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lisaj89's avatar

What have I been missing out on?! Are the gyms in your town mega hottie hangouts?

Asked by lisaj89 (720points) June 23rd, 2009
43 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

Before today I had always gone to the park to walk and done exercises at home. I tagged along with a friend of mine to her gym and I thought I had died and gone to hottie heaven! Every time I would look in a mirror I would catch myself staring at hot, buff guys. The male to female ratio was like 5 to 1.

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Likeradar's avatar

LOL… no, not at all. My gym is a safe haven for people who want to look good later, not while in the process of getting in shape.

When I was a member of 24hour Fitness it was filled with beautiful people of both genders though.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

Uh no, my gym is definitely not a meat market. I don’t care what I look like when I go there, and I care even less what anyone else looks like. They can stay home for all I care.

Facade's avatar

The men at the rec center I go to look nice from the neck down for the most part. The women are either super skinny or super overweight. So, there ya go.

I’m thinking of joining planet fitness

wundayatta's avatar

Yeah, they are, but you gotta watch out. I had one girl in my office bragging about how she would deliberately go and workout near this hot looking guy, and he’d be all staring and turning red but he had a girlfriend, and she caught him looking one day, and after that she would always workout with him, but the girl I knew didn’t care if she got him in trouble, so I dunno, you gotta watch out for things like that. Otherwise, you know, like go get yourself some beefcake. Just don’t expect it to be your beefcake. Ah what am I thinking? It’s all hookup city, anyway. So who fucking cares? If it’s a hot guy, do him.

eponymoushipster's avatar

well, i have a gym membership, so the answer is obviously yes

wundayatta's avatar

@eponymoushipster In Philly? I wonder if you’re the guy that girl was talking about? Must be. Small world, eh?

eponymoushipster's avatar

@daloon yeah. well, i’m in the burbs, but still…maybe. i’m the one guy in the city without a goatee and an eagles tshirt.

wundayatta's avatar

@eponymoushipster NO Eagles tshirt? Why, why, that ain’t Amuriken! (leastways, not around here)

eponymoushipster's avatar

@daloon yeah, whatever you say Tony Luke…

wundayatta's avatar

Naw. Tony Luke’s ain’t for me. I prefer Rick’s, but it got booted out of the RTM. Nevermind. I don’t eat steaks any more.

casheroo's avatar

I personally dislike guys with large muscles, so I’m usually looking around and thinking about how ridiculous they look.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@daloon i prefer whichever one didn’t have the sign out about speaking only english. i think it’s Geno’s

@casheroo yeah, the freakshows bug the hell out of me. at the gym i went to in FL, the one dude was a steroid ad, and with his shaved head and facial features, he looked like a retarded chimp.

however, that being said, i believe women’s yoga pants are probably on the list of the top 10 inventions of modern times.

SeventhSense's avatar

Well I’m flattered but you didn’t have to stare..@@

eponymoushipster's avatar

also, too, a lot of women prefer to go to women’s only clubs, like Curves, for the distinct reason that they (probably) won’t be oogled.

lisaj89's avatar

Oh no, SeventhSense, I did! A chimp (?) lifting weights isn’t something you see every day!

lisaj89's avatar

Not I, eponymoushipster, I like the eye candy while I work out! Makes me want to go to the gym.

SeventhSense's avatar

No my cousin’s a chimp. I’m an orangutan. We’re quite acrobatic :)

seekingwolf's avatar

The gym I go to is very good equipment-wise and spa-like when it comes to the bathrooms, but most people there are 40+. When I joined in 2004 I was the first (and remain of the few) people who are under the age of 25.

I don’t like buff guys anyway. My ideal guy wouldn’t be the kind to go to a gym…I just go there because I have PCOS and need to be healthy. I could care less what people there look like or what they are doing. I usually have my eyes glued to the mini TV screen on my treadmill while I’m on it.

ru2bz46's avatar

I don’t go to a gym per se, but the yoga studio I frequent (kept in the 90’s to guarantee a good sweat) has about a 5 to 1 women to men ratio, and about a 2 to 1 hottie to nottie ratio amongst the women. Honestly, I go just for the practice, but the eye candy is a nice perk.

@eponymoushipster, I disagree with your assesment of women’s yoga pants. They’re at least in the top five.

Darwin's avatar

The primary gym I go to seems to have all types. It is a full health club rather than just a gym, so in addition to the weights and machines it also has pools, tennis courts, all sorts of classes and even day care. Thus it really depends on where in the club you are (and when).

