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penny398's avatar

Is it possible to make a contract with a god?

Asked by penny398 (47points) June 10th, 2009
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SirBailey's avatar

Yes, but it would be really hard to get a signature.

crisw's avatar

It’s hard to make a contract with something that doesn’t exist and can’t consent.

CMaz's avatar

God is within you. So the contract is really with yourself.

oratio's avatar

Why do you think Jews are circumcised? It is possible, but you have to give up your foreskin. As women belonged to the man, they get’s the deal by proxy.

dynamicduo's avatar

You can make one up in your mind, but no, you can’t make a binding contract with god. All gods do not exist, thus they cannot sign your paper.

sap82's avatar

In my opinion itt seems a little presumptuous to assume there is no God. You can think there isn’t. To each his own, I guess.

No matter, I don’t think you can make any contracts with the all mighty. Like our atheist freinds said, he isn’t saying much if he is there. So any contracts you make might be a little one sided.

I am not saying you should not make the effort though. If you have somehting in your heart worth weighing for Gods purpose; then lay it out on paper. Maybe you will prove us all wrong and God will stay true to a contract/prayer for whatever it is you are presenting to contract.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

To answer your question, Evelyn doesn’t see a need for contracts. She assumes you already believe in her once you know of her. It’s a twisted form of logic, but then, she’s female, and you know how they are. :-)

@oratio Christians and Muslims get circumcised as well. As a former Christian, I have discovered that giving up my foreskin was an unfair deal, done without my consent.

I wrote a great joke about this not so great form of religion-inspired infant mutilation, I wish I could find it now. I wouldn’t mind having my foreskin back as well.

DarkScribe's avatar

Is it possible to make a contract with a god?

Not one that would stand up in court – all the lawyers are in the other place.

sap82's avatar

Again, I think it is rude to the person that asked this question for you to start poking fun about the existance of God. Honestly, it should not matter. They ask a reasonable question that the monitors did not boot. I am sure the questioner would like an answer without a bunch of criticism about what they believe. It is a prejudice to do so you know. Grow up all of you.

oratio's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra Yeah, I know. But Christians predominantly in the US, and they are not required to. But I have learned that it is very common in the States.

Well. The important thing is that it responds to orders, with or without a helmet.

sandystrachan's avatar

Looks like someones contract with ” God ” didn’t hold any ground when it came to the judgment . @sap82

sap82's avatar

@sandystrachan I am not sure about what you mean. What do you mean?

IchtheosaurusRex's avatar

You would have to check the laws in your state. As a rule, a person entering into a contract must meet the legal definitions for contractual capacity. They must be of sound mind and in some, but not all instances, must have achieved the age of majority. If the god is under 18, drunk, and schizophrenic, then the answer is probably no. However, depending on the deity in question, the contract may be exclusively voidable. That means the god can void the contract, but you can’t. Therefore, be careful what god you do business with.

sandystrachan's avatar

It sounds like you speak from experience of a bad ” God ” contract , telling people to grow up sounds like you are throwing your toys out the pram . I think this qualifies as a ” stupid question on fluther ” .
Regardless of your religious thoughts and beliefs before you can get into a contract with ” a God ” said god must be able to sign the contract, write the contract and fulfill said contract God doesnt show him/herself so cant fulfil any part of legal contract . Maybe you are the one who should grow up

sap82's avatar

@sandystrachan I think you are making a bigger deal out of this than is necessary.

sap82's avatar

If it is a stupid question then why answer it? Perhaps it should be flagged instead.

sap82's avatar

@sandystrachan Furthermore, I don’t really understand how asking a question can be stupid unless the person asking was intensionally causing problems. You can dislike something all you want it doesn’t make it okay for you to be rude. i don’t appreciate you insulting me either. I haven’t done anything to you. Just because I believe in God does not make me unintellegent. That is a stereotype.

sandystrachan's avatar

Did i say you were unintelligent ? I am probably the most unintellectual person on Fluther , if you don’t like what i say you dont have to read it or you could flag it see if its worthy of taking down .

willbrawn's avatar

Is it possible to make a contract with a god?

Yes it is. You have to think on His terms though. You have to also do something where you prove you want something realistic. Like asking to win the lotto if you eat mcdonalds everyday isn’t really going to work. If you are willing to give up your favorite sin to have a child then that would be something more reasonable. Now god will fufull it but in his way. Maybe if you can’t have a kid then adoption might be possible. Just remember it will require sacrifice on your part. Otherwise I doubt he will do it.

