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SirBailey's avatar

What do you think of this product (see link under "Details")

Asked by SirBailey (3130points) July 2nd, 2009
41 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

It’s a real product I saw advertised on television today. At first I thought it was a joke. Then I Googled it and saw it’s been around awhile. What do you think of it?

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Darwin's avatar

You never heard of Chia Pets? Just seeing the word Chia brings back that stupid jingle.

Jeruba's avatar

I think there’s no end of ways that people will think of to try to make money from something that’s sensational or currently hot.

This isn’t an Obama fan saying “Hey, I think people love Obama enough to want to buy a chia planter that looks like him.” This is someone who makes chia planters saying “What’s in the Obama win for me?” He won’t care if people buy it in sincerity or as a joke or to call attention to an Afro. All he cares is that enough people buy it to make a profit on his investment.

Either way, it’s cynical, revolting, and, sadly, unsurprising.

sanari's avatar

Chia chia chia chia pet!

the advertising jingle from the 80’s when I was little

augustlan's avatar

Oh, that’s awful.

Facade's avatar

I think there’s an Obama sex toy too…not that I know or anything

Darwin's avatar

@sanari – Stop that! I just got it out of my head and you stuck it back in!

sanari's avatar

lol :D <3

Grisaille's avatar


sanari's avatar

That’s it! @Grisaille has it right.

Grisaille's avatar

As for the product itself, bah. If it’s at all profitable (who the hell wants that thing staring at you? Love the man, but jeez…), I say have at it.

SirBailey's avatar

People, it’s “Chi-chi-chi-chia!”

Darwin's avatar

My head is going to explode.

sanari's avatar


sanari's avatar

What can I say, I was a toddler. I can’t remember important things like that.

DeanV's avatar

My brother has one of those growing right now, actually. Not of Obama, though…

The Obama head is pretty tasteless, though. Kinda like this without the puns.

Grisaille's avatar

@sanari :P

@Darwin Oh, don’t be such a sour puss. Sing with us!


(I like my way better.)

Jude's avatar

Oh, jeez

haha, love the Cheney response.

Grisaille's avatar



sanari's avatar


aprilsimnel's avatar

Uh… no, sir, I don’t like it.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

<—-wants to know where to buy the Obama sex toy, for um, novelty purposes.

Grisaille's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra I’m sure plenty of sex shops carry it, for um, novelty purposes.

aprilsimnel's avatar

@Facade – Bwahaha! Nice name.

Facade's avatar


vegelizabeth's avatar

wow, any way to make some money ! hahahaha :)
kinda sweet though ~

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@Facade thanks, I ordered two, where do you want me to send yours? :-)

Facade's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra haha did you really?
..I’m more of a vibe kinda girl :)

YARNLADY's avatar

A chia seed comes from the Aztecs in pre-Columbian times. In traditional Mexican decorations, chia seeds were planted in terra cotta figureines. An astute marketer in the US took off with the concept and made a fortune. Don’t you wish you had thought of it first?

jrpowell's avatar

Remember the 9/11 commemorative coins. People will do anything for a buck.

dalepetrie's avatar

Know what I saw on one of those ads for a product you can buy over the telephone last night? It looked like they might have been plugging some “male enhancement” pills or something of that nature, and (I double checked that I saw what I thought I saw on the DVR), but as I changed the channel to land on that commercial, a sexy pitch woman, clad in a skimpy bikini was sitting poolside, just wrapping up her spiel before they switched to the graphic with the phone number. Not only could you see her right nipple through her bikini, HALF of it was hanging out! How did that slip by the people who made the commercial and the network that aired it? This was just basic cable…doesn’t bother me, but usually this would be a multi million dollar mistake that no one with anything to lose would EVER let by quality control.

andrew's avatar

Cats love chia sprouts, btw.

Also I just order ObamaChia.

andrew's avatar

edit: ordered.

SirBailey's avatar

On THIS website you can choose between 2 versions, i.e., the “determined” look, or the “I look like a jerk” look!!!

Jeruba's avatar

Did you really, @andrew?

What do you do with the things after they’ve fully sprouted?

Facade's avatar

@Jeruba admire how nice Obama’s head is lol

andrew's avatar

@Jeruba You feed them to the cats. Duh.

MissAnthrope's avatar

I love the idea of my cat gnawing on Obama’s head. Okay, pulling his hair out. I may have to buy one just for that.

Jeruba's avatar


Grisaille's avatar

Alena, why do you hate america

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