Do you keep a blog for professional reasons? What do you write about?
I just read a hiring manager’s description of how he reviews resumes. One of the things he said he looks for is whether you have a weblog. He also Googles you. Do you keep a blog for professional purposes? I have to say that I find this idea a little daunting—thinking that I’d need to keep a professional blog just to further my career. It seems kind of forced.
I’d have to write everything assuming that a recruiter was looking at it. I’d never write my real feelings (unless they were good). It would be kind of pollyannish and full of a kind of understated bragging. You know: problems I face and how I successfully (always) overcome them. Nothing about the problems that weren’t overcome. Maybe one, to make it seem real. Yech!
I have a google problem, too. There are so many people with my name (not John Smith, but close) that you couldn’t even find me if you paged through 20 pages of google. Maybe I should put stuff on the web that raises me up higher? If only I could use daloon. That name is very high up. Maybe if I switch careers.
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