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mass_pike4's avatar

Honestly, why are their so many George W. Bush haters?

Asked by mass_pike4 (2096points) July 7th, 2009
80 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

I strongly feel that only history can tell how Bush did in office. I thought he was a fine President. A lot better than most that is for sure. And for all you guys that say he put our nation $1 trillion in debt, Obama spent more than that in his first 50 days in office…and probably just as much on campaigning. Thank you.

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mzdesigns's avatar

because in time (when all the lies come out) he will go down as one of the worst presidents in the history of the nation.

mass_pike4's avatar

what lies? please explain…

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

Do you really not know the answer to this?... Come on!

shilolo's avatar

The list is endless:
Trampling on the Constitution
Mismanagement of national disasters (Katrina)
Rampant cronyism
Enormous tax cuts in the face of huge wartime expenditures
A costly war we didn’t need (Iraq) that diverted attention from a war we should have won (Afghanistan)

For starters only…

La_chica_gomela's avatar

Yeah, well, your grammar sucks. I’m not surprised you didn’t notice all the crazy/stupid shit he did.

mzdesigns's avatar

dont forget the
Bush’s Top Aides Exposed an Undercover CIA Agent To Silence Critics

syz's avatar

Wow. Where have you been for the last 9 years? Wow.

syz (35943points)“Great Answer” (7points)
Jeruba's avatar

That’s not the real mystery. The real mystery is why there are so many George W. Bush lovers.

mzdesigns's avatar


Ivan's avatar

Because he was arguably the worst president in history.

mzdesigns's avatar

the media really brainwashes alot of people sadly :(
opps corrected a spelling typo, dont wanna be accused of GWB grammar lol

kevbo's avatar

Because he was so successful in overturning Roe v. Wade.

chyna's avatar

@Jeruba Wish I had said that!

DeanV's avatar

Try here, here or (my favorite) here. Really. You should already know.

Obama may go down as the best president in history just for cleaning up half of this guys mess.

Jack79's avatar

I don’t hate GWBush, I think he was one of the greatest comedians of our time :)

mzdesigns's avatar

yea what a overpaid comedian he was , lol

DeanV's avatar

I will say Dick Cheney could run an excellent puppet show.

Did we all just feed the troll?

Blondesjon's avatar

I don’t hate George W. I don’t know him as a person.

I do hate the way he ran this country for the last eight years. It was a blatantly shitty job.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

In all honesty, this not his grammar, is why I think he was the worst president ever.
(The casualties are over to 200,000 including soldiers and innocent civilians as of June 7, 2009).

shilolo's avatar

@Blondesjon You should embrace the word craptastic . It would be much more fitting to say “It was such a blatantly craptastic job.”

mzdesigns's avatar

yep nobody is perfect and our educational system sucks so its not entirely our fault lol

Blondesjon's avatar

@shilolo . . .How about shitsational?

SuperMouse's avatar

Honestly? Because he was a complete idiot who started two wars, destroyed the economy, and had Dick Cheney for a vice president.

shilolo's avatar

@Blondesjon I don’t know. I like the sound of craptastic better than shitsational. It is also a really great sarcastic perversion of fantastic, much like underwhelming versus overwhelming. Like, “I found the new Star Wars movie to be underwhelming.”

mzdesigns's avatar

Im just wondering when the guy who wrote this question wants to chime in?

Blondesjon's avatar

@shilolo . . .I will meet you halfway and say that he was indeed a man who enjoyed wallowing in his own crapulance.

Grisaille's avatar

And, in the face of trial and controversy, the troll is gone.

More importantly, before I had a chance to speak up.

Grisaille's avatar

Actually, I can’t really call him a troll. Just relatively oblivious the world around him.

