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The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

Do you have any skills you're not proud of?

Asked by The_Compassionate_Heretic (14634points) July 6th, 2009
81 responses
“Great Question” (4points)
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Likeradar's avatar

I am very, very good at turning a clean, organized room into an utter disaster zone in .5 seconds.

Yay me.

quasi's avatar

I’m good at Yo Yo’ing.

DeanV's avatar

I can trip over blades of grass if I feel so inclined…

I’m klutzy…

Darwin's avatar

I can ignore dirty dishes better than anyone else I know.

peyton_farquhar's avatar

I can bring down my own self esteem and sense of self-worth like no one’s business.

seekingwolf's avatar

I make babies cry all the time. Just one look from me and WHAM, there go the waterworks.

Tink's avatar

hmm falling, quietness, motherly instincts

jonsblond's avatar

I can worry about anything.

applesaucemanny's avatar

translating… I have to translate to my family ALL the time
but eventually it should benefit me greatly :)

Blondesjon's avatar

I can make @jonsblond worry about anything.

sorry baby

Jude's avatar

I procrastinate like it’s nobody’s business and am habitually late (for most things—not work).

jonsblond's avatar

I can make my husband think he can make me worry about anything.

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

My voice is toned just in such a way that I can sound almost exactly like an obscure cartoon character.

darkwolf8476's avatar

I have the ability to lie directly to someone’s face and not be seen through. It’s something I exploited at great lengths when I was a kid, but now that I’m a little older, I try not to do it so much. It’s just not something that makes me feel very good about myself.

tinyfaery's avatar

I can turn any song into a song about my cats.

Jude's avatar

@tinyfaery hee! Lurve.

lefteh's avatar

I’m really, really, really good at lying.

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

@tinyfaery Oh c’mon I know you’re proud of that.

AstroChuck's avatar

I have to power to give severe headaches to all who don’t shower me with lurve. I’ve used this “skill” in the past and have enjoyed it. I feel bad about that. :(

monkeygirl's avatar

yes IM proud of me being a cheerleader

peyton_farquhar's avatar

I have deflected your powers and focused them on you.

I don’t think you understand this question.

hug_of_war's avatar

My ability to be content with being lazy

Bri_L's avatar


Bri_L's avatar


Bluefreedom's avatar

I can utter profanities at someone in several different languages.

irocktheworld's avatar

bein a klutz,copying people from what they say…

CMaz's avatar

I like to fart. And will do so without notice.

kruger_d's avatar

I know the lyrics to Otto Titsling from the movie Beaches.

Grisaille's avatar

I can, once my BAC hits a certain threshold, kick myself in the head with my own foot. Which kinda sounds like a superpower, actually…

Facade's avatar

I’m proud of each and every one of my skills :)

Blondesjon's avatar

I can consume an obscene amount of beer.

AstroChuck's avatar

@Blondesjon- Oh yeah, right. And you are really not proud of that.

Supacase's avatar

Sure. I never knew quite how many until I read this thread and thought, “Hey, I can do that, too.” Ignore the dishes, trash a room, procrastinate, worry… that’s me!

Let me add, I can verbally rip a person to shreds in an instant. I have made an effort to reel that in since my early 20s when I realized it isn’t worth that instant feeling of “Ha! Gotcha!” in the long run. :(

SuperMouse's avatar

I can send virtually anyone on the most incredible guilt trip of their entire life (I was raised Catholic). I can also leave laundry undone for indefinite periods of time.

YARNLADY's avatar

I am an expert at being totally blind to my own failings.

Dog's avatar

I can hot wire a pre-1978 car and can gain entry into nearly any non-alarmed car.
(Just so you all know I owned the cars I hot wired and gaining entry to with the exception of helping a few folk open a door here and there to get keys out that were locked in.)

Dog (25152points)“Great Answer” (8points)
cookieman's avatar

I can be really cunning when need be.
but I only use this against true assholeans

I can be really scary/angry/threatening.
despite being a big teddy bear

jonsblond's avatar

@SuperMouse I have our winter clothes at the bottom of the pile in our laundry closet. They are waiting patiently for me to clean them and tuck them in for the summer. Never going to happen!

Jude's avatar

^^favorite jonsblond and the hubby avatar pairing, thus far

cookieman's avatar

@jmah: Yes, but do they reflect what they’re doing right now?

