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Mrs_Hill91's avatar

Would you have a threesome with your boyfriend?

Asked by Mrs_Hill91 (29points) July 19th, 2009
42 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

Me and my boyfriend number one fantasy is to have a threesome with another girl. We love trying different things but im really not comfortable about doing it right now, but its something we’ve been talking about. Im still not sure if i want to do it. Should i just wait until i get older?

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AstroChuck's avatar

i have a boyfriend?

Grisaille's avatar

@AstroChuck Oh, you do know how to hurt me.


SuperMouse's avatar

How old are you? How long have you been together? How solid is your relationship?

Mrs_Hill91's avatar

we’ll be together for a year on the 24th…...are relationship is extremely strong.

SuperMouse's avatar

@Grisaille thanks! I must have missed that question.

@Mrs_Hill91 don’t do anything until after November for starters. You are awfully young and this is a pretty huge decision.

MacBean's avatar

Stronger than your spelling/grammar skills, I hope.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

I can’t imagine a relationship that’s “extremely strong” where the couple would want to include a 3rd party! That’s just ridiculous. You obviously don’t understand the real meaning of loving someone & the concept of nurturing a relationship. You’re both screwed up in the head! shaking my head here

MacBean's avatar

Some of the strongest relationships I know of are polyamorous. I really don’t think that’s the case here, but… just sayin’.

Facade's avatar

I have a feeling this is more his idea than yours. Don’t pack up your stuff and run away with him just yet

La_chica_gomela's avatar

@jbfletcherfan: Wow, clearly you are perfect, and you understand everything there is to know about love and relationships. We should all bow down to your superior knowledge, since you’re so confident in it, that you can just judge her like that. Wow. Before this, I thought you seemed like a good person.

Mrs_Hill91's avatar

im not saying we’re going to do one im just saying that we’re thinking about doing one because its our fantasy

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

A threesome is a great way to introduce a lot of drama and trauma to an otherwise healthy relationship. Some can do it with no problem. Most cannot.

casheroo's avatar

I personally think threesomes or polyamorous couples take a certain type of person…and I’m not one of them. I think it’s all about preference, some couples have no problem included others into their relationships, but both parties have to be completely okay with it…if you are even asking, then you need to wait, because this should be something both you and your boyfriend agree upon and know the rules for yourselves.
I’ve had a threesome, but it was a just for fun, no strings attached, so I didn’t have to deal with any complicated feelings.
But, I also think you are way too young. You really need to know the risks of sex and having multiple partners.

sakura's avatar

I can’t say I would enjoy a threesome, as I don’t want to see MY man with another woman. If you have any doubts I’d hold off trying it, my worst fear for you would be that one of you really gets off on it and the other doesn’t. thus causing a bit of a problem in the trus department. It’s not for us tjudge what you decide to do, just be careful and make sure you both know the pros and cons, before you try it.

Nially_Bob's avatar

Generally speaking, I would be willing, but my final decision would depend very strongly upon my partner and the specifics of our relationship at the time.

@MacBean “Stronger than your spelling/grammar skills, I hope.”
Upon reading that I immediately imagined you swirling brandy and sniggering in a posh manner. The image is awesome.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I have had the odd fantasy about it but if I am really honest I don’t think I would be happy having to share my boyfriend with someone else. When I am with my man I love the intimacy, closeness and tenderness (yeah I know, puke!) and I’m not sure I would feel that if someone else was pleasant.

Having said that, I don’t believe in @jbfletcherfan, having a threesome doesn’t necesserily mean you don’t love each other but I do agree with @sakura, if you are having doubts then you are not ready. My advice would be to wait and don’t allow yourself to feel pressured into anything.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@La_chica_gomela Listen, I’ve been married for a long time. How do you think one of us would feel if the other one suggested we bring in a 3rd person to our bedroom? No, I’m not perfect & I don’t want anyone bowing down to me. But I DO know how relationships are supposed to work. If you don’t think I’m a good person now, so be it. I’ll still sleep good tonight. So hang me for having traditional ideas.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

“Having traditional ideas” is very different from berating someone and trying to demoralize them. What you said was rude.

Just because YOU and YOUR WIFE aren’t into something doesn’t mean that anyone who is into that is “screwed up in the head”. Why would you say something like that to her? It’s so hurtful.

sakura's avatar

@jbfletcherfan your marriage is your marriage, like you I am not sure I would want a 3rd person in my bedroom, but that is not to say it is wrong. What is right for one person is not always right for someone else. It is not for us to sit in judgement. I would worry if both people are not really happy but if both are consenting then what is the problem??

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@La_chica_gomela & @sakura…you know what? Neither one of you know me at all. I voiced my opinion on here just like everyone else did. I have that right. Sorry if you thought I was being rude.

Oh, & BTW, I’M the WIFE.

sakura's avatar

@jbfletcherfan I was agreeing with your right to your opinion, please readmy post again, I said that I too wouldn’t want to share my partner. I merely suggested that each person has their own opinion (including you) It is up to each person. Giving your opinion is ok but you r comment sounded more like a judgement “You’re both screwed up in the head” to me sounds like you are condeming their decision when who knows for them it could be the right thing to do. I reiterate what I said in my last comment, Thresomes are not for me and I would worry if one person wasn’t happy but if both are consenting what is the problem?