And remember. Your asking to creator of the world for something. I would suggest prayer and pondering in order to ask the right question the right way.

sap82's avatar

@willbrawn Good answer.

sap82's avatar

@sandystrachan Alright, what are you trying to say to me?

sandystrachan's avatar

Will i put it politely or should i just hold my tongue cause whatever i say will only start a full blown argument , How can you make a contract with ” God ” he is a mythical being . I shall say no more in this thread .
( everyone believes different things, about “God ” and religion i am just sensible and my brain hasnt been corrupted )

DarkScribe's avatar

@sap82 Again, I think it is rude to the person that asked this question for you to start poking fun about the existance of God. Honestly, it should not matter. They ask a reasonable question that the monitors did not boot.

How is such a question reasonable? Not only has no one ever seen God, nor has any empirical proof ever existed that that a God is possible, let alone actually exists. A contract requires the participation of both parties, how is it reasonable to suggest that such a thing could occur? Where will you mail God’s copy of the contract? Heaven?

From the point of view of many people you might as well have asked, can I make a contract with Santa Claus. More people can recognise Santa than can recognise God, yet you will still get a cynical response from some people.

sandystrachan's avatar

Thats what i was trying to put across ^ some people have a better way with words than me tho .

Judi's avatar

It seems that if anyone want to give a serious answer to this question it would be best done in a PM unless a person really wants to expose themselves to abuse.

oratio's avatar

@DarkScribe You don’t have to bash Christianity in every thread.
@Judi I saw that you were writing before, and I waited to see what you had to say.

DarkScribe's avatar

@oratio DarkScribe You don’t have to bash Christianity in every thread.

I don’t “bash” it, I just tickle it a little.

I don’t introduce threads on religion, but I am certainly not going to avoid responding to them. I like a little fun too.

sap82's avatar

@DarkScribe Do you want everybody to think like you? Would that make you happy. I am sorry you are having such a difficult time grasping this concept, but perhaps you should quit trying to defend yourself against somebody who is not your enemy.

It is a reasonable question to somebody that knows God. Besides, I don’t think the asker meant a literal physical contract to be signed. That is silly. The almighty is above all thing and does not need to make contracts.

The question is already ruined. You need not defend your side of the spectrum. You don’t believe in God thats fine, but you won’t ever convince somebody of a logical and reasonable mind by insulting them and rudely forcing your opinion on them.

DarkScribe's avatar

@sap82 perhaps you should quit trying to defend yourself against somebody who is not your enemy.

I have no enemies, and I can’t recall the last time I had to defend myself. What makes you feel that anything I have ever posted is defensive?

but you won’t ever convince somebody of a logical and reasonable mind by insulting them and rudely forcing your opinion on them.

Yet you attempt it?

cwilbur's avatar

Given that both Judaism and Christianity are described in terms of covenants with God, I’d say that it’s more than possible.

sandystrachan's avatar

Ok if ” God ” made the universe Who the hell made god ? and i want sources and proper proof

DarkScribe's avatar

@sandystrachan Ok if ” God ” made the universe Who the hell made god ? and i want sources and proper proof

The God factory – where else would you get a God?

Do you think that there is any chance of a recall on ours? He is obviously malfunctioning. Come to think of it, what’s the Warranty on Gods?

I vote that we trade him in on one of those Greek Goddesses – one in the cute little short skirts. You could enjoy getting on your knees for her.

sandystrachan's avatar

Did you keep your receipt we could go back to the factory ,
I doubt there will be a recall tho too many think his work is still alive and working well

sap82's avatar

Well the sarcasm against the question instead of a straight answer can be taken defensively. Also, the fact that we are having this discussion on a threat that has nothing to do with if God exists. This is about making a contract between God and somebody that believes in him. If you don’t believe in the “mythical” God you probably should’nt be on this thread.

sandystrachan's avatar

Freedom of speach and in this case freedom to fluther brings me here , but them i am exempt from sap82’s snide comments maybe i did well with his ” God” does this mean i am now under his/her contract

DarkScribe's avatar

@sap82 You have to realise that in a contentious issue like belief in mythical beings, there are always going to be two sides. If you haven’t learned that by now, then I suggest that you take some quiet time and think about it.

Look at it this way. God made me an atheist – who are you to question his judgment?

sap82's avatar

For a person that knows the Lord you can make a contract, but on his terms only. He is the creator of everything. Your evidence is our mere existance. Past that I have no idea. Who knows who made God or if God was made. Many scientists say the universe is infinate, but that begs the question that was just asked. Who made the universe. It is totally unscientific to answer, but the universe is here. Science does not care about who or what made the universe or for what purpose, it only concerns with the fact it is here. Faith concerns with the cause, hence God until physically proven otherwise. In my opinion it is unlikely to happen though.

sap82's avatar

@sandystrachan I did not make a snide comment.

Judi's avatar

The ultimate contract was made when Christ took on our ultimate debt two melinia ago.

sap82's avatar

@DarkScribe I don’t judge you at all for what God made you. God bless you for who you are. I am thankful for atheists. I am thankful for my promises/contracts with God. I am a better man because of them and because of you. One day the two sides will be joined, but not likely in our life time. So I say God bless you and keep you. Its very easy to believe in God. You don’t even need evidence because the universe is evidence enough. So he won’t speak. I don’t like speaking to men myself sometimes.