Grisaille's avatar

@jmah Very much agreed.

Grisaille's avatar

@cprevite If so, I want that on video.

Blondesjon's avatar

@Grisaille . . .no you don’t…trust me.

Supacase's avatar

Oh, I also have the ability to feel guilty over anything, everything or absolutely nothing.

Grisaille's avatar

@Blondesjon Why? Are you sportin’ man tits?

A pubic bush that’d make a wookie blush, perhaps?

Blondesjon's avatar

@Grisaille . . .Men weep with envy at the sight of my colossal genitalia.

cookieman's avatar

@Blondesjon: Is that an oxymoron like “colossal shrimp”?

Blondesjon's avatar

@cprevite . . .No. It means I’d show it to you but it’s stuck in my shoe.

cookieman's avatar

@Blondesjon: Well that is impressive considering I’m all the way on the East coast.

Remove it from the shoe and I’ll see what I can do about cocktail sauce.

augustlan's avatar

When I was much younger, I could walk into a room, pick out any guy and sleep with him at will. Hey, it’s a skill, right?

Grisaille's avatar

@augustlan That’s a much cooler superpower than mine.

Likeradar's avatar

@augustlan Hell yeah it is. And you should be proud.

Jayne's avatar

Guys are such sluts. Honestly.

Warpstone's avatar

I’m an excellent Football Manager player—and I bloody well should be after 10000+ hours of play…

Bobbilynn's avatar

I can’t answer this one, I’m kinda proud of all my bad skills! Hee!

Nially_Bob's avatar

Although I wouldn’t specify this as being a ‘skill’ so much as a perpetual obscurity, I am seemingly able to forget almost anything (unless I have revised it very thoroughly) and I can assure you that this is not an idle statement. Amongst my fine collection of experiences are the time I forgot how to write the numbers 2, 5 and 7, forgetting my best friend of many years name, not arriving to my own birthday party, examination dates; the list goes on.
Incidentally, I am also (unfortunately) awesome at sudoku.

minolta's avatar


minolta's avatar


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Tink's avatar

@minolta -I’d be too lazy to do that

ckinyc's avatar

I can custom-made you a funny nicknames that will last a lifetime. Even though I stopped giving them out for almost 20 years but they are still brewing inside!

augustlan's avatar

[mod says] Please try to condense all posts into one answer. Thanks!

cak's avatar

Whenever one of my family members or friends need something straightened out, say with a customer service department, they come to me. After showing my butt (not literally) one the phone to one particularly nasty customer service rep and getting things done, I’m now the “go to person” to stop the madness. I was having a very bad day when I let the person have it, I used combination of words that I’ve never used again.

To this day, they refer to me as the terminator of crappy customer service. They say I can be the Queen of Mean, when I have to be. I don’t like that title.

cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (0points)
wundayatta's avatar

I have a skill of making facial expressions that seem to scare other people. A little wrinkle of my nose and a curling down of the corner of my mouth, and people live in fear of my disapproval. This is mostly, or perhaps entirely my wife and her family that have mentioned this, so perhaps it’s something they grew up being sensitive to. However, I fear I do it with others, unwittingly, and cause I don’t know what kind of damage. Since I never thought that people take me seriously, it comes as a huge surprise to find out that some people take my facial expressions seriously.

Darwin's avatar

@jonsblond “No. It means I’d show it to you but it’s stuck in my shoe.”

You must have really, really short legs.

Blondesjon's avatar

@Darwin. . .That’s right. I’m packin’ a full 4”.

Most ladies don’t like it that big…around.

Grisaille's avatar

Methinks this conversation just took the wrong turn, straight into hell.

cookieman's avatar

@Blondesjon: Is that why they call it cir cum ference?

Grisaille's avatar


buster's avatar

Drop me off in any major city and I can find crack cocaine in 15 minutes.

Dog's avatar

@buster I am hoping you are an undercover cop or no longer use this talent.

Dog (25152points)“Great Answer” (1points)
buster's avatar

I gave up that addiction three years ago dog.

Dog's avatar

@buster Lurve!

Dog (25152points)“Great Answer” (0points)
seeyou's avatar

game skills, I quite like play online games, but I am really poor in controlling

augustlan's avatar

I miss this thread.

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