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Blondesjon's avatar

Is it ever appropriate to refer to a woman as the C word?

Asked by Blondesjon (33994points) June 13th, 2009
66 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

I just recently read a couple of thread posts where the poster referred to a woman as a c*** and described her actions as c***ish.

Maybe I’m old fashioned, but to me that word holds as much hate and bile as the N word does. Am I just being naive? Has the world progressed to the point where it is ok to throw this word around in every day conversation?

Personally, I feel it shows a strong lack of character and intelligence.

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Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

It is not an acceptable term to use to refer to me, whether seriously or jokingly but I know some women have reclaimed it for themselves and that’s their prerogative

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

I usually use it for men. Jokes aside, derogatory words are never appropriate, that’s why they’re bad words. You’ve used them on plenty of fluther threads towards women.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Words are only offensive if you allow them to be.

That said, calling someone a cunt muffin is one of the funniest things to break out in a heated argument. People never know how the fuck to react to it :P

i know many women (mostly younger generation) that has no problem at all with the word cunt.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

If you’re John McCain, and you’re talking about your wife, apparently it is.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@PandoraBoxx well really, look at the woman :P

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@uberbatman no matter, he shouldn’t have said that

nikipedia's avatar

Some women are seriously despicable people. If the shoe fits….

Likeradar's avatar

I agree with @nikipedia

Also, it’s not something that should be thrown around in everyday conversation, in my opinion. It’s a very strong and powerful word that should be saved for appropriate situations.

Blondesjon's avatar

@hungryhungryhortence . . .I’ve never once used a derogatory word toward women on here.If I have, I’d like to see some proof before you just throw an accusation like that out there.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

And just to throw it out there, I personally think “cock juggling thundercunt” is funny but I won’t be calling anyone by it in fluther threads.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

@Blondesjon: I may have mistaken you and your wife, my bad. If I run across anything while goofing off today then I’ll attach the links here.

Blondesjon's avatar

@nikipedia . . .Does that same logic apply to the N word?

i gave you a GA by the way. just curious.

Darwin's avatar

Personally I don’t use the c-word, but then I don’t use the f-word, the n-word, the s-word, or a bunch of other words referred to as a letter-word. English is a wonderful language in that it is quite possible to express utter disdain and disgust for another person without resorting to shorthand.

I am not a fan of Sarah Palin but rather than call her the c-word I would instead hope fervently that she and her hypocrisy should come to the attention of the IRS for many quarters to come.

And actually in miss-spelling a word in the previous sentence I discovered a term that may fit Mrs. Palin very well.

Hypocracy – Demanding that others live up to standards that you will not live up to.

Thus, I strongly believe that Sarah Palin is a hypocrat.

Blondesjon's avatar

@hungryhungryhortence . . .Good luck with that.

@Darwin. . .Why does this have to turn into a discussion about Sarah Palin?

Darwin's avatar

@Blondesjon – Because she was the last person I have seen referred to as the c-word.

DominicX's avatar

Yeah, it’s what people have been saying. In general, it is an offensive term and in this society, even today, it’s not acceptable to just throw it around, the same way it’s not acceptable with the N-word. It’s not old-fashioned. It’s still this way. And the C-word and the N-word happen to be two of the most offensive words in the English language.

I agree with @Simone_De_Beauvoir however. It’s how I feel about the word “faggot”. I don’t want to be called that, but if I see other gay people who aren’t bothered by it, I don’t care. That’s good for them, then. It doesn’t mean that people can throw it around though, but unfortunately, with that word, people already do.

El_Cadejo's avatar

But by being offended by these words your only giving them more power…....

nikipedia's avatar

@Blondesjon: Good question. I guess I see a difference between the words because the c-word is applied to a woman because she’s being a terrible person, whereas the n-word is applied to a person because he’s being black. Which isn’t a great reason to insult people.

