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Ansible1's avatar

In the future do you think the taboo of nakedness will disappear?

Asked by Ansible1 (4841points) June 28th, 2009
31 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

Movies like starship troopers and red planet depict things like men and women showering together completely unbothered by the fact that they can see eachothers private parts

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hungryhungryhortence's avatar

I hope not because there are some people I’d rather not look at naked and have that on my memory. Also, I kind of like the present of discovering a person under their clothes, a bit of them not everyone else is privy to.

DrBill's avatar

I hope so.

juwhite1's avatar

I think it is rapidly on its way out!

PandoraBoxx's avatar

Ah, the fanciful musings of screenwriters…

asmonet's avatar

@hungryhungryhortence: He didn’t ask if everyone would run around naked. He asked if the taboo would disappear.

I think eventually we’ll move on, but I don’t think it will ever go away completely.

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

It will happen once humans learn how to disassociate sex with the naked body. Don’t hold your breath on that one

In many cultures it is not taboo at all but there will always be situations where being naked is not appropriate. Personally, there’s a lot of people in my life I would hope to never see naked.

As for Starship Troopers, this is a book from Robert Heinlein in which he envisioned a future in which fascist government was the norm. I’m not willing to make that sacrifice to shower with the girls.

SirBailey's avatar

I seriously think it will. Toplessness has become “no big deal” in many circles already. We won’t reach a point where we can go to work naked, any more then one can go to work in underwear.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

Only in America is the association with sex is nudity a given. There are plenty of European countries where nudity is perfectly normal, and has nothing to do with sex. I blame the Puritans for screwing up America, damn them and their close-minded ways.

TheWatcher's avatar

Well let’s look at hallowed antiquity! Greek olymics! The men naked in public! Romans: public toilets in the open!
Nudist colonies round the world, the taboo’s gotta end sooner or later.

SirBailey's avatar

In protest, I say everyone take off your clothes now!!!

TheWatcher's avatar

I am already sitting here wearing nothing :)

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

In California, north of SF there is a nude beach that local residents want to shut down because of lascivious activities. People who go to nude beaches are mostly responsible but there are those who are not.

Few people want to go to a beach where you’re going to see some old guy pleasuring himself in plain view of everyone.

TheWatcher's avatar

Was that really nessecary? Really?

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

@The_Compassionate_Heretic: that’s sad about the beaches, I know of two such spots out there that have always been an enjoyment and those choosing to go nude were mostly well behaved even under psychedelic influences ;p

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

@TheWatcher A bunch of people had to see it. They didn’t feel like it was necessary either.

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

@hungryhungryhortence Yeah it’s a case of a few making it rough for everyone.
Then again there are other situations where it doesn’t work at all like Lake Havasu during spring break.

There, nudity turns into sex tourism really quickly. The locals hate it because people come out in droves in 20 foot boats and link up these boats and block off huge expanses of the lake. On top of that, the gas fumes from all these boats make your eyes water. People also leave trash everywhere. Then there’s the plethora of boat crashes, many of which result in death, that result from the overcrowding and drinking. If not for the nudity and sex, that lake is a much better place for people who actually want to go out there to water ski.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

@The_Compassionate_Heretic: oh boy, Lake Havasu is a cesspool of things-you-can’t-unsee but wish you could. The last time I got an invite, I took it as an insult. BLECH!

Ria777's avatar

@The_Compassionate_Heretic:As for Starship Troopers, this is a book from Robert Heinlein in which he envisioned a future in which fascist government was the norm.

which has nothing to do with the movie. the movie intentionally subverted the intent of the book. anyway, it doesn’t matter where the idea appeared.

(BTW, they retroactively made the screenplay an “adaptation” after a lawyer or someone noticed the similarities between the script to the book. this happens in Hollywood sometimes.)

Ria777's avatar

but in respects to the actual question, it would take a shift to a Green vMeme or higher* and for a relaxation of the current pedo-panic present in the ango-american world. Blue vMeme values oppose it. we can’t have public nudity (which harms no one) in a world where religious-based governments dictate one half of the population wearing headscarves or burkhas.

I went through legal hell for having appeared in public starkers so I hope this attitude changes, like now.

*—Google “Spiral Dynamics”

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

I like the taboo of nakedness but not based on any sense of nudity being unclean or shameful, I want the nakedness of a person revered. I dig my guy’s naked body and enjoy to watch people watching him in public, imagining what is beneath his clothes but his actual nudity is something I’d like to keep a limited ticket show :D I’m greedy like that.

SeventhSense's avatar

Perhaps by the time we stop having to ask this question.

TheWatcher's avatar

Same with my girl.

SeventhSense's avatar

<——watching what the watcher’s watching @@

TheWatcher's avatar

Hey! (pokes SS’s eyes) mine!

SeventhSense's avatar

Wearing sunglasses watching the watcher’s watched while being watched.

stardust's avatar

Why not?:) we’re all the same really

Ansible1's avatar

How long will it take for men to see a naked women and not immediately think of sex…i guess that is the major hurdle

TheWatcher's avatar

Wow good one. I see my gf here, not even naked and allready I’m thinking it. Not ashamed to admit it :)

Ria777's avatar

@Ansible1: gay men see the bodies of other men whenever they go to a urinal to pee. sometimes, doubtless, they think of sex. but the world has not ended as a result.

TheWatcher's avatar

I blame the puritans for this discussion

Ria777's avatar

I actually didn’t even give the best example. I should have mentioned gay and bi- men and women in showers instead.

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