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fanlight's avatar

Like zoolander, I can't turn left. Except only while driving. How do I overcome this?

Asked by fanlight (7points) June 13th, 2009
14 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

Seriously, I hate left turns. I experience massive amounts of anxiety when making left turns, especially when there is lots of traffic.

Sometimes when a car is behind me when I need to make a left out of a stop sign or a parking lot, I feel like I am taking so long to wait for an opening that I give up and make a right turn and then make a U-turn so I can get back on track. I just feel like I’m going to cause a car accident. I also get nervous that I am pissing off everyone behind me, adding to the pressure. When I do make left turns (either at a green light or exiting a parking lot into heavy city traffic) I feel like I’m hurling myself into traffic and am about to get T-boned.

So basically I sometimes go great lengths just to avoid left turns, and it makes me take longer to get to places. I suppose it is a little bit safer (or it feels safer) but it is entirely impractical.

Has anyone else experienced this? How did you overcome it? And to all of the people who consider themselves good at left turns, how do you get the courage to do it? What kind of opening do you look for? Or do you just swing right in to it?

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Phobia's avatar

I find myself avoiding left turns out of parking lots and such also. I usually make a right, then make a block, just so I can use a traffic light or stop sign for my turn. If you are turning onto a highway, you can wait until the nearest lanes are clear, and turn into the turning lane until its clear to merge over (if you get what I’m saying).

But yeah, I find it safer just to make a block and use traffic lights for my left turns.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Are you a new driver? If so, this will probably pass with time as you get more comfortable with driving.

fanlight's avatar

I am not a new driver. I’ve been driving for 9 years and still experience this anxiety.

El_Cadejo's avatar

oh hmmm i dont know what to tell ya then, sorry. Good luck overcoming it.

Likeradar's avatar

I do the same thing sometimes, especially if there is 2 way traffic. And I’ve been driving for 13 years. I’m interested in seeing what other people say about this too.

Sometimes I just tell myself “No one else wants to be in a wreck either” to remind me that everyone is hopefully driving carefully. But yeah, I am queen of the Uturn at a light.

Just out of curiosity, do you have other tweaky things you’re overly cautious about?

PandoraBoxx's avatar

Do you think it could be because you have difficulty judging distance and speed, and when you turn right, you only have to manage the traffic you’re turning into the flow with, whereas a left turn requires time and distance from two directions?

mcs's avatar

Probably not as severely, but have this problem with both right & left turns into traffic. Mainly, I’ve structured my routine to avoid intersections/turns I don’t like, but my usual reasoning is this – if it’s not safe, don’t do it, and if the people behind me don’t like it, f* them, they can honk if it makes them feel better :)

Easier said than done, but I just try to take a few deep breaths, and calm myself down. I’m not gonna risk my life for some impatient jerk behind me.

(oh, been driving for ~7–8 years)

Open's avatar

I have a phobia of cliffs, steep places, drop-offs in the water…just steep places in general. However over the course of my life I have learned how to cope and can even go downhill skiing, climbing, and swim in deep water (all with effort, but I know I can do it if I have to). As many expert books will tell you, take baby steps. I started by just thinking about the action. A bigger step than it may sound like, visualizing the action in your mind is the first step. It’s harder than it sounds. But once you feel relatively comfortable with idea, you can move on.
For you I would suggest the following:
Begin by just thinking about a left turn. Just one particular left turn you want to make. Imagine the surroundings and cars. Think about turning on your left turn signal and picture the cars in the other lane. Get to the point where you can make the left turn in your mind (even if it makes you nervous).
Practice left turns in an empty parking lot or area with no cars or distractions.
Next talk to someone you know about your fear and ask if they could drive you through this particular left turn. Pay attention to them, learning there technique will help you.
Lastly, prepare to make the turn yourself. When you prepare be ready by thinking of possible outcomes. This includes preparing a back-up plan in case you can not go through with it.
If you fail at the turn, don’t get discouraged! You can do it! Take your time. Furthermore, understand that if this is a large fear or phobia, chances are it will never go away entirely. You will probably always feel some anxiety, however, the more left turns you make the more confidence you will have in your ability to make left turns. With time making left turns will become easier. ^_^ Don’t get discouraged. You can make it =)

whatthefluther's avatar

It seems whenever I exit a parking lot onto a heavily travelled road, some idiot just had to park his large truck just ahead of the exit ramp, effectively blocking my view for even a safe right turn.

Darwin's avatar

I hate to say it, but left turns (right turns in the UK) crossing traffic are one of the most dangerous traffic moves. I much prefer to make right turns, even if it takes a few more to get where I am going. There are some tips about making such turns safer here .

One of the tips it gives is, and I quote: ”...consider continuing through the intersection and make three right turns instead. If you do this on side streets (not private property) it’s legal and often quicker (when traffic is congested).”

Otherwise, I would try @Open ‘s solution. And I have partially solved the problem that @whatthefluther has – I have a large truck so unless it is a really large truck I can see around or over it.

whatthefluther's avatar

@Darwin…Yes, that’s part of the reason why, some time ago, I replaced my beloved MG Midget with an SUV. It became disconcerting, too, when looking at adjacent vehicles, to find my eyes barely on level with the center of most wheels.

Kayak8's avatar

UPS routes their drivers so that they make the majority of their turns to be right turns (because they are, inherently, safer). My granddad drove well into his 90s and for probably the last 10 years of his driving career, he specifically picked routes that involved only right turns.

There is nothing wrong with right turns . . .

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

The left turn is the single most dangerous driving maneuver one can do. Simply plan your route to avoid making left turns. If it is going to take longer to drive to your destination, then leave a bit earlier.

sakura's avatar

This is something I have never come across before, yes left turns (right here in uk) are harder but I’ve never known a fear before. @Open beat me to it and gave some sound advice, take it! When haveing to make a left (right) turn I just wait until I am comfortable with knowing the gap is safe and then go, if I have to wait I have to wait, sometimes I get quite cross, which is difficult as you don’t always think clearly when you are cross. I guess what I am trying to say is take some deep breath get practising in empty car parks and Good Luck! do you find not taking left turns makes your journey longer?

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