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knitfroggy's avatar

Why does my cell phone stay charged longer if I charge it in the car?

Asked by knitfroggy (8982points) June 23rd, 2009
13 responses
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My wall charger broke and I they were having a sale on car chargers so I bought one of those. I used it several times and found my year old phone would stay charged for about three days. Then I found a wall charger from an old phone that fit and the phone only stays charged up maybe a day and a half like usual. Why is this? My husband says it’s because the car charges it harder and it’s bad for the phone. I think it charges it slower and that has something to do with it. Any ideas?

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evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

My phone stays charged longer on the house charger, and it does it faster than the car charger, so who knows? Maybe my car charger is a POS?

knitfroggy's avatar

Well, I know my phone is a POS…how I wait for the day I can upgrade again!

msright1981's avatar

my HTC TYTN II almost does not charge in my car charger. It just stay on, but barely charge in my car charger, but my laptop charger do quite well.

Lupin's avatar

On newer phones, the original equipment wall charger has diagnostics built in to preserve and extend battery life. Many phones (like the Motorola Razr series) will even display messages like “Unauthorized charger”, if you plug one in that does not have this communication. They try to monitor battery health by looking at the battery’s internal impedance while it is charging. From that they make an estimate of temp. A simple car charger will just put juice in until you reach a certain nominal voltage. It expects the phone to do the hard work of regulation. That increases the load on the phone circuitry and battery.
You can run an experiment yourself. At normal temperatures, charge your phone with the original wall wart and feel the battery temp when it is finished. Then charge it with the car charger. If it is a cheap car charger ($3.99 Made in China knock-off) the battery will be much warmer. That is not good for battery life. A typical Li Ion battery will last for 300–400 full battery charges if they are done properly. That number can be reduced if you slam it. Many people save a few buck buying the knock off but end up spending 5x that for a new battery 6 months later.
Or you can trade your phone in at the end of your contract.

msright1981's avatar

@Lupin wow what a great detail info. Do you trace mobile phones all the time?

LexWordsmith's avatar

@Lupin : thanks for the extensive details.

Lupin's avatar

@LexWordsmith @msright1981 Just doing my job. I have a lot of experience with work with Li Ion batteries and others. It kills me to see them abused.

LexWordsmith's avatar

@Lupin : so, how do i join you in getting employed by Fluther?<grin>

Lupin's avatar

@LexWordsmith After you collect a 10000 Lurve points you can cash them in for a plane ticket to interview with Bendrew. They do all the hiring. ;-)

msright1981's avatar

@lupin what is Lurve points is it the same as the number in the front of the star next to each person name. Sorry for my ignorance in this manner.

Lupin's avatar

@msright1981 Welcome to Fluther!
Yes it is the number between your name and the star.
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(1000 Lurve points plus $1.00 = $1.00. You do the math.)

msright1981's avatar

@Lupin (1000 Lurve points plus $1.00 = $1.00. You do the math.)
is that mean 1000 Lurve worth nothing ??
I mean if adding 1000 Lurve to $1 you get only $1 so its worth nothing. or what are you meaning of that. I believe you had a thought behind the statement.

LexWordsmith's avatar

Or, as we used to say back in the day, “that and $5 will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks.”

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