Anyway, who cares? PARTY AT MY PLACE

kevbo's avatar

Hey, at least he’s polite.

mzdesigns's avatar

party sounds good :) but dont post off topic msgs mods hate it :p

skfinkel's avatar

I am a bona fide Bush hater. I could barely ever listen to him speak, it made me so sick and so angry. Why? I felt he was inadequate to the enormous job he took, he made hugely bad and wrong decisions on almost every front he bothered with as president, he lied to us and the world in very serious ways that had very bad repercussions for many innocent people all over the world. But when I try to distill and focus why I dislike him so much, I think it was because he always seemed like such a phony. He never really bothered to learn how to do the job for which he was (questionably) elected. He didn’t care about the country or its people. He took it too easy, took the easiest routes, didn’t care to stand up and listen to what all the people wanted, he cared about his special interests. I never felt that there was a way to reach him to tell him what I thought of his misplaced war in Iraq, for example—no way to write or contact him where he would know what I thought. That is not a good president of a democratic country. He was a stain on our United States, and will not be thought of well regardless of how much time goes by.

chyna's avatar

@skfinkel And the SMIRK on his face when he was caught up in all his ugliness. He was never contrite, never sorry, just smug.

dalepetrie's avatar

How about One Thousand Reasons, or actually by the latest count, 1,477 reasons.

I don’t know what #‘s these are because I don’t need to have someone else’s list tell me why I didn’t like him, so I’ll give you a few of my own.

1) He stole the election in 2000 using his brother Jeb, his Florida campaign manager Katherine Harris who was also the FL Secretary of State at the time, his own pull as Texas governor, his friends in the US Supreme Court, 2 of whom had been appointed by his father and one of whom had a son working on his campaign, and a company called Choice Point Technologies. It’s all documented in the book “The Best Democracy Money Can Buy,” by investigative journalist Greg Palast. Here’s a video he made for BBC television, which in and of itself is remarkable as recounted in his book as he couldn’t get the US media to touch his story….why? Because Jeb Bush’s office said it wasn’t true, and they didn’t want to go up against the Bush family.

2) Seven months into his Presidency, he took a FIVE WEEK vacation on his Crawford, TX ranch, something he did every year thereafter. While there he received a memo on August 6, 36 days before 9/11, he received a memo entitled, ‘Bin Laden Determined to Strike Inside US.” It was reported many places that any existing intelligence Clinton had gathered was not trusted and discounted. Indeed, when Bush took office, he had his staffers actually vandalize the White House, and then brought in the media to see it and blamed Clinton’s staff for doing it…even after he was already in office he was still actively trying to discredit his opposition.

3) His entire policy was dictated by the PNAC, the neoconservative think tank which advocated for pre-emptive war in the middle east in order to establish American world dominance for years before the plan organizers, who basically became Bush’s cabinet, actually installed him in a position where they could do something about their plan.

4) Bush showed from day one that he had an agenda to take down Saddam Hussein at any cost, he as much as admitted he had a vendetta because Hussein tried to kill his father. In an early cabinet meeting before the Iraq War, Condoleeza Rice came into a staff meeting, and mentioned Saddam’s name, to which Bush replied, “Fuck Saddam, we’re talking him out.” In the days after 9/11, Bush’s administration pushed their operatives to find a link between Iraq and 9/11, and when intelligence officers told Rumsfeld there was no link, he told them to look harder.

5) When no link could be found, Bush embarked on a full court press, having all of his cabinet members tell the media and the American people repeatedly that we can’t afford to wait for weapons inspectors to do their jobs in finding (non-existent) weapons of mass destruction, because the evidence could come in the form of a mushroom cloud. They then used discredited information via a forged purchase order for yellow cake uranium supposedly purchased by Iraq from Nigeria (which was evident as a fraud on it’s surface as it was signed by the wrong world leader), to convince Congress and the US people that we had no choice but to attack. In fact, Cheney also told Congress and our military commanders when they expressed doubt that the concern was not only that Saddam “could” miniaturize nukes, but that they had firm evidence that HE ALREADY HAD.