DominicX's avatar


That’s why with me it’s about the intent behind the word. If someone is jokingly calling me a “fag”, I don’t think I would mind. And for the record, my friend calls me that sometimes and I don’t mind. But that word is often used with malicious intent; same with the others being mentioned. And it’s not always easy to tell intent. If I hear someone being called a “faggot”, I assume it’s malicious. But like I always say, words are never always offensive. It depends on the context of their usage.

Blondesjon's avatar

@nikipedia . . .I kinda of mean referencing the N word the same way.

Like when some idiot says, “Well you know, there are black people and then there are N words.”

El_Cadejo's avatar

@DominicX i agree intent is much more powerful than the words themselves.

AstroChuck's avatar

Yeah, if you’re talking about my ex-wife.

TaoSan's avatar

all these political correctness in the morning…....makes my head spin!


Cunt muffin!!! OMFG cunt muffin!!!!!! That is soooooo hilarious!!!!! I’m so stealing that one!

Ivan's avatar

Maybe if that was her name.

cak's avatar

It’s not something I want to be called and it’s not something I would take kindly to be called, either. I can’t stand that word, the N word and a few others.

cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (1points)
casheroo's avatar

Yes, it’s appropriate if they are one.

whatthefluther's avatar

I think it is offensive and do not use it, but as is the case with other previously offensive words, its usage is softening. Apparently some women think its OK to use when discussion is amongst other women, as I’ve overheard, but suspect if I were to use the word, even addressing the same individual in the same context, a part of my anatomy wouid be soon be ripped off. Better safe than sorry. And, in reference to @jonsblond’s recent question, I really mean I don’t want to ever be sorry in this fashion, so you’ll never hear me use it.

Jeruba's avatar

In my estimation, absolutely not, no exceptions, no cute or useful variants, no waffling compromises. Just no.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

I’m with Jeruba on this one, 100%. It is just as bad as calling someone the N word and it’s just as stupid. One is saying, “They’re stupid (or whatever else) because they’re black” and the other one is saying, “They’re stupid (or whatever else) because they’re female”. I will not call someone a “pussy” for the same reason.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@DrasticDreamer is calling a guy a dick equally offensive then?

DrasticDreamer's avatar

@uberbatman Yes, it is. I don’t do that, either.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Lol heres the difference. Guys dont give a fuck. I dont think any man has ever been called a dick and got emotionally upset about it.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

@uberbatman That’s great, then. I still take offense to it, because it’s a mindless insult that doesn’t even make sense. I still won’t use words like that, because I find them personally offensive.

TaoSan's avatar

I notice I’m typing like a cunt muffin today! Tao – 0 / Grammar – 1

laureth's avatar

Technically, I’m with @DominicX on this one. It’s all about intent.

However, I think it says something about our society and culture that such words as c—- and d—- and even f—- are so, so offensive and dirty. What is more pleasurable? What generates life? If those things are bad, I don’t want to be good.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

personally, I don’t let words offend me. Actions, yes; words, not usually. and for anyone who is wondering, the insult ‘cunt’, like ‘asshole’ or ‘cocksucker’, is NOT gender specific.

lloydbird's avatar

It might not just be appropriate,but,surprisingly,might be considered as a respectful term – if there is any truth behind a claim that I read in a book that the word originated in the time of the Roman Empire when the Romans were trying[successfully as it would seem] to trash a local religion, somewhere in the far western reaches of their empire[possibly Britain]. There existed a cult devoted to the goddess Cunnus whose devotees entered into caves to practice their rites.The associations with female genitalia thus being established.

TaoSan's avatar

funny, one of my friends (black female) just told me: “You’re being a real cunt today nigga!”.

