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wundayatta's avatar

What would it take for you to be a total slut or a total stud?

Asked by wundayatta (58730points) July 17th, 2009
42 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

I don’t mean how much money would it take; I mean what would it have to mean for you to do it? Love for all your partners? Or they all love you? Or physical beauty? Religious dispensation to do it? What is in the way of you becoming a total stud or a total slut?

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prude's avatar

I have been told a few times that I am already a total slut, so apparently all I need to do is live my life.
oh well, slut I shall be, not changing for anyone, I don’t have a problem w/how I live my life.

cookieman's avatar

Me + 6” – 75lbs. x alternate reality = Total Stud Muffins

dalepetrie's avatar

I was too shy to ask anyone for a date, and I’m socially retarded and physically unfit…I never would have qualified to be a stud. I remained a virgin till 22 and not necessarily by choice. I’m happy with my wife and family, so I would never change anything.

But if we’re going to live in the world of make believe, and say I could go back 20 years (I’d be 18), and I could be physically fit, have loads of self confidence and could bed any woman I wanted, and at the end of the day, there would be no chaos theory, no butterfly effect, no time travel paradox that undoes everything in the future, in other words, my love life and that of everyone else would be unaffected by this action…then yeah, OK, I’d probably go after aesthetics and have a bit more fun. Nothing wrong with cheap harmless sex as long as everyone’s on board. So what’s holding me back…I’d say reality.

qualitycontrol's avatar

me + 12” – 60 lbs and I’d be all set. I’d need a pimp. Has anyone seen that show Hung? Best show out right now haha. I would also have to ditch the old ball n chain

jonsblond's avatar

I’m a total slut for my husband whenever he wants me to be one.

Allie's avatar

I think it’s ironic that @prude says she’s been called a “total slut.”

In order for me to be a slut I’d have to sleep with a lot more men than I actually have and I’d wear super-short and skin tight clothes (probably with my thong peeping out of my shorts).

wundayatta's avatar

@Allie Perhaps @prude is the one who is being ironic, eh?

Is your “klutz” irony or accurate description?

Allie's avatar

@daloon The “klutz” is very accurate.

tinyfaery's avatar

One might have considered me a slut in my younger days. What did it take? Being attracted to both sexes helps. And having sex with women is much different than having sex with men. I also had some dad issues, which led to me enjoy luring guys in, using them, and dumping them; usually after having cheated on them. I’ve been with 2 people in the last 12 years, however.

CMaz's avatar

Always a stud. But I do like it slutty. ;-)

prude's avatar

@Allie my screen name is not what I am IRL

monsoon's avatar

I like how the choice for men is “stud”, but the choice for women is “slut”.

What a social commentary.

cookieman's avatar

@monsoon: Good point. Let’s go with “Bimbo” or “Himbo”.

prude's avatar

agreed, nothing wrong w/a woman w/a healthy sexual appetite

cwilbur's avatar

One wonders where the men who are suggesting the addition of 6” or 12” want those inches to go.

cookieman's avatar

@cwilbur: I believe the question should be; “where do you want those 6” to go?”

oh, that was bad. sorry.

leaving now.

Deepness's avatar

I am the epitome of alpha stud…

…until I see a bug crawl next to me. Then I turn into a little girl.

dalepetrie's avatar

The slut vs. stud thing doesn’t bother me, 3 of the same 4 letters after all…it’s more the connotation you put on the word. Personally, I’m 6’2”...I think that’s tall enough, so I know where I want MY extra 6 inches. In fact, I’d settle for 3.

bcstrummer's avatar

I would need to have abs and a bigger dick

cookieman's avatar

^^ so much for innuendo ^^

La_chica_gomela's avatar

I don’t understand what the question is asking: Do you mean a person who is sexually promiscuous, or do you mean a person who is physically attractive? Are you using slut and stud as synonyms or should we answer each question separately?

cwilbur's avatar

@cprevite: oh, I know where I want the 6” to go. I’m not sure, however, that 12” will fit.

In my subcompact car. What did you think I was saying?

Bluefreedom's avatar

I’m already a total stud. I can’t improve on what’s already magnificent.

It’s hard to be humble when you’re this conceited.~

Pol_is_aware's avatar

I dabble in “studdliness,” from time to time, but I know it would be a lot easier if society were more positive about promiscuous sex, and if STDs we’re non-existent. I have to admit, I’m somewhat brainwashed to be less attracted to a girl who is ready to have sex within hours of meeting. That gets in the way a lot. That and, even if I am always wearing a condom, I don’t ever want to find out I was intimate with someone who had a VD.

saranwrapper's avatar

not much at all. I’ve seriously been considering slutting it up in the near future. I figure I only have a few more years before I can’t claim stupid youthful indiscretion.

wundayatta's avatar

@La_chica_gomela I mean, how would your image of yourself and who you are and what you are have to change for you to start being (or being able to) be sexually promiscuous.

Like, in my case, I’d have to stop caring about women; I’d have to learn how to identify women who are willing to sleep with me almost instantly; I’d have to stop caring about health or staying healthy or staying in any kind of relationship at all. I think I’d have to stop caring about myself, and just throw myself into sensation and manipulation and being willing to use women. In essence, I think I would have to lose my values and my sense of who I am, entirely, and become an unthinking, purely physical person.

cyn's avatar

having sex all the time with different guys…

La_chica_gomela's avatar

@daloon: So are those labels (slut and stud) supposed to be male and female versions or something? [eyebrow raise]

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

Destruction of whatever values of mine they once held so dear.

Nially_Bob's avatar

Firstly i’d probably have to take my Kung-fu Panda poster down (which isn’t happening) and then i’d need a shave, a few drinks and..uh..O yes! Good looks! ;)

monsoon's avatar

@Nially_Bob omgilovekungfupanda!!

Nially_Bob's avatar

@monsoon Then we have many things to discuss my friend, many things indeed. Also I may have to refer to you as Master Shifu from this point onwards.

monsoon's avatar

@Nially_Bob, few can comprehend the subtle beauty of that final, all-powerful “Skadoosh”.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

A lower IQ and desperation
Also, as I’ve said before slut is completely arbitrary

Thammuz's avatar

Attractive partner with which i’m actually in love and who i know how to pleasure.

1000oceans's avatar

i would be a total stud. i think this would come from loving all my friends and having them love me back with greatness.

i’m already kinda like that…i never thought of it as a social stud..i just thought of it as being real nice

all you need is love =P

derekfnord's avatar

I’d need to get 15–20 years younger and a fair number of pounds lighter.

… I’d also need to completely change my worldview.

I’m hardly a prude (I think casual sex is okay if both people are willing, I have no religious complications, etc.) But it’s just not my nature to really go after a lot of partners. My natural inclination is to find good partners and stick with them. :-)

Zen's avatar

Not much. I walk a fine line.

prude's avatar

@derekfnord :)
nothing wrong w/being a prude…....

saraaaaaa's avatar


But seriously probably an ego. That might do it.

bean's avatar

HAHAHA, me? slut? never will happen… ever

bean's avatar

I’m not being sarcastic either

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