6) Bush’s economic policies continually took money away from social programs, from the people who most needed economic help, and continually gave larger and larger tax breaks to people who already had more money than they needed, and corporations.

7) Bush used a series of downright Orwellian names for his programs starting on day one. He created the Healthy Forests Initiatives which allowed more logging than before, he created the Clean Skies Initiative which allowed more emissions into the air of pollutants and toxins, and I believe a Clean Waters Initiative which allowed greater levels of mercury and other pollutants to be dumped than ever before.

8) He replaced the heads of the regulatory agencies with captains of the industries which they were supposed to be regulating. The USDA for example…why do you think there’s so much e. coli in our meat these days? Because no one is keeping the shit out of the meat.

Bottom line, he’s responsible for the deaths of probably a million or more innocent Iraqi citizens, a few thousand American citizens, the crippling of countless young men, the change from a large surplus to the largest ever deficit and a level of national debt larger than that of all former Presidents combined, our food systems, our water system, our air has all been corrupted, the earth has warmed considerably, more people have slipped into poverty than any time in history, the middle class is smaller and the lower class is larger than at any time in history, unemployment is at near record highs, an entire generation of kids has been taught about abstinence, but not birth control or how to prevent STDs, our immigration policy is worse than ever, basically anything a President can fuck up, he fucked up royally. And if you don’t believe me, read a fucking book or two.

mzdesigns's avatar

well said.

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

There was the whole business of the war based on “dubious” intelligence.
The Patriot Act was another that earned him some enmity.

Bri_L's avatar

I think 8 years of history is enough.

El_Cadejo's avatar

“I thought he was a fine President. A lot better than most that is for sure.”


mzdesigns's avatar

I wonder if someone paid him to say that.

buster's avatar

A lot of young people are a bunch of sheep and spout off they hate Bush when really they don’t care or even know why they hate him. Its hip to hate Bush. Im not saying I like him but I don’t like most politicians or authority figures in general.

dannyc's avatar

All hate is pointless.

SeventhSense's avatar

It’s hardly hate as much as it was incredulity and fear for our union.
I liken his administration to watching a mugging from afar and being enraged but powerless to stop it

There has never been a worse president nor a worse influence on the American image. He reversed decades of initiatives that protected the environment; he created a new level of obfuscation in the oval office not seen since the Nixon administration; he shredded habeas corpus; decimated the Freedom of Information Act used to keep tabs on our elected officials; plunged the world into fear and invaded a country without provocation; set up offshore penitentiaries to avoid domestic protections and the rule of law; encouraged torture as an acceptable method of interrogation; created the largest deficit the country has ever seen after being handed a surplus; turned the executive office into a bully pulpit any banana republic would be proud of and did it all while appearing completely indifferent to anyone…and that’s just the beginning

fireinthepriory's avatar

His record for his first term was bad enough that his second election caused the civilized world to not take America and its citizens seriously at best, and at worst it caused worldwide hate and mistrust of Americans. It’s insane to call his presidency anything but disastrous, for more reasons than we jellies have words to describe.

dalepetrie's avatar

@SeventhSense – you put it just about perfectly.

SeventhSense's avatar

The difference in that trillion dollars is where it goes.
Into the economy or up in smoke

SeventhSense's avatar

Thanks, I just went numb about 6 years into his time in office for my sanity

dalepetrie's avatar

I pretty much lost all hope the second Gore conceded, I got it back for a while in the 2004 elections but then didn’t feel anything again until Obama announced his candidacy.

SeventhSense's avatar

Yes. I would have ripped my hair out if I focused any more on the insanity.

Alleycat8782's avatar

I am so sick and tired of people blaming Obama for our current problems. Hello he has been president for less than a year and is trying to do his best to fix the shit that Bush put us through.

fireside's avatar

”$1 trillion…and probably just as much on campaigning.”

