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RachelZ's avatar

What is your worst fear?

Asked by RachelZ (162points) July 23rd, 2009
39 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

What is your worst fear? Why do you think that is?

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NaturalMineralWater's avatar

Losing a member of my immediate family. Because I love them.

elijah's avatar

Having to watch my children get hurt/abused/kidnapped and not be able to stop it.

dannyc's avatar

Living as a vegetable at Shady Acres with scheming relatives ready to pull the plug at the slightest excuse..

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I agree with the above – losing my love or children
or seeing them suffer without me being able to help

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

oh and choking

bharris84's avatar

waking up next to Rosie O’Donnell drenched in chocolate syrup…

Darwin's avatar

Something bad happening to either of my children. Otherwise, I am afraid of dying slowly and in great pain, unable to tell anyone to let me die in peace.

chyna's avatar

Being alone the rest of my life.

jonsblond's avatar

Becoming homeless and not having a safe place for my children to sleep.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

Becoming a Christian again.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@chyna I’ll always be there for ya, just ask. =)

Jeruba's avatar

Aside from having something terrible happen to my children, it would have to be a slow, lingering decline and death, including loss of faculties while being aware of loss of faculties and knowing exactly what sort of burden I am to others.

As for horrible diseases, ESRD is probably the one I fear most.

Thanks for the shudders this otherwise warm night.

Darwin's avatar

Well, ESRD is what my husband is facing. I am hoping that a massive stroke takes him out before all that really gets bad. However, a new dialysis facility just opened up about 5 blocks from the house.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@Darwin I just looked up ESRD, and I am so sorry that your husband has to deal with that. I’m sure it is hard on you as well, I feel really bad for the both of you. i don’t know what to say, but I do hope for the best.

Darwin's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra – It could be worse. He could still be incontinent, but he has gotten better in that regard (no kidneys, no pee). But thanks for the sentiments. It is all part of in sickness and health.

knitfroggy's avatar

My worst fear is something happening to my children.

I have an irrational fear of clowns that stems from a bad experience with Ronald McDonald when I was a child. I hate clowns and and am totally terrified of them. They give me the creeps. I’ve always wanted to go to a real circus but have never been able to.

augustlan's avatar

Oh my. Where to start? First and foremost, losing one of my children. That one seems self explanatory. After that, heights. I fell off the top bunk, face first, as a child and have been afraid of anything taller than that ever since. Cancer… runs in the family, all different types. As a pasty white red head who also smokes, it almost seems inevitable.

peyton_farquhar's avatar

@knitfroggy there is no such thing as an irrational fear of clowns.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@peyton_farquhar hah, I laughed out loud and woke up the infant…he’s back asleep now…my husband also poked me with his toes and reminded me that I have a job interview tomorrow and that I need to get my tired ass to sleep…good night

monsoon's avatar

Becoming insane.

DominicX's avatar

I have to agree with @Jeruba in that getting Alzheimer’s or something like that is a big fear of mine. Hearing the story of my BF’s grandfather who shot himself when he found out he was starting to get Alzheimer’s freaks me out. I also fear being kidnapped or raped, and of course I fear spiders and getting in a car accident. I also agree with @NaturalMineralWater.

Bluefreedom's avatar

My worst fear? I don’t really know. These rank pretty highly and the reasons are self-explanatory.

Being homeless
Being unemployed and not having health insurance
Being indigent
Not having friends
Not being loved
Dying because of my diabetes
A world without animals

dynamicduo's avatar

My number one fear at this time is my mother’s decreasing state of health. More specifically, her decreasing memory. Alzheimer’s is pretty much one of my only permanant fears, but I am learning how to deal with it as much as I can (such as enjoying the times we have together now, donating to research, etc).

OpryLeigh's avatar

Losing someone I love very much. This has happened to me in the past and I can still remember the way it made me feel. I would rather die than go through that again.

irocktheworld's avatar

Being friendless,
Losing my family,
Something bad happening to people I love and care about

Hambayuti's avatar

Like everyone else, losing immediate family members or have something bad happening to them and getting Alzheimer’s.

Phobia's avatar

World destruction, either by nuclear warfare or an armageddon. I think the root of it is simply everything coming to an end and not having the power to do anything about it.

Bri_L's avatar

Losing my children.

They are everything to me and make the world a better place.

ESV's avatar

The reality of eternal/everlasting hell where all will be nothing but eteral torture for all who chose the pathway of wickedness instead of rightousness God forwarned all with a functioning conscience to avoid in His Word (The Holy Bible).

RachelZ's avatar

The reality of eternal/everlasting hell where all will be nothing but eteral torture for all who chose the pathway of wickedness instead of rightousness God forwarned all with a functioning conscience to avoid in His Word (The Holy Bible).

WELL SAID ESV! :) I agree

DominicX's avatar


Except for the parts of the Bible that say the wicked will simply die/vanish.

chyna's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra Thank you, that meant a lot to me.

Jude's avatar

Losing what family that I have left.

Nially_Bob's avatar

Witnessing the rape of a loved one and having no power with which to stop it. I think what strikes me most intensely about the notion is that despite the excruciating pain and shame I would experience it couldn’t even begin to rival that of the loved one involved. The mere thought provokes fear in me.

filmfann's avatar

fear of heights, and fear of rats.
Oddly, I have a job that used to require me to work on telephone poles, and in manholes.

Zendo's avatar

I fear nothing. Is this one of those 1984 kind of things where they get you to tell your worst fear only to use it against you when are a bad boy or girl?

filmfann's avatar

In that case, I have a fear of naked women rubbing against me.

growler's avatar

That I will be completely, utterly alone. And bored.

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