General Question

willbrawn's avatar

Whats the craziest text speech you know?

Asked by willbrawn (6619points) June 10th, 2009
18 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

Most of us know the following.

lol = laught out loud
afk = away from keyboard
idk = i dont know

Whats the craziest one you know? I ask because I read an article awhile back about teens and the ones they use. I had no idea for half of them. Just curious if I am missing some out there that the main stream knows.

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qualitycontrol's avatar

rofl – rolling on floor laughing
lmao – laughing my ass off
brb – be right back
wtf – what the fuck
jk – just kidding
stfu – shut the fuck up

Skippy's avatar

I really need to watch this thread. I have teenaged sons and have to figure out what they are saying.

You youngsters will certainly help us out with the meanings!

bythebay's avatar

@kevbo wins! Here’s a list

Skippy's avatar

WOW I didn’t realize the list was so long. @bythebay I appreciate it. I’ve bookmarked for future use. I’m sure there are more somewhere!

noelasun's avatar

What I learn courtesy of fluther yesterday-
(disturbing, to say the least)

DeanV's avatar

I couldn’t help noticing lol4rl wasn’t on that list…

alive's avatar

4 = for
sup = what is up = what is going on
2 = to, or too
yd2m = you’re dead to me
ttifs = text talk is fucking stupid

bythebay's avatar

@dverhey: Remember, you saw it here first!!

DeanV's avatar

@bythebay Oh of course!

And I was quite confused for a while. I though it was like lol for url, like laughing at a posted link. Now I know, though.

amoreno06's avatar

FML fuck my life

DeanV's avatar

@amoreno06 What about MLIA? My life is average

amoreno06's avatar

@dverhey hm, never heard that one.
i have another one that wasn’t on that gigantic list.
ttyn talk to you never
i’m sad to say i heard paris hilton use it on her new bff show. *shudder
may i just say i don’t usually watch it but my sister was and i didn’t feel like moving.

Clair's avatar

my mom makes up a new one every week. like it’s so hard to just say it when she has a qwerty keyboard. and emoticons! geez! the one she’s made up that she uses every day:
ttyaw: talk to you after while

Les's avatar

I’m fond of “SDNWOTI”. Sarcasm does not work on the internet

Les (10005points)“Great Answer” (0points)
Phobia's avatar

ROFLCOPTER. I’ve always loved that one, but I see its on the list.
QQ – cry
QFT- Quoted for truth.

For you parents, keep your eyes out for POS and AITR.

shrubbery's avatar

The craziest text speech I know of is french. It’s ridiculous. I love it.

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