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FrankHebusSmith's avatar

Why does my "stuff" taste sweet?

Asked by FrankHebusSmith (4319points) July 19th, 2009
58 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

So I’m going to try and keep this as non-graphic as possible… bear with me…

Last night I’m with my “g/f” and we’re being “intimate”... One things leads to another and she ends up “going down to 3rd base” with me…. well towards the “end” she lets me finish in her “mouth”...... Then shortly later she told me that my “stuff” tasted VERY sweet….. Moreso than other “stuff” she has tasted in the past.

So I thought about it, and I know that eating lots of fruit will have that effect on “stuff.” BUT, I don’t really eat all that much fruit. Then it occurred to me that I drink a LOT of mountain dew, which contains a “boatload” of sugar. Do you guys think that that excess of sugar could be the cause of the “sweet tasting stuff?”

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swuesquire's avatar

No idea, but high five.

Zaku's avatar


casheroo's avatar

“mouth” why did that need quotes? lol

I guess the mountain dew is magic. Or your “g/f” just likes the taste and is a mutant.

Grisaille's avatar

What’s with all the quotation marks?

La_chica_gomela's avatar

The sugar from mountain dew shouldn’t be having an impact unless you’re diabetic, because your body should be metabolizing that sugar if everything’s in working order. If you are diabetic and didn’t know it, you might have noticed having to pee a lot—like more than 10 times per day. Yes, no?

I’ve heard a lot of theories on why it can taste sweet versus bitter, I’m not too certain about any of them. The only one that came from a reputable source was that a vegetarian diet leads to it tasting sweeter, that was from Sue Johanson, the “Talk Sex with Sue” lady on TV.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Different parts of the tounge detect sweet, sour etc. I’m going to guess your girlfriend doesn’t swill it around her mouth like she’s tasting a fine wine so it probably just depends where on her tounge it landed.

SirBailey's avatar

I’d think about what @La_chica_gomela posted. Maybe it’s your urine she’s tasting, in which case, you might be diabetic. In the old days, doctors TASTED the urine to diagnose diabetes.

Grisaille's avatar

@SirBailey They… stopped doing that?

I think it’s time for a long conversation with my Doc.

And psychiatrist.

Zaku's avatar

I think it’s time for westy to watch the film The Stuff with Garrett Morris.

knitfroggy's avatar

I think I threw up a little in my “mouth” after reading this question no offense

gailcalled's avatar

@westy81585: You’re allowed to say ejaculate..And I can think of ten different non-graphic (and shorter) ways of asking that question, perhaps without using your and your g/f’s behavior.

@Lightlyseared: tongue; “tounge” rhymes with “lounge.”

hug_of_war's avatar

I think this question is cute with all its quotations marks and avoidance of certain words.

eponymoushipster's avatar

Did you “eat” “pineapple” before you “finished” or did “you” “eat” something “else” “sweet”?

generalspecific's avatar

Reading this reminds me of reading the christmas card of my parents friends where they try to use names of songs/movies/etc throughout the letter and put them all in quotes.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@generalspecific was it “awesome”?

Thammuz's avatar

If mountain dew has honey or pineapple juice in it you have your answer.

PapaLeo's avatar

It is commonly known that diet affects the odor/taste of bodily secretions. Think of the last time your colleague at work went to “The Garlic Queen” in Amsterdam or “The Stinking Rose” in San Francisco: you could smell him from a mile away. ’’

For good advice go to this eponymous website: 10 Simple Tips For Better Tasting Semen

filmfann's avatar

How many other “girlfriends” have you “had” taste your “stuff”?
How many other “boyfriends” has your “girlfriend” tasted?
Is it “possible” she was being “nice?” (well, if she let you “finish” in her “mouth”, she was already being “nice”, but I mean, was “she” being “polite”)

jackfright's avatar

mildly sweet is one thing, “VERY” sweet is something else entirely.
does anyone know if diabetes affect this at all?

La_chica_gomela's avatar

@filmfann: I wondered that too, but I didn’t have the balls to say it.

Facade's avatar

Are we not allowed to be graphic?
Anyways, good for you and your girlfriend :)

Allie's avatar

@Thammuz Mmm… honey. Mmmm…. pineapple.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

@Facade: Apparently we are, only if it’s in “quotes”. ;-P

Facade's avatar

@La_chica_gomela lol seriously though. I think I remember someone being reprimanded for using too many curse words. I’m just trying to see what’s what

La_chica_gomela's avatar

@Facade: Oh, seriously? I always thought it was okay. I’ve read and written some pretty darn graphic questions and answers, and they weren’t ever moderated as far as I know.

Remember the “What does your masturbation routine include?” question, and what about the myriad of “What’s your favorite sexual position?” questions. It seems like 90% of the point of those was being sexually graphic.

