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gailcalled's avatar

For how many days can I leave a high-strung and spoiled cat alone?

Asked by gailcalled (54644points) June 25th, 2009
20 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

Would a daily visitor for 15 minutes help? Fresh water, food, and some snuggling? Will Milo need therapy when I return? Should I import a few live mice? Leave lights and the radio on?

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Dog's avatar

What? Milo abandoned? Not unless you hire a servant full time to cater to his needs!

Dog (25152points)“Great Answer” (0points)
MissAnthrope's avatar

If he’s high-strung, you may come back to find your place looking like it met a shredder and a hurricane all at once.. :\

gailcalled's avatar

Will I need therapy when I return? There is also the issue of him being cooped up inside and yearning for the mouse-rich glades outside.

chupacabra's avatar

No- Milo will need therapy. You will need a new house.

tinyfaery's avatar

Honestly, cats are a lot different in the presence of their people than when they are alone. What happens when you leave for a whole day? A night? If Milo is persnikity than a random visitor for 15 min. a day is not going to make any difference.

noodles123's avatar

he’ll be fine cats adapt well tho it might sulk at you when you get back

mangeons's avatar

gasp How could you leave poor Milo alone? He will shun you when you get home, and your house may be a bit of a mess. Is there no way you can take Milo with you?

Jeruba's avatar

How long will you be away?

I assume you have someone coming in to deliver food and water and check on the litter box.

I would leave a light on somewhere but mostly let natural light suffice. Don’t leave any noisemaker such as a radio or TV. Cats like quiet.

If there is something of yours that he is particularly attached to—slippers, a blanket, something that has your scent—I would be sure to leave it out and accessible. But there is no way around the fact that he will be lonely. Your look-in person will probably not see him at all, much less get to cuddle him. He will want you and only you.

Expect to be punished when you get home. My two used to wait until I got home and then tip over all the wastebaskets and scatter the contents. Also they did throw up around the house, although they never failed to use the litter box. After my return it would sometimes be two days before they would speak to me again.

We have also boarded cats at the vet. I felt the most secure but the least comfortable with that. I was always worried when they stayed home that they would get past the caregiver and be stranded outside. But when we’ve picked them up at the vet they were always so sad and grateful that it really wrung my heart.

Jeruba's avatar

Sorry, I didn’t answer your actual question. I would make the first absence short if possible, maybe 2 nights. I don’t think I’d go more than 5 in any case.

loser's avatar

I think that’s relative to how much you value your belongings! I think a visitor is a great idea.

cookieman's avatar

You could leave him with jonsblondesjon’s teens while they are away.

two birds with one stone

syz's avatar

Cats can be remarkably independent and/or lazy (mine are sometimes in the same exact position in the same exact location as when I left 18 hours earlier).

He should be fine if you’re having someone stop in and check on him daily. The longest I feel even marginally comfortable leaving my cats without a sitter is three days. I tell myself that most illnesses that may strike in my absence are unlikely to be fatal within that window – that’s not entirely accurate, but, hey, I have to be gone sometimes.

Make sure the person checking on Milo knows what kinds of things to look for (anorexia, vomiting, not urinating, extreme lethargy, crying out) and where to take him if something happens. Other than that, fresh water, topping off of food, and scooping of the litter box will be all that Milo will likely require of them.

syz (35943points)“Great Answer” (1points)
susanc's avatar

I always, always get an actual sleep-in-the-house sitter. Living near the college makes it relatively easy. The kitty loves having a new person to break in. The dog likes it too.

You can see that we’re all anxious now. Keep us posted.

gailcalled's avatar

Well, the consensus is that Milo takes the trip and I stay home. He’s practicing his parallel parking.

syz's avatar

For Milo

Just make sure that this doesn’t happen.

syz (35943points)“Great Answer” (0points)
gailcalled's avatar

@syz: Too funny although I am much better looking and far more photogenic. Love, Milo

Gail here:I am not actually planning any exotic trips but know that a close family member may be on the last leg of his journey. Because of my daughter, I will attend the funeral. So I am thinking ahead. It will mean several days away from home since I will drive.

marinelife's avatar

While cats are more independent than dogs, they do definitely feel their owner’s absence. Even if they appear to disdain the pet sitter (who could be a responsible neighborhood middle or high schooler even), they will feel better because someone is there. (As will you, since something—a fire, an illness, an accident, the waterer tips over and the cat has none—could happen.

They will know they are not abandoned. A good feeling.

I also used to leave a letter with my vet advising the name of the pet sitter, authorizing treatment for my pets at the vet’s discretion, and saying I would be responsible for the bill upon my return.

That said, even with a pet sitter, my cats would usually be standoffish when I returned for the first couple of days—just to let me know I was in the , ahem, dog house.

mangeons's avatar

Well… is there any way you could possibly take poor Milo with you?

Jeruba's avatar

Milo would rather stay at home, please. Cats just hate to change places. (I believe they would actually rather change people than houses.) They hate to travel. He would not want to be in a carrier for hours and hours. And he can’t get his share of attention anyway while there are other matters pressing. Much nicer to let him stay in a familiar place as long as he is taken care of.

marinelife's avatar

@mangeons Jeruba is right. It is a rare cat that likes travel or travels well.

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