How did you arrive at this conclusion?

mass_pike4's avatar

sorry guys but we have a complete idiot in office right now…im scared. He has no clue what’s going on, is trying to completely change everything around, takes credit for things that Bush had already established, the media gets on their knees for the guy. Like I mentioned, I think only time can tell how Bush did. Unemployment was going up under Bush?? Look at it under Obama. Soldiers die everyday, we just don’t get all the media coverage. Why don’t you form your own opinions from unbiased material and get back to me…

How many of you actually support Obama and why??

syz's avatar

Stop trying to incite a flame war – it’s juvenile.

You are welcome to your own opinion, and I think you’ve gotten a pretty clear image of the opinion of others. It’s clear you are in the minority and so are unlikely to get a positive response.

You have avoided any interaction with this thread until it appeared to be coming to an end, and then posted an inflammatory statement. Anything beyond this point in troll behavior.

Please don’t feed the troll.

syz (35943points)“Great Answer” (3points)
mass_pike4's avatar

haha with this troll business. I hope you know that we are deeper in debt because of Obama. I just want to make that clear. The whole issue with Freddie May & Frannie Mack. Do some research, Obama was getting a shitton of money from them as well as Chris Dodd

shilolo's avatar

@mass_pike4 Really? A complete idiot? I think the Republican party has a monopoly on that (GWB and Sarah Palin come to mind). Rather than cast aspersions, perhaps you need to study a bit about economics and history. It is impossible for any one person to reverse the economic downturn (recession/depression) in a short time. Perhaps you should read up on the last worldwide depression (i.e. The Great Depression), which lasted well over 10 years. What saved the US back then were massive public works projects initiated by FDR (which Obama is trying to mimic, though it may not be enough of a stimulus) and the largest public works project in history (WW2). As for the debt situation, Bill Clinton ran surpluses, which were quickly eradicated and steeply reversed by GWB via massive tax cuts and hugely expensive unnecessary wars. Less money in combined with more money out results in a massive deficit. Only someone hell bent on destroying the country (GWB) would enact tax cuts in the face of increased spending.

mass_pike4's avatar

Clinton cut the capital gains tax, that was smart. That leads to a depression. Bush did his best to try and reverse it. Everyone is just all caught up on what Bush did, blame him for everything, when he was trying to pick up for everyone else’s stupidity. But, that is never made clear because the liberal media would never let that get out.

Oh and Biden is real supportive of Obama…“I wouldn’t be surprised if a massive attack comes on us.” Biden ran with him for the power trip, doesn’t even support the guy.

And I’m sorry but trying to turn America into Democratic Socialism does not work. History proves it.

mass_pike4's avatar

Dick Morris. Read his new book “Catastrophe.” He was once with the Clinton administration

dalepetrie's avatar

DNFTT. “Frannie Mack”, that’s all you need to know to establish this guy’s credibility. Nuff said.

shilolo's avatar

@dalepetrie Right on.
@mass_pike4 At minimum get your facts straight. Bill Clinton agreed to a capital gains cut from 28 to 20 percent in 1997 (when Republicans controlled the House and Senate), and Bush lowered it even further, to 15%. He also enacted significantly more income tax cuts in 2001. The damning issue is that even if you believe his projections at the time, going to war on two fronts with their associated huge expenditures should have caused him to pause, rethink the taxes, call for national sacrifice (as in WW2), and repeal his cuts (or even raise taxes to pay for the wars).

Also, running a surplus means you collect more than you spend. We still had a massive national debt under Clinton, but at least we weren’t accruing more because of higher deficits, and were working slowly to lower the debt (or slow it’s inexorable rise). Bush doubled our national debt in 8 years! This should matter to you, since it is the future generations (ours and our kids and our grandkids) that will be faced with trying to pay to clean up this mess. It’s as if your parents spent wildly, having a grand old time, and then said, “Ok kids, you’re screwed. When we’re long dead, you get to pay for our lavish lifestyle. Love ya…”

SuperMouse's avatar

Are you really trying to convince us that Bush attempted to do anything other than consolidate his power, make money for Cheney and his other cronies, advance an Evangelical Christian agenda, and avenge his father’s missing Sadam in Iraq? Take what you are selling somewhere else, we’re not buying it here.