Guess in that case it’s okay?!?

whatthefluther's avatar

@TaoSan…Perhaps, but I doubt the reverse holds true, so I suggest you do not ever say it to her. Of course, you might try a little social experiment for us and report back. You do have health insurance, don’t you?

jonsblond's avatar

@hungryhungryhortence I can assure you Blondesjon has never called anyone a c*#t here on Fluther. If he had, he’d be sleeping on the couch! ;)

boffin's avatar

…the C word?
As I refer to my wife…
I use it all the time “Cute”

jonsblond's avatar

@boffin Awww. Now that’s what I like to hear!

benjaminlevi's avatar

referring to words as the “C word” or the “N word” makes us sound like we are in 2nd grade

Judi's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir ; Did you see the Vagina Monolouges?
(Although I couldn’t find anyone doing it as well as the girl did it in my town.)
Warning. If you don’t want to hear the word, don’t click the link

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Judi oh yes, numerous times

Judi's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir, We had a big sultry black woman with a red boa do that monologue. She would slink across the stage. She really owned it. Made us all want to scream the word.

TaoSan's avatar


Done! Stay tuned for a response…

DominicX's avatar


I usually have no problem spelling them out fully, but since no one else was, I didn’t want to be the bad guy… :P

whatthefluther's avatar

@TaoSan….Are you there? Hello? @TaoSan, please respond. Somebody call 911 quick! I guess I was right…that was not a good idea. @TaoSan…I feel your pain (not literally, thank goodness).

AstroChuck's avatar

Tw*t did you say? I c*nt hear you.

Bluefreedom's avatar

No, it is never appropriate to refer to a lady using the “C” word.

AstroChuck's avatar

Agreed. Never for a lady.

MacBean's avatar

re: “cunt muffin”—I prefer “twatwaffle.”

TaoSan's avatar

ouch :(

that’ll leave a bruise!

whatthefluther's avatar

@TaoSan…Glad to see you survived the beating. The bruises will heal in time. Remember: the experiment is complete…choose your words carefully from now on. Thanks again for putting your neck on the chopping block for us. See ya…wtf

Clair's avatar

cunt is never acceptable. unless you’re baby firefly. (i say it in word play but never as a name.)
the N word, however, is but has a lot of meaning and if you say it, you better be ready to defend yourself. i believe that a n***** is just a lazy, worthless, ignorant piece of shit of any color. i say it every now and then and don’t feel guilty about it in any way. a n*****‘s a n*****.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

@Clair Cunt is never acceptable but nigger is? All I have to say is: Wow… talk about ignorance.

Clair's avatar

@DrasticDreamer you’re really making me want to be a hypocrite at this point. don’t call me ignorant. i don’t like any of your opinions either but i’ve never openly condemned them and called you ignorant.

Darwin's avatar

All I can say, is nobody better use either word in front of me. I don’t care why you use them, I don’t tolerate the historical baggage and disrespect represented by words like that.

A baby firefly?

Clair's avatar

@Darwin Baby Firefly in the movie “The Devil’s Rejects.”

MacBean's avatar

@Clair—If you’re going to say things like “a n*****‘s a n*****,” then you need to be prepared to be called ignorant.

Clair's avatar

@MacBean I suppose you’re right. You can’t please everybody.

tiffyandthewall's avatar

words only contain the amount of power you allow them to have.

that being said, i don’t think it’s acceptable to call someone ‘the c word’, or especially ‘the n word’, but i guess in a joking manner between friends that would NOT get offended by it, it’s not that big of a deal.

i’ve never called some a ‘nigger’, nor have i ever called someone a ‘fag’. i don’t think ‘the c word’ is that that big of a deal though i’d of course be offended if it were used against me, and i don’t like when people use it to insult someone. it’s classless and stupid. but i tend to brush things off, especially when i know they’re ridiculous. (:

Judi's avatar

@tiffyandthewall, Thanks for reminding me just how totally cool our president is :-)

DrasticDreamer's avatar

@Clair If I think something you say is ignorant, I’ll say so. “Cunt” and “nigger” are the same. They’re both meant to be derogatory and have negative connotations. Thinking one is okay but not the other is hypocritical and ignorant. Disagree with me if you want, I don’t mind. You’re entitled to your opinion, as am I.

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