There are a number of nice looking guys especially in the free weights area, but some are married, some are gay, and some are just plain weird. From the reaction of my trainer there are evidently a few female hotties, too. In fact, a couple of local pro teams and their cheerleaders all work out there, so there is definitely some watchable members.

OTOH, the yoga room is generally 99% female, mostly vegetarians who wear only natural fibers, while the spinning room is about 75% female, 25% male, with lots and lots of spandex. At 9 am the main pool is filled with folks who either weight 300+ pounds or who are in their 80’s doing water aerobics, and the gymnastics room is mostly full of tweens, mostly female, practicing various flips.

Then there are those like me who are well over the hill (was there a hill? I can’t remember) but trying with all our might to hold back the hands of time.

Here in town it used to be that only serious body builders went to Gold’s Gym, but then it got all upscale and coed, with a huge new building. So the bodybuilders got together and bought the old gym, so that’s still where the serious weightlifters go. There are very, very few women ever seen in there, except for those who compete.

@eponymoushipster and @ru2bz46 – It does rather depend on what is in the yoga pants, though, don’t you think? After all, Junonia makes them in sizes up to 6X (that’s XXXXXX, not the little kid size).

eponymoushipster's avatar

@ru2bz46 i’ll allow it.

@Darwin don’t kill the dream.

ubersiren's avatar

There’s a nice mix at my gym. I wouldn’t call it a ‘mega hottie hangout,’ though.

ru2bz46's avatar

@Darwin Luckily, there are only a couple multi-X-sized women in those pants at my studio. However, they are very nice women whom I consider friends and even go to coffee with on a regular basis. Every individual has their purpose. ;-)

Jayne's avatar

They are after I get there.
They’re like flies, really, swarming around a fresh, lean hunk of meat ;)

eponymoushipster's avatar

@ru2bz46 are you “fatting framing”? tsk tsk tsk

ru2bz46's avatar

@Jayne…flies around a fresh lump of…what? ;-)

@eponymoushipster Did you mean to say “fatty farming”? Nah, I just enjoy the company of happy positive people. I haven’t met a regular at the studio who does not fit that description.

Jayne's avatar

@ru2bz46; I only meant that in the second creepiest way; I didn’t mean that meat, I was referring to my general musculature :) Jokingly, of course; I’m fit and all, but a playa I am not.

ru2bz46's avatar

@Jayne I’m just messin’ wit’cha.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@ru2bz46 no, “framing”, the process by which a girl “frames” herself with girls of lesser qualities so as to appear more attractive.

ru2bz46's avatar

@eponymoushipster Ah, gotcha. I’m a guy, so the “framing” reference escaped me.

eponymoushipster's avatar

oh i see.

SirBailey's avatar

They have pizza nights at the gym where I go. So I would say it’s encouraged. I’ve met MANY women at the gym.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@SirBailey do you go to Planet Fitness, too? i go there and we have pizza night and a bagel morning, too!

SirBailey's avatar

I go to Planet Fitness! They don’t do bagels, though (as far as I know).

wundayatta's avatar

@eponymoushipster Geno’s was the only english speakers place. Pat’s Steaks was open to all.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@daloon ah, ok. because the differences are so great. heh

wundayatta's avatar

I don’t know. I’ve never tried Geno’s. However, the differences are significant, in my opinion.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@daloon you were probably born here then. ha. i say start a revolt and say Jim’s Steaks is your favorite. just to piss people off

btw, i love how the gym thread became the virtues of cheesesteaks. that’s the philly influence.

Likeradar's avatar

Gyms with pizza night? Isn’t that like dentists having candy apple night?

eponymoushipster's avatar

@Likeradar that’s exactly what i said. i’ve never gone for pizza night, but i’ll tell you what, the bagel thing is great. when you’re done, you go get a bagel and a coffee. it’s nice.

wundayatta's avatar

@eponymoushipster Not born here, but I’ve been here more than twenty years—long enough to learn a thing or two.

Yup. Workout and a Cheesesteak. That sounds about right!

ru2bz46's avatar

@Likeradar Thanks for noticing…WTF?

Disc2021's avatar

My gym is more so used for it’s intended purpose. I mean yeah, attractive people come to it but it isn’t some sort of hook-up joint (unless there’s something I dont know about).

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