DeanV's avatar

@mass_pike4 I have no problem that you are arguing the other side of the coin, but please, just acknowledge that the coin has another side. You’re blatantly disregarding facts.

Grisaille's avatar

What an absolutely delicious thing to wake up to in the late afternoon.

A guy spewing out Republican talking points at an alarming rate. Literally, just regurgitating everything that’s been fed to him. Lovely.

dalepetrie's avatar

I find it very interesting that over the past about 5 years since I’ve been voicing my opinions politically speaking on line, I have run into maybe 4 or 5 Republicans/Conservatives who actually came by their opinions honestly, who could debate with me and raise coherent issues which they truly believed in and could stand behind and defend, to the point where I could say, OK, we’ll have to agree to disagree because we see the world differently. But I’ve run into several HUNDRED who just spit out what Rush, Hannity, O’Reilly and Coulter tell them to think, no matter how little logic or sense rests behind it, no matter if it’s been thoroughly discredited, no matter how much they have to twist and misinterpret reality to make their arguments work. And sure, I run into liberals who just spit out what they’re told, but in my experience, they are in the minority.

Point is, I wouldn’t mind someone posting the counterview if they were actually worth debating, but you come on making ridiculous claims out of touch with reality, and even call things by the wrong name and misspell others, and don’t even accept a single criticism of the party which they support lock step, no matter how well the claim has been documented, then it just makes it a big waste of time to even take that person seriously. I remember a time when Republicans were powerful and had many intelligent people in their ranks….I disagreed with them then too, but they had serious philosophical points of view, they had a different philosophy and world view. Now Republicans just by and large aren’t serious people…they’ve become caricatures of their former selves, letting some radio blowhard tell them what to think, what to say, how to be the opposition for the sake of being the opposition, even if it means trying to discredit a serious and intelligent man like Obama who make a point to hear all sides of an issue before making a decision, unlike today’s Republicans (Bush being the prime example) who will take one inflexible position on every issue and insist on 100% loyalty, and will not listen to, consider or move an inch towards any other opinion. Politics used to be a game of give and take, and even though Dems seem to be trying to meet Republicans half way, half way is not good enough, they want it all and won’t accept any worldview that is not lock step with their own, even if they have to defy logic to support their opinions.

Again, DNFTT, it’s a waste of your time, you will NOT get a substantive debate, just regurgitated talking points.

Grisaille's avatar

@dalepetrie I wish my answer was as substantive as yours.

Same message, but more eloquently stated.

You’re makin’ me look bad.

Jeruba's avatar

What’s DNFTT?

DeanV's avatar

I was wondering that too. Still, well said dalepetrie.

fireside's avatar


mass_pike4's avatar

well said delepetrie, once again, your point of view. Buttt, are you telling me that what you see on tv is what u regurgitate yourself from the liberal side? I’m just pointing out facts. I’m not overlooking facts made by others, I just choose to look into them myself to see if they are accurate. How can you make a claim that Bush will not take one inflexible position on an issue and insist a 100% loyalty, and not listen to, consider or move an inch towards any other opinion? And, how can you make the claim that Obama actually listens compared to him? Obama is on a “power trip.” He comes across like he cares about what “we” have to say, but he’s on his own agenda and wants to take over this nation the way he wants to. He doesn’t care what other people think. At least Bush made compensations and actually went along with many liberal ideas…

DeanV's avatar

What is your evidence that “Obama wants to take over this nation the way he wants to.”? Ever think that the way he wants the nation run is the same way most of the population wants the nation run?

Anything there you heard that’s not just regurgitated from Fox News? Isn’t that how a lot of people get their news?

Ever consider Obama’s approval ratings? People like the man. That shows he must be doing something right.

I say agree to disagree here. I’m out.

