sounds like you are taking on a heavy load with your studies so don’t overdo it and burn yourself out before you reach your goal. You sound like you’re doing very well. Best of luck to you in all your educational pursuits.

@Tink1113. My wife is a graphic designer. She loves it.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

@Tink1113 Yeah, you’ll have to go to school if you really want a great position in those fields. If you know those are things that you’d really enjoy a lot of times the classes you take don’t even seem hard, simply because you enjoy it so much. Just make sure you do something you know you’ll really love, and you’ll be okay – and be great at it.

@Bluefreedom Good for you! How long have you been going at it?

I’m trying really hard not to burn myself out, so I probably should think about taking some time off during summer. I’m 24, still young, but I just want to get things going in my life. I know there are people who are much older who attend school, and I definitely applaud them – because even being out school the amount of time I was, going back still took some getting used to. I’m a little freaked, because I still don’t know what I want to major in! Thank you for your words, though. Sometimes I get really proud of something I’ve achieved through school, but I don’t feel like I have anyone to talk to. Or vent to, as the case may be sometimes. Haha! :)

Bluefreedom's avatar

@DrasticDreamer. It’s been years really and it consists of trying to fit in college classes around 12 hour work shifts, military deployments and training cycles, and attempting to keep my motivation at a peak level at times also. I’m about 19 credit hours away from an AA degree so I’m feeling more optimistic now that I have in the past. I’m 42 years old and wishing that I would have pursued higher education at a younger age instead of playing catch up now. I’m working on it though. =)

Tink's avatar

Yeah :) but I might go to a vocational school

Tink's avatar

Does your wife make videogames?

La_chica_gomela's avatar

@Bluefreedom: Congratulations! I know it’s a little premature, but it’s still really exciting! I wish I was 13 credits away from my degree! Lurve!

DrasticDreamer's avatar

@Tink1113 Whatever you do, just throw yourself into it, if you know it’ll make you happy. :)

@Bluefreedom Good for you, truly. It’s never too late, despite what a lot of people seem to believe. Besides, you’re still fairly young.

Bluefreedom's avatar

@Tink1113. My wife does a lot of freelancing work for several different clients doing a multitude of things such as helping to design websites, making brochures and business cards for people and companies, designing corporate logos, and many other things. She stays busy and has fun almost all the time in her career.

@La chica gomela. Thank you for the congrats, very kind of you. I’m pretty excited too.

@DrasticDreamer. Thanks again and good for you too for all that you’ve done. You’re going to go far in life, I have a good feeling about it. And you’re only 24 to boot! I wish I could go back to 24. =)

DrasticDreamer's avatar

@Bluefreedom No problem. :) I hope I go far, in one way or another… It’s always been a dream of mine.

Tink's avatar

Thanks for your advice guys but I gotta go ttyl my moms spying on me now ;(

DrasticDreamer's avatar

@Tink1113 Have a good night, Tink. :)

rooeytoo's avatar

didn’t we have this same discussion with Tink and her mother last night? Or am I getting my days confused???

Tink's avatar

Goodnight :) and yes it was the same discssion but I don’t seem to listen shes been on my case for a few days ;(

rooeytoo's avatar

Well that’s a relief, I thought I was losing track of time!!

Tink's avatar

No not yet bye ;)

Bluefreedom's avatar

@Tink1113. Goodnight and have a great day tomorrow. Well, it actually is tomorrow already (it’s 12:58 a.m.) so have a great day today. I hope that makes sense. =)

Tink's avatar

Sorry guys I’m not gonna be here on my usual hours it’s a schoolnight :(

Bluefreedom's avatar

@Tink1113. You have a good day at school tomorrow. Learn much, study diligently, and always keep your sights set on the brass ring.

Tink's avatar

Ok I’ll try thanks :)

Tink's avatar

Did people already forget this question?

Bluefreedom's avatar

No, they’re just taking their time making it back over here to offer more answers.

Tink's avatar

Oh :) there here

Darwin's avatar

I haven’t forgotten, but my son is finally asleep so I am going to try to get 6 hours of sleep before he wakes up.

Tink's avatar


Tink's avatar

@Bluefreedom – Are you still here?

Bluefreedom's avatar

Of course. I’m jumping all over the place here on Fluther and on the Internet. Just keeping busy.

Tink's avatar

Your always here too :)

Bluefreedom's avatar

Here, there, everywhere. I’m almost omnipresent. =)

Tink's avatar

I’m not even sleepy

Bluefreedom's avatar

I’m not either. When I’m not a work on a 12 hour midnight shift, I’m up very late at home (like right now) during all hours of the night.

Tink's avatar

But I have to wake up early tomorrow do you?

Bluefreedom's avatar

Yeah, I do. I have some chores to take care of and errands to run before I go to work tomorrow.

Tink's avatar

I have freaken school

Bluefreedom's avatar

You’re going to need your sleep more than me then.

Tink's avatar

I know but I can’t sleep

Bluefreedom's avatar

I understand that but as long as I keep talking with you here, I’m helping you stay awake (when you should probably be sleeping) and someone is going to nail me for contributing to the deliquency of a minor. =)

Tink's avatar

:) is it 10:53 where you are at?

Bluefreedom's avatar

Yes, we’re the same as Pacific Standard Time this time of year. The rest of the time we’re on Mountain Standard Time I think. We don’t do the Daylight Savings Time thing in Arizona.

Tink's avatar

Oh well I gotta go again ttyl :-)

Bluefreedom's avatar

Yeah, I’m outta here too. Take care my friend.

Tink's avatar

Back at you my friend

Tink's avatar

Goodnight my friends :)

Tink's avatar

Hey it’s Friday!!!!!!!!
Where’s everyone come on lazies wake up :)

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