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ItsxJess's avatar

Is this too sexy of a Halloween costume for a teenage girl?

Asked by ItsxJess (36points) July 21st, 2009
33 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

Yes, I know I’ve already asked this regarding a different question.

What age do you think this is appropriate for? Girls: When you were a teenager (or if you are a teenager) would you wear something like this?

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applesaucemanny's avatar

I wouldn’t wear that, I’m a guy

marinelife's avatar

Not on a bet. I would be embarrassed to wear something like that. It smacks of the Heffner bunny era.

peyton_farquhar's avatar

It depends. A thirteen-year-old? Yes. A 19-year-old? If she’s out of the house and paying her own bills, probably not.

Likeradar's avatar

That outfit is all about the clevage, legs, and almost-butt.
If you aren’t old enough to realize a major purpose of that outfit is to turn people on without coming on an online forum to ask, then you are too young to wear it.

Tink's avatar

Again :), well as I said last time I wouldn’t wear it, I guess it’s appropriate for like 17 and older.
Lets not get into the whole slut argument again :)

fireinthepriory's avatar

Like I said last time, with some opaque tights I’d let my daughter wear it. If she was under 15–16 I’d probably require a cardigan, too. I’d also ask her why she wanted to be a MAID of all things for halloween! If she wanted to be something fun and creative I’d help her make a costume instead of buying this one (since if she wanted something like this, I’d make her buy it herself!).

J0E's avatar

I would love for my date to wear that, which should tell you something.

J0E (13172points)“Great Answer” (3points)
irocktheworld's avatar

Maybe for like 16 or older but younger than than would be bad and inappropriate.I don’t think I’d wear it.

cak's avatar

Yes, I do think it’s too sexy for a teenager to wear on Halloween. I do have a teenage daughter and it wouldn’t happen in my house.

cak (15863points)“Great Answer” (0points)
Facade's avatar

Choice of costume says a lot about a persons character. So, there ya go

whatthefluther's avatar

The short answer is it is inappropriate for a teenager. The bigger question is: is the kid pushing for this, or is this being pushed on the kid, (of the two, I can only hope its the former) and who is asking these questions and looking for support of their position (like a kid or parent are going to give a shit what a bunch of anonymous jellyfish think unless it supports their position and they can prove, to the others satisfaction, that the consensus of this group has merit). Won’t be the first or last time I have failed to understand something. Walks away shaking head in disbelief…wtf

casheroo's avatar

Teenager is too vague. 18 and 19 are considered adults and can wear whatever they want. If she is a minor, it would not be allowed in my house.

PupnTaco's avatar

Sexy? No. Trashy? Yes. Wrong on a million levels? You betcha!

kheredia's avatar

I hope she doesn’t drop something while at the party cause if she does she’ll be showing more than any teenager should.

chyna's avatar

I agree with @PupnTaco, trashy.
I do have to wonder why you have asked this question twice now though?

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

welcome to the new generation… what is it, generation z now or something?

by the way they dress you can’t tell a 13 year old from a 23 year old… it’s disappointing to say the least, but such is life, can’t really change it.

augustlan's avatar

I would not let my 15 year old out of the house in that. No way in hell.

syz's avatar

If you have to ask, then yes.

syz (35953points)“Great Answer” (0points)
DrBill's avatar

That dress has “I put out for anyone” written all over it….

I think that covers it.

at least it covers more than that dress does

chyna's avatar

@DrBill Or uncovers it.

Inofaith's avatar

I’d say 20 and up

18 if she’s adventurous and in for jokes but knows what she is doing (mature-minded).

ShanEnri's avatar

I wouldn’t it would scar my children for the rest of their lives I wouldn’t let my 18 year old daughter nor my 14 year old son. Unless they were adults and on their own!

figbash's avatar

I agree with the fact that this is for a flashier 18 or 19 and up, and with the clear understanding that it sends out a very specific message about what you want out of the evening.

I would have never worn this in high school. I had the bod for it, but would have thought it was too trashy. Sorry.

filmfann's avatar

If a teenage girl goes to someone’s door wearing this, and says “trick or treat”, I can imagine the responses.

KatawaGrey's avatar

If she can’t vote, she shouldn’t wear it. If she can vote, she shouldn’t wear it. Halloween is for dressing up, not showing off your new lingerie.

Likeradar's avatar

@KatawaGrey Good point. I see that outfit definitley as a special treat in the bedroom (or where ever) rather than as an actual Halloween costume.

KatawaGrey's avatar

@Likeradar: Exactly. I have bathing suits that cover more skin.

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

Why to children have to be sexualized? Totally inappropriate for a child under 18.

TommyLeeJones's avatar

I’d say no, but desperate calls for desperate!

Zendo's avatar

Of course not. It is a lovely Halloween costume for a teen girl.

Strauss's avatar

I might wear it as a joke (if I could fit into it!)

La_chica_gomela's avatar

More like it’s too ugly of a costume for a teenage girl…or anyone…

Comedian's avatar

I would wear it if my mum would let me lol

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