Grisaille's avatar


DeanV's avatar

It pretty much means nothing. I enjoy having the last word. That’s about it.

Honorable discharge?

El_Cadejo's avatar

“Everyone is just all caught up on what Bush did, blame him for everything, when he was trying to pick up for everyone else’s stupidity.”

Oh god this thread just gets funnier each time i come back to it.

DeanV's avatar

I need to stop taking threads like this seriously.

SeventhSense's avatar

I think only time can tell how Bush did.
Time has spoken, He failed

Freddie May & Frannie Mack
Nice folks ~_~
..but as per Freddie Mac and Fanny Mae, they were taken over before Obama’s shadow crossed the threshold
On September 7, 2008, James Lockhart, director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), announced that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were being placed into conservatorship of the FHFA. The action is “one of the most sweeping government interventions in private financial markets in decades”.[4][5][6] As of 2008[update], Fannie Mae and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac) owned or guaranteed about half of the U.S.‘s $12 trillion mortgage market.[7]

I’m sorry was September 7 2008 before January of 2009? I guess I missed that time warp worm hole that opened up over Washington
mmm yes… the wonderful -socialist? conservative? practices of the Bush Administration

dalepetrie's avatar

I won’t get trapped into an argument. I will just say

a) No, I do NOT regurgitate what I hear on TV. I don’t even watch TV news, I read news…from all over the world, from a variety of perspectives, and I form my own opinions. I have my own opinions that have been arrived at through deep personal reflection, which I hold dear, and in which I am very consistent and always have been. Fortunately, the message that Obama put forth, not just in the specifics of what he said, but in the way he said things which imparted a far deeper meaning (in other words, I knew from the way he put things that he walked the walk on what he said), I realized early on that he was a candidate in whom I agreed.

b) I can say that Bush was steadfast because there are a million examples. Every single thing Bush did that I did not like, I KNEW before he took office he would push to do it, because it was all there, in black and white in the PNAC charter. I can say that when he stated a desire to do something, no matter what the opposition, no matter how deep, no matter how long standing, no matter how intelligent and respected his detractors were, when he had Congress in his party, the Republicans would always vote 100% for what he wanted and it would pass. When Republicans were in the minority, still 100% of Republicans would vote for what Bush wanted, 100% of the time, every single Republican, 100% lock step, no matter what. Not my opinion, a bona fide fact. And when he lost the Republican majority in Congress, he began to create signing statements and executive orders which basically said, this is what we’re doing. He got lawyers to justify what he wanted to do after the fact. This is 100% documented, and you’d have to be ignoring reality to dispute it. Bush famously said he was “the Decider”, the problem is, the President is supposed to make the ultimate decisions, but usually they do so with some input.

c) I know Obama works with input from others, even the opposite party, because he has a record, starting as a State Senator working across the aisle. There are countless examples of how he is the kind of person who listens to what everyone else has to say. Again, to deny that is to deny reality.

It’s easy for someone to make accusations, but when you say black is white, up is down, and on is off, you lose all credibility. I’ve already said more than I feel I need to, and essentially I’m done, I think I’ve made my point unless you can prove me wrong, and since I’m 100% confident that it would be impossible for you to do so, I won’t lose any sleep over it.

mattbrowne's avatar

No one likes bullies. I never hated George W. Bush. I just thought he was the worst choice the American voters could make.

SeventhSense's avatar

Well at least some of us were on the right side of that equation. On a balanced note there will no doubt be some positives to come out of his administration. After all, even a broken clock is correct twice a day.

mattbrowne's avatar

@SeventhSense – Yes, a few positives are realistic. The best politician in his administration was Colin Powell. I have great respect for this man.

Noel_S_Leitmotiv's avatar


SeventhSense's avatar

^Yes, the racist Neocons certainly are..^

PacificRimjob's avatar

Racist? LOL

Isn’t it more insulting how liberal politicians tell you you can’t make it without them?

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