@Judi That was a pretty big contract.

crisw's avatar


“This is about making a contract between God and somebody that believes in him.”

That’s your interpretation. The OP said “a god,” not “The Christian God.” We have no idea if he or she believes in a god or not.

oratio's avatar

@crisw True. That was my impression too reading “a god”.

sap82's avatar

@crisw Very good point. I apologize for making that assumption.

willbrawn's avatar

@sandystrachan seeing is not believing, tons of people saw Christ in the flesh, and even his Apostles at the time didn’t fully understand who he was. And he was right next to them. You can only know for yourself when you receive a witness from the Holy Ghost. If you dont believe that, thats fine its your choice. But when someone ask’s a question about God. Please just dont say anything. Start another thread if you want to question His existence.

sap82's avatar

@willbrawn That is my point entirely. The question cannot be answered by somebody that lacks the faith and fortitude to believe in God.

LKidKyle1985's avatar

I think “making a contract with god” is really more of a figure of speech than a literal thing you do.

willbrawn's avatar

@LKidKyle1985 in the scriptures though they are literally made.

sap82's avatar

To bad the all mighty hasn’t been saying much these days.

jackfright's avatar

take a picture while you’re at it.

wundayatta's avatar

@sap82 In my opinion it seems a little presumptuous to assume there is no invisible hairy pink whale that controls all computers in the universe. Your evidence is the existence of computers on Earth. You can think there isn’t an invisible hairy pink whale. To each his own, I guess.

Ya know? You can substitute just about any imaginary thing in the spot where “hairy pink whale” resides, including “God,” and the meaning would be absolutely the same.

So, to make a contract with your imagination? Not sure what that would mean. I guess it’s sort of a promise to yourself. But if you break it, then you turn to yourself for sanctions. It’s a mess. That’s why people feel guilt and low self-esteem so much. They’ve broken contracts with themselves and they take it very seriously. Perhaps we shouldn’t make so many contracts with ourselves? It makes too many people quite unhappy.

Jeruba's avatar

If a contract exists to seal a deal that is of presumed benefit to both parties, this for that, then I think not. What kind of god would be seeking a benefit from me or would need anything from me? Any god that’s depending on me for something must not be very powerful.

If we’re talking about the God of the Bible, somewhere in my mind there is a lingering recollection of a passage that says it is sinful to try to bargain with God.

Ivan's avatar

You’d have to find one first, I imagine.

cwilbur's avatar

@Jeruba: the two covenants that God offers in the Bible are both take-it-or-leave-it things, so I don’t think there’s a contradiction between the possibility of contracts with a god and a prohibition on bargaining with God.

Garebo's avatar

Yeah, in my dreams he picks my winning lottery ticket, he told me he would, and he always comes through.

pats04fan's avatar

As a baptist i believe that there are ways to make “contracts with the God”. However it is called a covenent. If you ask Jesus into your heart then that my friend is a contract saying tat you are fully in faith that he will have a house for you in heaven.

gooch's avatar

Abraham did

fundevogel's avatar

My great aunt thinks she has a contract with God. The terms were that God could put her through any amount of suffering so long as none of her epic family went to purgatory/hell. When she was hit by a car and partially paralyzed 10 years ago she saw it as part of her deal, she was suffering as was outlined in her deal.

Except I really doubt God’s willingness or ability to fulfill his side of the deal, seeing as how I’m a godless heathen, if her God exists I’m definitely going to hell, which means she’s suffering for nothing. She also believes that God will miraculously heal her paralysis, which is the result of brain damage, right before he takes her to heaven.

So I guess you can make a contract, but don’t expect God to fill it’s terms.

pats04fan's avatar

Jesus said, “I am the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the father except through me.” The only way to escape hell is to believe what Jesus has done. It is a very nice thing in what your great aunt has done, but she cannot save you this way.

Ivan's avatar


pats04fan's avatar

There you are agian Ivan. Haha. Thanks for trying to make fun of that statement also.

Ivan's avatar


oratio's avatar

Master Ivan, is the dark side stronger?

Ivan's avatar

<pretends to understand the reference>

Uh, yes?

oratio's avatar


Ivan's avatar

What are you talking about?

pats04fan's avatar

You know your pretty funny Ivan.

MaralynMinks's avatar

Not that I’m aware of.

A Contract With God was a good book, though (although the contract in the book didn’t exactly work out).

fundevogel's avatar

Abraham made one, but God kept renegotiating the terms to get a better deal. And then he renegotiated the deal with Isaac after Abraham died.

Best just steer clear I say.

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