Facade's avatar

If she wants to judge, she has the right to do so. Although it sounded like an opinion to me.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@sakura You’re right. Guess I got carried away. If THEY want to engage in a threesome, it doesn’t hurt anyone else. That’s their choice. I hate people who judge, so I see where I overstepped. Feeling as I do on the subject, I should have just stayed out of this question. My apologies to Mrs_Hill91.

sakura's avatar

No worries jb all is well in the sakura camp :)
I know what it is like to get passionate about something and sometimes things come out wrong.
@Facade – You are ok to judge, but I thought this site was more about trying to help and solve problems than sit in judgement of other peoples life styles? Maybe I am wrong? Plus telling someone they are screwed in the head isn’t a rationlised judgement it’s a bit of an insult!

OreetCocker's avatar

If I had a boyfriend….... Absolutely :-)

sakura's avatar

@OreetCocker not heard that expression for ages “oreet cocker” are you from the North West??

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@sakura I said I was sorry. That’s all I can or am going to say. I’m removing this question out of my list as of now.

MindStudy's avatar

If you’re having doubts then I’d say keep it in the fantasy department, doesn’t sound like your ready for that just yet.

If my partner brought up that she wanted to have a three some I may entertain the idea if there were rules in place. Really it’s not likely though as I don’t ever seeing us agreeing on a chick.

Thammuz's avatar

I’m male, so no i wouldn’t.

Wether or not you should it’s up to you, as far as my experience (firsthand and secondhand) goes i strongly advise you not to do it unless you’re COMPLETELY open honest and horny towards your BF.

The few experiences i managed to gather about threesomes generally end up in this stereotype: Eithr one of you shows attraction to the third party in a way you haven’t ever shown it to you regular partner. You have no idea how much shit this can potentially stir up.

Secondhand experience: one of my GF’s best friend and her BF had a threesome with said BF’s best friend. (to be clear: two males, one female). She was really attracted to the third party, much moreso than to her BF, which wouldn’t have been a problem if she managed to hide it. I don’t know the details since i’m not THAT nosy but according to her BF she did ON HER OWN to the third party things she not only didn’t do to him even upon request but she also claimed disgusted her.

I know this is shit is crazy, and i mean borderline psychotic crazy, but they’re kinda landmark, their case stirred up epic quantities of shit, i assume, though, that something smaller will stirr up shit in proportion.

So unless there’s NO way EITHER of you can have this kind of reaction (which means you already do, willigly and enjoying it, everything to your partner, and he does the same to you) i’d say DON’T.

SirBailey's avatar

Wouldn’t you want to try a 1 on 1 with a female first?

SirBailey's avatar

The questioner either left or was suspended???

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Well this sounds like a sex thing not an attempt at a polyamorous relationship so if you don’t feel comfortable, don’t do it.

hug_of_war's avatar

I think lots of people enjoy fantasizing about a threesome, but most people wouldn’t actually enjoy having one. So you should evaluate if this is purely something that’s a fun fantasy, or if you AND your boyfriend would actually enjoy it. Seperate what you think it will be like from the reality.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

Been there, done that. The fantasy is better. Reality has a way of getting…messy. I’ve been in a threesome, a foursome, and both were not worth it. I’d rather role-play with my wife than to introduce a third person (or fourth) into the mix.

It takes a very strong relationship to make the attempt, and my wife and I were celebrating ten years of marriage when we ‘experimented’. Dating? no fucking way in Hell. I wouldn’t do it if I were you, it just isn’t worth the drama, and there WILL be drama, trust me.

But hey, life is about choices, your results may vary.

Bobbilynn's avatar

I have had a few nice encounters with two others, but never with a boyfriend! I think that would be hard

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

No. Personally, I think sex should be kept between a couple. I don’t like the idea of group sex, because it can lead to fairly serious issues with partners suspecting cheating etc. I don’t have a problem with other people engaging in group sex, but I would never do it myself.

CMaz's avatar

Threesomes work best when, #1 it is for sex and the other person is basically a “Play toy” Or #2 you are looking to develop a Poly relationship.

If you are bringing into the relationship a third wheel that is also someone you both hang out with. In most cases it will eventually get dicey.
Once you introduce sex, and you or your partner find yourselves doing other things with the other person. Jealousy eventually becomes a big factor.

TommyLeeJones's avatar

usually these don’t work, and the fact that you know your bf special area is in this other girls special area is a downer at times or afterwards. but of course everyone is different maybe this is a turn on for you? anyways

keep talking to your bf make sure rules are set, if there’s any. and be careful of crossing the abomination with the other female.

Tay122's avatar

Try a foursome

txtelevision's avatar

It is my husband’s fantasy to have a threesome with another man. I know what some of you are thinking, but I can assure you he is 100% hetero. I am told that this is one of the most common fantasies. We are very open with each other so it does not bother me, in fact it turns me on too, but we have yet to do it. We have had sex with each other while people watched, but that is as far as we have gone. Since we are not looking for a poly-amorous type of relationship, it would be someone that we didn’t know if we ever go through with it. Not sure whether or not it will happen, but the dirty talk and role playing while we are intimate with each other is hot.

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