Facade's avatar

Yea I remember those. I don’t remember what the context was of the reprimanded one though. Oh well.

Lightlyseared's avatar

@gailcalled yeah I thought it didn’t look right (hangs head)

gailcalled's avatar

Nothing wrong with being graphic; in this case, the querent was trying to be non-graphic and it made the description over-long and IMHO boring.

But then, I prefer erotic subtlety rather than hard-core porn.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

@gailcalled: I thought it made it funny as hell! But I probably have a lower (as in closer to the gutter) sense of humor from yours… :-D

gailcalled's avatar

@La_chica_gomela: Maybe, maybe not. I thought you were being descriptive and factual.
How many different ways are there of masturbating, anyway. And we have been endlessly fascinated with sex..Kama Sutra, Greek vase drawings, Japanese high-class porn, Indonesian…well, you get my drift.

Did you ever see the Japanese movie, Tampopo? It is about the search for the perfect dish of noodles, but a side theme is the love affair between two people interested also in food. In one highly-charged scene, they pass an egg yolk back and
forth on their tongues to see who has the greatesgt self-control.

From the review in the WaPO.

“As it turns out, Itami’s (director) approach provides the perfect jokey structure for his gags. The secondary object of his attention is another couple, a slickly dressed gangster (Koji Yakusho) and his fetching moll (Fukumi Kuroda). These two are the pleasure principle’s most ardent advocates; indulgence is their way of life.

In one sequence, inside their hotel room, they wriggle on the bed, like sensation-crazed toddlers gone mad, applying whipped cream and whatever else room service will provide to heighten their delirium. In pursuit of even higher-flying thrills, they execute the film’s kinkiest stunt—a long, soulful kiss in which an egg yolk is passed seductively, gently, back and forth between them until it breaks, spilling the yellow all over their clothes.”

DrBill's avatar

Soda sweet taste = caused by eating natural sugars, can be normal.

Honey sweet = see you doctor and have them give you an A1C test.

FrankHebusSmith's avatar

I thought the many quotations would make the question more “fun” to read.

I did not have any fruit within a while of the “event.”

@filmfann I have had between 6–10 other girls taste my “stuff”. I am the second person who’s “stuff” she has tasted. And she is sitting next to me as I type this and enjoying most of the responses, so I don’t think she was just being nice… But I’ll ask.

FrankHebusSmith's avatar

Yah, she was just being nice…. guess I’m not diabetic…......... (J/K :) )

SirBailey's avatar

@westy, you could always taste it yourself.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

@westy81585: LOL, your entire last two posts!!!! Lurve to her! What a sweetie!

SirBailey's avatar

Can she taste MINE and tell me what she thinks? Only because Diabetes runs in my family.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Yeah, I don’t think it’s a problem. Could be diet, could be just the way it tastes. Were it me, I wouldn’t really tell you how it compares to all the other cum I swallowed, but hey, different strokes for different folks.

janbb's avatar

The quotation marks and the question make me wonder if you’ve been Zagat’s rated! (J/K :-))

eponymoushipster's avatar

@janbb the “charm” and “pleasure” of the “act” was “ruined” by the “sweet” “flavour” of his “explosion”. $$,AMEX/VISA,**??

Bluefreedom's avatar

I’m a diabetic so my “stuff” must taste like Ambrosia or something equally superb.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@Bluefreedom probably tastes the same as Wilford Brimley’s then…

Bluefreedom's avatar

@eponymoushipster. Nice one. lol4rl

chelseababyy's avatar

I’ve heard the taste depends on what you eat.

answerjill's avatar

Hm. I wonder why my comment was removed. All I was doing was recommending a blog about “unnecessary quotes.” Oh, well, you can just google it.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

@answerjill: I thought that was weird too. Maybe it was considered off-topic?

casheroo's avatar

@answerjill I thought it was spam, because you made a question that I believe was modded, or maybe not since fluther was acting funny for me at that point.

answerjill's avatar

Ah, I see! Thanks -

IBERnineD's avatar

I had a boyfriend who’s “stuff” tasted like sugar cookies. It was because he ate so much spicy food. Seriously he would put Tabasco on mash potatoes, it was insane -albeit pleasant for me in some sense…

eponymoushipster's avatar

@IBERnineD i vote you the best person in the world.

SirBailey's avatar

@IBERnineD , Hey! If you think HIS tasted good, you should taste MINE (hehehe)!

FrankHebusSmith's avatar

@SirBailey No apparently she should taste mine….

IBERnineD's avatar

haha…this is getting awkward…

mowens's avatar

Westy… I get this too. No idea.

gailcalled's avatar

We have milked this question enough, doncha think?

Grisaille's avatar

* chuckles *

janbb's avatar

Anyone else having trouble using the word “stuff” in its usual context after reading this question?

MissA's avatar

And, “it” makes your hair and skin soft.

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