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Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

What was the last lie you've told?

Asked by Simone_De_Beauvoir (39057points) July 23rd, 2009
49 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

Was it a big or a little lie? Was it to your partner, your parents, on fluther? Was it a lie you’ve told before and have you gotten used to telling it? Was it to yourself, do you lie more often to yourself than to others? Do you not lie at all (remember YARNLADY’s earlier question on being honest 100%)?

The last lie I told was earlier today when I was chatting to a friend on the phone and I wanted to get off the phone so I said I had to feed the baby though his next feeding was still 30 minutes away…this was easier that just explaining, yet again, how tired I am every day to a friend without kids that would probably not want to hear it again…

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jonsblond's avatar

The check is in the mail.

I’ve told that lie a lot recently.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@jonsblond oh my, I hear ya

peyton_farquhar's avatar

“Nooo, you were great.”

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

“I always lie.”

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

“I’m not angry, I’m just tired.”

Jack79's avatar

I told my daughter her mother wouldn’t harm her anymore.

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

@peyton_farquhar Wait… I always lie… but that was true… but I… aaa… AAAA!!!!
* head explodes *

monsoon's avatar

Lying gives me anxiety, so I haven’t lied in a long time.

seriously, even being misunderstood will do it. it’s odd.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@monsoon not as odd as you may think…i know what you’re saying…but in my life, lying has been a necessary evil…just to make life roll along…and because I have to live it next to people I don’t always agree with

Jayne's avatar

@The_Compassionate_Heretic; but that one’s not even a paradox, because the statement can still be a lie, because even if “I always lie” is false, then you can still sometimes lie, including in this instance. A better paradox is @peyton_farquhar‘s “this statement is false” :)

monsoon's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir, yeah definately. I don’t have a moral problem with lying, more an irrational, makes-me-feel-not-good problem with it, personally.

cyn's avatar

I know how to dive!
pssht..I’m really a reck-less driver
I tend to daydream a lot.

augustlan's avatar

I very rarely lie to anyone… I suck at it for one thing. About the only time I lie is to say so and so’s not home if a telemarketer is calling.

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

“wow, that was great, I love that thing you did with your teeth

Facade's avatar

“I’m fine; how are you?”

monsoon's avatar

@cyndihugs I believe you meant “drive”, right? Because if so, me too! That is something I do.

“Ahh! It’s a red light!”

“I know I saw it…”

AstroChuck's avatar

You guys are never going to believe this but I’m currently in the middle of a three-way with Tyra Banks and Eva Mendes!

BBSDTfamily's avatar

“That was good”

ratboy's avatar

This one.

jonsblond's avatar

AstroChuck is done with his three way and now he and I are listening to Jimmy Cliff while smoking a big fatty and playing bongos.

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

@jonsblond I thought everyone listened to Jimmy Cliff and played bongos stoned…

jonsblond's avatar

@ABoyNamedBoobs03 Not my parents. For them it was Lawrence Welk while playing the organ and drinking Manhattans.

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

my mom yelled at cats hopped up on PCP.

Resonantscythe's avatar

“I’m alright”

tyrantxseries's avatar

Sorry, I don’t have any change.
you are a great person.
yes boss, you have great ideas

Bluefreedom's avatar

I seriously can’t remember the last lie I’ve told and maybe that’s a good thing. I’d like to think it shows that I’m currently on a roll when it comes to the honesty department.

robmandu's avatar

I was recently instructed to lie. And I refused.

It was for a meaningless item and intended only as a way to reduce unnecessary chatter. And yet, I still said no. People are crazy sometimes.

casheroo's avatar

I am not exactly lying, but withholding the truth. I have not told my parents I’m pregnant yet and wish I could keep it that way until the birth lol. I’m going to hold off until I’m 12 weeks, possibly longer if I’m not showing.

1000oceans's avatar

i totally called in today and i am here on fluther.

i could of just said i was sick but, for whatever reason it didn’t seem like enough so i said

“i was at a friends bringing her soup yesterday and tylenol because she had a fever and felt ill and she must of had the stomache flu because i am just not feeling it today..nauseous sorta..”

i also did it right when i woke up so i sounded groggy…

who wants to go to 3 hour long meetings

monsoon's avatar

@1000oceans, I always call in sick the second I wake up so that I sound sick. : )

Hambayuti's avatar

Just an hour ago. My husband asked me if I just started ironing our clothes when he saw that I had started preparing to do so 3 hours ago. I said “No, of course not. It just looks like I am but I already kept those that I’ve done.” When truth is, I was just really starting. because I was running back and forth from my ironing area to my laptop, fluthering of course =P

Phobia's avatar

Question from my manager: “Our FAP for the internet has exceeded the threshold, have you downloaded anything recently using our internet?”

Answer: “Of course not. Lately, I haven’t had time for the internet here at work. It’s been too busy.”

Truth: I downloaded a few game demos that I’ve been wanting to try.

robmandu's avatar

GA, @Phobia! I wonder how your company measures fap content and what that threshold is? Very enlightened.

Phobia's avatar

@robmandu Heh…heh….heh…...makes you wonder what games I downloaded now doesn’t it?

F.A.P. (for those who are thinking I’m fapping it at work now)

CMaz's avatar

I never lie.

CMaz's avatar

The last lie I told was that I never lie.

robmandu's avatar

@cash, waiting until the end of the first trimester to share the news isn’t lying. It’s prudent.

OTOH, you did tell the whole Interwebs…

Bri_L's avatar

I have responded with “nothing” when asked “what’s wrong”

casheroo's avatar

@robmandu I’ve got nothing to lose with telling the interwebs

loser's avatar

“I’m fine.”

prude's avatar

I tell the people at work I am “drug free”

El_Cadejo's avatar

At work
“No really, no bother at all.”
people drive me fucking crazy….

Mamradpivo's avatar

I told a coworker that I hoped she has a nice weekend. That was a total lie.

Berserker's avatar

Last weekend I told my friend I had to work on the weekend because I didn’t feel like hanging out with her. I was lying, I didn’t have to work.
Worse about this is, she could find out so easily…but she trusted me. Ha ha, may I rot in hell.

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